  • Uttaberry plant
  • The uttaberry plant is a fruit-bearing bush native to the planet Betazed. Uttaberries had an appearance similar to Earth blueberries, and presumably a similar flavor. They were a favorite of Betazoid Ambassador Lwaxana Troi. Uttaberries are often used to make wine. A crop of the berries were ruined due to bombardment by chroniton particles on a farming colony in the Maltese asteroid belt (TNG comic: "Space Seeds")
  • The uttaberry plant is a fruit-bearing bush native to the planet Betazed. Uttaberries had an appearance similar to Earth blueberries, and presumably a similar flavor. They were a favorite of Betazoid Ambassador Lwaxana Troi. Uttaberries are often used to make wine. A crop of the berries were ruined due to bombardment by chroniton particles on a farming colony in the Maltese asteroid belt (TNG comic: "Space Seeds")