  • Sarpedon
  • Sarpedon
  • Sarpedon (pronounced: /sɑrˈpiːdən,_-ˈpiːdɒn/; Ancient Greek: Σαρπηδών; gen.: Σαρπηδόνος) was a common name in ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire.
  • Prince Sarpedon was a character in Xena: Warrior Princess. He was the son of King Lynaeus and lover to the princess Ileandra. He only appeared in the episode For Him the Bell Tolls.
  • Sarpedon was a Celerity Demon who captured guardian angels to help him survive the pending threat of the Avatars.
  • Sarpedon is the current Chapter Master of the Soul Drinkers Chapter of Renegade Space Marines who were exiled from the Imperium of Man as a result of their unwitting corruption by Chaos. Sarpedon was made Chapter Master by the acclamation of his Battle-Brothers after defeating Chapter Master Gorgoleon in an honour duel called the Shield-Rites. During the duel his body mutated, growing 8 arachnid legs. One was replaced with a bionic leg after losing it to Vorp, a Champion of Nurgle.
  • thumb|199px|Sarpedon antes de su mutación Sarpedon es el actual Señor del Capítulo del Capítulo Renegado de los Bebedores de Almas, que fueron exiliados del Imperio de la Humanidad por ser involuntariamente corrompidos por el Caos. Sarpedon fue nombrado Señor por aclamación de sus Hermanos de Batalla tras derrotar a su predecesor, Gorgoleon, en un duelo de honor conocido como los Ritos del Escudo. Durante el duelo su cuerpo mutó, creciéndole ocho patas de araña. Una fue reemplazada con un implante biónico tras perderla luchando contra Vorp, un Campeón de Nurgle.
  • Initial reports indicated Sarpedon was captain of the fifth company of the Twelvers, but when he arrived at Beltagor's Deep he was co-captain of the sixth company with Glaucas. Reports also indicated that their company was double strength, serving to reinforce rumours that surviving brothers of the Victrix Astartes had been incorporated into the Twelvers.
Portrayed By
  • Yes
Only appearance
  • Hazel
  • *Smoking *Hyper Speed *Super Strength *Energy Balls *Fireballs *Summoning
  • Brown
  • Sarpedon
  • *Bladed Gloves *Sarpedon's Amulet
  • 2004
  • Himself
  • *Immortality *High Resistance
  • White
  • Male
  • Sarpedon (pronounced: /sɑrˈpiːdən,_-ˈpiːdɒn/; Ancient Greek: Σαρπηδών; gen.: Σαρπηδόνος) was a common name in ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire.
  • Prince Sarpedon was a character in Xena: Warrior Princess. He was the son of King Lynaeus and lover to the princess Ileandra. He only appeared in the episode For Him the Bell Tolls.
  • Sarpedon is the current Chapter Master of the Soul Drinkers Chapter of Renegade Space Marines who were exiled from the Imperium of Man as a result of their unwitting corruption by Chaos. Sarpedon was made Chapter Master by the acclamation of his Battle-Brothers after defeating Chapter Master Gorgoleon in an honour duel called the Shield-Rites. During the duel his body mutated, growing 8 arachnid legs. One was replaced with a bionic leg after losing it to Vorp, a Champion of Nurgle. Sarpedon had a Force Staff made of the now rare material known as nalwood from the desert world of Tanith which dated from the period before Tanith's forests were reduced to wasteland. It was later replaced with the Howling Griffons' Lord Librarian Mercaeno's Force Axe, after the staff was broken in a duel with the Librarian. During the duel, Mercaeno psychically created his own version of Hell and recreated the Throne-Temple of Periclitor (a powerful Daemon Prince dispatched by Mercaeno himself). During the course of the duel, Sarpedon gained, lost and then regained control of Mercaeno's psychic world. Each time control of the psychic world shifted, so did the environment the two fought in. The worlds recreated included the Daemon World of Ve'meth, the Temple of Rogal Dorn aboard the Battle Barge Glory, and the world of Stratix Luminae. Ultimately, the two returned to the original location, the deck of the Herald of Desolation (a Black Ship incorporated into the Space Hulk Brokenback). There the duel continued until Mercaeno emerged victorious. Fortunately for Sarpedon, before Mercaeno can deliver the death-blow, he was slain by the previous Chapter Master of the Soul Drinkers, Eumenes, wielding the Soulspear. Most recently, Sarpedon was defeated in single combat by Captain Darnath Lysander of the Imperial Fists' 1st Company, and finally taken into Imperial custody aboard their Chapter flagship, Phalanx. Sarpedon and his wayward kin were forced to stand trial before a court composed of Imperial Fists' officers and representatives of the Inquisition as well as the Iron Knights, Crimson Fists, Howling Griffons, Silver Skulls, Doom Eagles and Angels Sanguine Chapters. During the trial, Imperial Fists Scouts investigated a world that was the supposed location of the mysterious Daenyathos to awaken him. Daenyathos was a Venerable Dreadnought, residing within an Adamantium Dreadnought sarcophagus. The Dreadnought then set in motion the last piece of an elaborate plan that had spanned over six millennia. His allies, the Daemon Prince Abraxes and Chaplain Iktinos and his flock, attempted to take over the Phalanx in the hope of using both the mobile fortress-monastery and the daemon's power to topple the Imperium. The remaining Soul Drinkers refused to accept this, and while they managed to eventually banish Abraxes to the Warp, Sarpedon confronted Daenyathos, besting him in personal combat with the help of the sacred artefact called the Soul Spear. Sarpedon ripped the ancient warrior from his Dreadnought exoskeleton and then faced the representatives of the different Chapters and the Inquisition, who had defeated the remaining daemons. He issued to them a warning to beware of Chaotic corruption caused by following one's beliefs too blindly. He reminded them all to strive for the Imperial Truth, before dragging the withered form of Daenyathos through a Warp Gate and following the last two surviving Soul Drinkers into a final confrontation against the powers of the Warp. Sarpedon's final fate remains unknown to the Imperium.
  • Sarpedon was a Celerity Demon who captured guardian angels to help him survive the pending threat of the Avatars.
  • Initial reports indicated Sarpedon was captain of the fifth company of the Twelvers, but when he arrived at Beltagor's Deep he was co-captain of the sixth company with Glaucas. Reports also indicated that their company was double strength, serving to reinforce rumours that surviving brothers of the Victrix Astartes had been incorporated into the Twelvers. Sarpedon is considered by his brothers to be the most professional battlefield commander in the chapter, eschewing personally glory to direct the action from his Damocles command Rhino. Few can argue the merits of this position, as his results have been consistent overwhelming victories at low cost.
  • thumb|199px|Sarpedon antes de su mutación Sarpedon es el actual Señor del Capítulo del Capítulo Renegado de los Bebedores de Almas, que fueron exiliados del Imperio de la Humanidad por ser involuntariamente corrompidos por el Caos. Sarpedon fue nombrado Señor por aclamación de sus Hermanos de Batalla tras derrotar a su predecesor, Gorgoleon, en un duelo de honor conocido como los Ritos del Escudo. Durante el duelo su cuerpo mutó, creciéndole ocho patas de araña. Una fue reemplazada con un implante biónico tras perderla luchando contra Vorp, un Campeón de Nurgle. Sarpedon poseía un Báculo de Energía hecho de la ahora escasa madera de nal procedente del mundo de Tanith. Posteriormente lo sustituyó con el Hacha de Energía del Bibliotecario Mercaeno de los Grifos Aullantes después de que este le rompiera el Báculo en un duelo. Durante el duelo, Mercaeno creó psíquicamente su propia versión del Infierno y recreó el Templo-Trono de Periclitor (un poderoso Príncipe Demonio enviado por el propio Mercaeno), y a lo largo del combate Sarpedon obtuvo, perdió y recuperó el control sobre el mundo psíquico de Mercaeno. Cada vez que el control sobre el mundo psíquico cambió de manos, también lo hizo el ambiente en el que ambos luchaban. Los mundos recreados incluyeron el Mundo Demoníaco de Ve'meth, el Templo de Rogal Dorn a bordo de la Barcaza de Batalla Gloria, y el mundo de Stratix Luminae. thumb|left|350px|Sarpedon mutado, por Kat Nicholson.Al final, ambos regresaron a su posición original, la cubierta de la Heraldo de la Desolación (una Nave Negra incorporada en el Pecio Espacial Espinazo Roto). Allí continuaron el duelo hasta que Mercaeno se alzó con la victoria. Afortunadamente para Sarpedon, antes de que Mercaeno pudiese descargar el golpe de gracia este fue asesinado por su rival por el puesto de Señor del Capítulo, Eumenes, que blandía la Lanza de las Almas. Más recientemente, Sarpedon fue derrotado en combate singular por el Primer Capitán Darnath Lysander de los Puños Imperiales, y finalmente tomado bajo custodia imperial a bordo de su nave insignia, la Phalanx. Sarpedon y sus díscolos hermanos fueron juzgados ante un tribunal formado por oficiales de los Puños Imperiales y representantes de la Inquisición, los Caballeros de Hierro, los Puños Carmesíes, los Grifos Aullantes, los Cráneos Plateados, los Águilas de la Perdición y los Ángeles Sanguinarios. Durante el juicio, unos Exploradores de los Puños Imperiales investigaron un planeta en el que se suponía que se encontraba el misterioso Dreadnought Venerable Daenyathos a fin de despertarle. Entonces, Daenyathos puso en marcha la última pieza de un elaborado plan que se había desarrollado a lo largo de seis milenios. Sus aliados, el Príncipe Demonio Abraxes y el Capellán Iktinos al frente de sus seguidores, intentaron tomar la Phalanx con la intención de combinar su poder con el del Príncipe Demonio para derribar al Imperio. thumb|336px|Bebedores de Almas luchando contra los Eldars Oscuros.Los restantes Bebedores de Almas se negaron a aceptar esto, y mientras lograban expulsar a Abraxes a la Disformidad, Sarpedon se enfrentó a Daenyathos, superándole en combate singular con la ayuda de la sagrada Lanza de las Almas. Sarpedon arrancó al antiguo guerrero de su exoesqueleto Dreadnought y después se encaró con los representantes de los distintos Capítulos y de la Inquisición, que habían derrotado a los demás Demonios. Les dio una advertencia a todos ellos de que estuvieran alerta ante la corrupción caótica provocada por seguir demasiado ciegamente una creencia. Les recordó a todos que debían esforzarse por seguir la Verdad Imperial, y después arrastró a la marchita forma de Daenyathos por una puerta disforme acompañado de los dos últimos Bebedores de Almas para enfrentarse por última vez a los poderes de la Disformidad. El destino final de Sarpedon es desconocido para el Imperio.
is Chapter Master of
is Played of
is Owner(s) of
is Señor del Capítulo of