  • Americans Hate Tingle
  • This is the opposite of Germans Love David Hasselhoff: A character or entertainer who is fairly popular in one region becomes The Scrappy in another market. The most common reason for this is usually Values Dissonance, as things that seem normal or relatable in one culture can be seen as offensive, baffling, or just plain stupid in another. Another reason for it can be that a character is supposed to represent the nation that hates them, and this character is seen as offensively stereotypical. In the worst cases, the hatedom of a single character can result in No Export for You for an entire series (something some people are probably going to be grateful for).
  • This is the opposite of Germans Love David Hasselhoff: A character or entertainer who is fairly popular in one region becomes The Scrappy in another market. The most common reason for this is usually Values Dissonance, as things that seem normal or relatable in one culture can be seen as offensive, baffling, or just plain stupid in another. Another reason for it can be that a character is supposed to represent the nation that hates them, and this character is seen as offensively stereotypical. In the worst cases, the hatedom of a single character can result in No Export for You for an entire series (something some people are probably going to be grateful for). This trope is sometimes referred to as "Americans Hate Soccer (Football)", due to the infamous Vocal Hatedom in the US against the said sport, and more preference towards American Football. (The subsequent Opinion Myopia and Flame War between the sport's fans and haters has also been notable). See also The Scrappy. Please do not use this page as a place for Complaining About People Not Liking the Show. Also, it's not enough to simply say something is hated. You have to say why it's hated. See Also: Cross Cultural Kerfluffle. Contrast with its polar opposite, Germans Love David Hasselhoff. Examples of Americans Hate Tingle include: