  • Hundred Year War
  • The One Hundred Year is a pivotal event in the Golden Age Arc.
  • Taking advantage of the absence of the Avatar and using their economical, technological, and military superiority for most of the war, the Fire Nation was able to wreak worldwide destruction and widespread loss of life in the other nations. The war began in 0 AG with the infamous genocide of the Air Nomads, whose air temples were falsely presumed to be unassailable to the Fire Nation due to the Air Nomads possessing the sole means of getting to them. Following the destruction of the Air Nomads, the Fire Nation launched a massive coordinated invasion on the western Earth Kingdom. For the next one hundred years, the Fire Nation slowly advanced into the Earth Kingdom and established several colonies on the mainland. The Fire Nation also initiated raids on the Northern and Southern Water Tribe
  • * Fire Nation * Fire Nation colonies * Dai Li
  • * Air Nomads † * Earth Kingdom * Northern Water Tribe * Southern Water Tribe * Foggy Swamp Tribe * Team Avatar * Order of the White Lotus
  • Heavy military Casualties
  • Heavy casualties for the alliance nations * Near-total tradication of the Air Nomads * Heavy military and civilian casualties for the Earth Kingdom * Widespread infrastructure and structural damages to many Earth Kingdom cities and villages * Extreme casualties for the Southern Water Tribe * Moderate casualties for the Northern Water Tribe
  • Battle at Wulong Forest, Summer 100 AG
  • "The Boy in the Iceberg"
  • Air Nomad Genocide, Autumn 0 AG
  • * Fire Lord Sozin † * Fire Lord Azulon † * Fire Lord Ozai * War Minister Qin * General Iroh * Admiral Zhao † * Princess Azula * Dai Li representative
  • * Avatar Aang * Council of Elders † * 51st Earth King † * Earth King Kuei * Chief Arnook * Chief Hakoda * Grand Lotus Iroh * Council of Five * Prince Zuko * King Bumi ---- * Grand Secretariat Long Feng
  • * Air Nomad Genocide * Southern Water Tribe raids * Siege of Ba Sing Se * Siege of the North * Coup of Ba Sing Se * Invasion of the Fire Nation * Liberation of Ba Sing Se * Comet-Enhanced Agni Kai * Battle at Wulong Forest
  • "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang"
  • * Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe victory. * Ba Sing Se liberated. * Beginning of Harmony Restoration Movement and the eventual establishment of the United Republic of Nations. * Air Nomads genocide. All Air Nomads are killed by the Fire Nation. * Major advancements in battle and travel technologies occur. * Bloodbending invented. * Metalbending invented. * Energybending is rediscovered. * Conspiracy in Ba Sing Se discovered. * Fire Lord Ozai is overthrown and loses his bending. * Exiled Crown Prince Zuko ascends the throne and becomes Fire Lord Zuko. * Fire Lord Zuko begins reconstruction. * Ozai's loyalists purged from new Fire Nation government.
  • Earth
  • The One Hundred Year is a pivotal event in the Golden Age Arc.
  • Taking advantage of the absence of the Avatar and using their economical, technological, and military superiority for most of the war, the Fire Nation was able to wreak worldwide destruction and widespread loss of life in the other nations. The war began in 0 AG with the infamous genocide of the Air Nomads, whose air temples were falsely presumed to be unassailable to the Fire Nation due to the Air Nomads possessing the sole means of getting to them. Following the destruction of the Air Nomads, the Fire Nation launched a massive coordinated invasion on the western Earth Kingdom. For the next one hundred years, the Fire Nation slowly advanced into the Earth Kingdom and established several colonies on the mainland. The Fire Nation also initiated raids on the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, which devastated the South, while the North managed to remain relatively untouched for almost a century. By 99 AG, the Fire Nation had effectively eradicated the Air Nomads, virtually annihilated the Southern Water Tribe, and controlled almost the entirety of the Earth Kingdom, to the point of near victory. The last strongholds able to defend themselves were the Northern Water Tribe and the Earth Kingdom cities of Omashu and Ba Sing Se. Upon the Avatar's return in 99 AG, the Fire Nation undertook a far more aggressive plan of attack, taking bigger risks to deliver devastating blows to their opposition and render any possible intervention from Avatar Aang too late. This strategy resulted in colossal setbacks for the Fire Nation when the Avatar became involved. Notably, the Fire Nation launched a massive invasion of the North Pole, after they realized that Aang was taking refuge there, and suffered a crushing defeat at the last second when the Ocean Spirit and Avatar merged to intervene. Similarly, an effort to breach the walls of Ba Sing Se utilizing a giant drill was also thwarted. Despite these setbacks, several victories were also won including the surrender of Omashu and the infiltration and Fall of Ba Sing Se, leaving the Northern Water Tribe as the last remaining stronghold to Fire Nation hegemony. In an effort to turn the tide of the War, an army assembled from the remnants of the Southern Water Tribe and members of the Foggy Swamp Tribe and Earth Kingdom attempted an invasion of the Fire Nation Capital on the Day of Black Sun in mid 100 AG, when firebenders were powerless and as such incapable of defending against a siege. The invasion ultimately failed, with nearly all members of the invasion force captured by the Fire Nation. Nevertheless, the Hundred Year War ended roughly a year following the reappearance of the Avatar due to a combination of efforts of the remaining two nations, the Avatar's group's destruction of the air fleet meant to use Sozin's Comet to deliver the killing blow to the Earth Kingdom, Aang's victory over Phoenix King Ozai, and the newly crowned Fire Lord Zuko's intention to restore peace and harmony among the four nations. However, the Hundred Year War had changed the world forever; one whole nation and its unique bending art had been virtually wiped out, and it would only slightly recover in the following 70 years. The Fire Nation had become an ethnocentric and autocratic dictatorship, and much effort had to be applied to restore a tolerant attitude among its people as well as its image among the other nations, which had come to hate the country after a century of conflict that it initiated. On the contrary, great technological and industrial advancements had been conducted by both the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom during the war. The different nations had also blended to create new and diverse cultures in the older Fire Nation colonies, which eventually led to the foundation of the United Republic of Nations, a new sovereign state comprised of a multitude of citizens from all nations.
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