  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Neben dem äußeren Erscheinungsbild, das insbesondere durch eine blaue Hautfarbe und leuchtend rote Augen besticht, halten sich die Chiss dezent im Hintergrund. Durch ihren Heimlichtuerischen und berechnenden Charakter ist kaum etwas über das Physische Leben der Chiss bekannt, was hauptsächlich auf der Tatsache basiert, dass die Chiss stets versuchen, ihre Spezies zu schützen. Im Laufe der Evolution entstand so ihre blaue Hautfarbe, da sich in der Hydrosphäre des Planeten ein blau tönendes Mineral befindet.
  • The Chiss were a blue-skinned, near-human sentient species that possessed red eyes and dark blue hair. Their government was known as the Chiss Ascendancy and ruled over a portion of the Unknown Regions. They had little contact with the rest of the galaxy, and until Grand Admiral Thrawn's ascent in the ranks of the Galactic Empire, their existence was regarded as mostly a legend even within the Unknown Regions.
  • Chiss are blue-skinned humanoids from the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions. They are available as playable under the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter classes. The Chiss Ascendancy has sworn allegiance to the Sith Empire. Their political independence has been largely preserved due to this alliance, as has their privacy. However, aside from this agreement, the Chiss Ascendancy has been known to conduct independent reconnaissance missions.
  • The Chiss were a tall, blue-skinned Near-Human civilization from the Unknown Regions, best known as the people to which Grand Admiral Thrawn belonged. Due to the remote position of their home territory in the Chiss Ascendancy they remained largely an enigma to the rest of the galaxy, and contact with outsiders was limited even in the days of the Galactic Alliance.
  • The Chiss were a blue humanoid race in the galaxy.
  • Average Height: 1.8m Average Lifespan: 80 years Note: As near-humans, if you wish to play a Chiss, choose 'Human' in chargen.
  • frame|Especie ChissLos chiss son una especie humanoide del planeta Csilla, en las Regiones Desconocidas. Están disponibles para ser jugables en las clases Agente Imperial y Cazarrecompensas.
  • Un chiss, el Gran Almirante Thrawn, formó parte de los esfuerzos del Imperio Galáctico por combatir a una rebelión temprana durante los años previos a la Batalla de Yavin. Poco después de la Batalla de Yavin, el senador Johhar Kessen adquirió los servicios de varias mercenarias chiss.
  • Chiss resembles a porcupine, but is considered an evil spirit. It is the size of a ten-bushel basket and its sharp quills resemble arrows and make it look four times bigger than it really is. It has the ability to shoot its quills from its body. It apparently does not have the ability to grow new quills, as it must gather up its quills and put them back in its body after firing them.
  • [Source] Les Chiss étaient des humanoïdes possédant une peau bleu, des yeux rouges et des cheveux de couleurs sombres. Ils étaient originaires de Csilla, une planète des Régions Inconnues. Un Chiss, le Grand Amiral Thrawn, prit part à la lutte contre les rebelles au cours des années qui précédèrent la bataille de Yavin. Peu de temps après la bataille de Yavin, le sénateur Johhar Kessen employa les services de plusieurs mercenaires Chiss.
  • Die Chiss sind eine humanoide Spezies, die in dem Chiss-System, einem System in den Unbekannten Regionen der Galaxis, lebt. Sie besaßen einen Sektor, den sie Chiss-Raum nannten. Ihr ursprünglicher Heimatplanet ist Csilla. Ein bekannter Vertreter dieser Spezies ist der Imperiale Großadmiral Thrawn. Kategorie:Spezies
  • Die Chiss sind eine humanoide Spezies, die in dem Chiss-System, einem System in den Unbekannten Regionen der Galaxis, lebt. Sie besaßen einen Sektor, den sie Chiss-Raum nannten. Ihr ursprünglicher Heimatplanet ist Csilla. Ein bekannter Vertreter dieser Spezies ist der Imperiale Großadmiral Thrawn. Kategorie:Spezies
  • I Chiss sono alti più o meno quanto gli Umani ma riconoscibili per via della pelle blu e gli occhi di colore rosso. I capelli solitamente sono di colore scuro, solitamente nero/blu. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ]
  • The Chiss species can't be chosen as a vendor species by a trader.
  • Os Chiss eram uma espécie senciente humanoide de pele azul que possuíam olhos vermelhos e cabelos azuis escuro. Um Chiss, Grão-Almirante Thrawn, fez parte dos esforços imperiais para combater a rebelião nos anos anteriores à Batalha de Yavin. Pouco depois da Batalha de Yavin, Senador Johhar Kessen contratou os serviços de várias fêmeas Chiss mercenárias.
  • The Chiss were a spacefaring race in the Unknown Regions. Nathaniel Kenobi once assisted the Chiss against the Yuuzhan Vong.
  • Chiss is a creature that lives in the Land of Oz and causes trouble along the Yellow Brick Road in the Munchkin Country. Chiss resembles a porcupine, but is considered an evil spirit. It is the size of a ten-bushel basket and its sharp quills resemble arrows and make it look four times bigger than it really is. It has the ability to shoot its quills from its body. It apparently does not have the ability to grow new quills, as it must gather up its quills and put them back in its body after firing them.
  • As a race, the near-human Chiss were well-muscled and tall, with jet black hair and glowing red eyes. Their skin ranged in color from pale to dark blue, depending on the amount of oxygen contained in the air they breathed. It was believed that their eye color was also enhanced by the presence of more oxygen in the environment. Within Chiss society, children matured very quickly, never truly having an adolescent period before becoming adults. It was unclear if this was an evolutionary development, or simply a societal or cultural effect.
  • Homeworld: Csilla Description: Csilla is identified as the homeworld of the Chiss. Csilla is cold world of glaciers and snowy wastes located deep within Chiss Space, and serves as the capital of the Chiss Empire. Glaciers cover the normally warm equatorial regions of the planet, while solid ice locked the poles in perpetual winter. In order to survive, the Chiss had to build energy-efficient warrens beneath the ice, as close to the warmth of the inner planet as possible. Underground travel routes connect the various underground sections of Csilla. The iceways were bored through the bedrock of the planet, so that they were unaffected by the shifting ice found on the planet's surface. Specialized carriages moved passengers and cargo through the tunnels. Locked in ice for decades, Csilla has
  • This race of blue-skinned humanoids was from the planet Csilla, in the Unknown Regions. Their homeworld was locked in a planet-wide ice age many millennia ago, and they were forced to flee the planet as a species in order to survive. They are all well-muscled and tall, with jet black hair and glowing red eyes. While their history has been marked by nearly continual warfare and conquest of other worlds, the Chiss are generally not violent. They prefer to extend themselves only from a defensive posture, and viewed the idea of a pre-emptive strike against an enemy as if it were murder. Within Chiss society, children matured very quickly, never truly having an adolescent period before becoming adults. The Chiss and baseline Humans regarded each other as aliens, but genetic studies have indicat
  • Chiss were from a secret homeworld that no one had ever visited. No one even knew its name, which was Csilla. The Chiss remained undiscovered by the Galactic Republic for years... despite the fact that people on Coruscant were somehow speaking their language.
  • Chiss, es una niña de once años muy mimada. Tiene mucho dinero y suele vestirse con ropas infantiles. Su mansión, es gigantesca y los seres que mejor le caen son: Sus padres, su prima Megan y su Persian Percy. Aunque es un poco mandona, es muy amigable y cotorra. No puede parar de hablar. Aunque aún solo tiene un Pokémon, ella se considera una belleza. Cuando se cae, llora desconsoladamente. Varias veces, fastidia a su prima Megan solo por diversión. Aunque ella, no sabe, que a veces la tele de su cuarto se cambia sola porque dentro hay un Rotom, ni tampoco sabe que el microondas se estropea a veces porque hay una Rinat, tampoco sabe que en el sótano hay una familia de Porygon formada por un Porygon, un Porygon 2 y un Porygon Z. Pero, lo que desde luego nunca sabra es que en su ordenador h
  • The Chiss were a tall humanoid species, marked out from the majority of mainstream Galactic civilization by their pure blue skin, gleaming black hair, and glowing red eyes. Physically striking and instantly recognizable, and armed with a typically cool and disciplined manner, the mystique of the Chiss was further increased by the remote location of their territory in the Unknown Regions beyond the Outer Rim. But this remoteness also meant that they were largely disconnected from the galaxyspanning nexus of hyperspace travel and subspace communications that bound together the Old Republic, Empire and New Republic in turn, and thus detached from the associated pan-Galactic networks of economic, cultural and political contacts.
  • Чис
  • Чис
  • Noir
  • Bipédie
Row 4 info
  • L. Frank Baum
  • Azul oscuro
  • Glühende rote Augen, Blaue Haut
  • Une paire, rouge
Row 1 info
  • Chiss
Row 4 title
  • Created by
  • 250
  • Blau
Row 2 info
  • The Patchwork Girl of Oz
  • Azul
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Rojo
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • fff
  • Rot
  • Humanoid
Row 3 info
  • Reilly & Britton
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
  • Bleu
Box Title
  • Chiss
  • 치스
  • 치스
  • 치스
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Humanoïde
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Vermelho
  • Azul escuro
  • Intelligent
  • 1.700000
  • 170
Bekannte Vertreter
  • Cheunh
  • Cheunh, many also spoke the trade languages Sy Bisti and Minnisiat
  • Chiss
  • Chissowie
  • Chissowie
  • 1.7
  • Red
  • 250
  • Чиссы
  • Чиссы
  • Чиссы/Канон
  • Чиссы/Канон
  • Sith Empire
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Glowing red eyes
  • Physically striking
  • Chiss
  • Chissit
  • Chissit
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn.png
  • チス
  • チス
  • Chiss
  • Senciente
  • Dark blue
  • Gleaming Black
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • ffffff
  • Chiss
  • Chiss
  • Thrawn.jpg
  • Chiss.jpg
  • Thrawn.jpg
  • *Chiss Prime *Naporar *Celwis *Cioral *Csaus *Kinoss
  • Neben dem äußeren Erscheinungsbild, das insbesondere durch eine blaue Hautfarbe und leuchtend rote Augen besticht, halten sich die Chiss dezent im Hintergrund. Durch ihren Heimlichtuerischen und berechnenden Charakter ist kaum etwas über das Physische Leben der Chiss bekannt, was hauptsächlich auf der Tatsache basiert, dass die Chiss stets versuchen, ihre Spezies zu schützen. Im Laufe der Evolution entstand so ihre blaue Hautfarbe, da sich in der Hydrosphäre des Planeten ein blau tönendes Mineral befindet.
  • The Chiss were a tall humanoid species, marked out from the majority of mainstream Galactic civilization by their pure blue skin, gleaming black hair, and glowing red eyes. Physically striking and instantly recognizable, and armed with a typically cool and disciplined manner, the mystique of the Chiss was further increased by the remote location of their territory in the Unknown Regions beyond the Outer Rim. But this remoteness also meant that they were largely disconnected from the galaxyspanning nexus of hyperspace travel and subspace communications that bound together the Old Republic, Empire and New Republic in turn, and thus detached from the associated pan-Galactic networks of economic, cultural and political contacts. There is, in fact, evidence that intermittent, clandestine and low-level encounters between the Chiss and groups within the Old Republic had been ongoing for perhaps four millennia prior to the era of the Galactic Civil War; but these encounters left no visible, lasting impression on the galaxy as a whole, and the isolation of the Chiss can be gauged by the fact that they remained largely unaware of standard languages such as Huttese and Basic, with communications with outsiders being conducted instead through local trade-languages such as Minnisiat. The pace of contact began to accelerate shortly before the Clone Wars, but it was only after the Battle of Endor that the Chiss became visible for the first time on the wider Galactic stage—largely due to the rise to prominence of the exiled warrior named Thrawn, a military genius who became the only non-Human Grand Admiral in the Imperial Starfleet. Thrawn’s distinctive character has undoubtedly influenced subsequent popular perceptions of the Chiss as cool, enigmatic warriors, but he was a highly controversial figure among his own people, and two points must be borne in mind when considering the pattern of this and subsequent contacts. Firstly, interaction between outsiders and the Chiss remained largely restricted to encounters with military personnel, and the primarily martial nature of these encounters may not have reflected Chiss society as a whole. Moreover, it must also be appreciated that contact was made at this time with two distinct and entirely independent Chiss military forces, apparently reflecting two sharply diverging trends in Chiss opinion. The first of these was Thrawn’s own Household Phalanx, personally loyal to him and his ideals, and allied with the Imperial forces that he brought to the Unknown Regions—the faction that came to be known as the Empire of the Hand. The other group was the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, which served the Chiss Ascendancy, the government which exiled Thrawn in around 20 BBY for breaking its strict codes of military conduct, and which apparently commanded the loyalty, or at least the acceptance, of the vast bulk of the Chiss population. The frequent confusion between the CEDF and the House Phalanx was just one indicator of how little the wider galaxy knew or understood about the Chiss. Although Thrawn’s fame ensured that they rapidly became one of the most iconic and instantly recognizable of all non-Human peoples, much about them remained mysterious to Galactic civilization at large, even as the Unknown Regions began to be opened up in the age of the Galactic Alliance. Moreover, what was known about them was often hard to fully understand, and sometimes seemed paradoxical—and that may well have been exactly how they wanted the rest of the galaxy to think of them.
  • The Chiss were a blue-skinned, near-human sentient species that possessed red eyes and dark blue hair. Their government was known as the Chiss Ascendancy and ruled over a portion of the Unknown Regions. They had little contact with the rest of the galaxy, and until Grand Admiral Thrawn's ascent in the ranks of the Galactic Empire, their existence was regarded as mostly a legend even within the Unknown Regions.
  • Homeworld: Csilla Description: Csilla is identified as the homeworld of the Chiss. Csilla is cold world of glaciers and snowy wastes located deep within Chiss Space, and serves as the capital of the Chiss Empire. Glaciers cover the normally warm equatorial regions of the planet, while solid ice locked the poles in perpetual winter. In order to survive, the Chiss had to build energy-efficient warrens beneath the ice, as close to the warmth of the inner planet as possible. Underground travel routes connect the various underground sections of Csilla. The iceways were bored through the bedrock of the planet, so that they were unaffected by the shifting ice found on the planet's surface. Specialized carriages moved passengers and cargo through the tunnels. Locked in ice for decades, Csilla has forced many socioeconomic and technological changes upon the Chiss, but few physical changes. Contrary to simplistic beliefs in a link between the Chiss skin color and the Csillan temperature, scientists have concluded that the Chiss’ blue skin is caused by a mineral found in the Csillan hydrosphere. Csilla is also home to the Expeditionary Library, which is a huge, underground library was maintained by the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, and contained written information on virtually every planet, moon, and star system ever encountered by the Chiss. It was unusual, not because it was underneath the ice, but because every volume contained in the Library was hand-written. Chiss culture is at the root of the disciplined species. Beyond their cold calculation, there are parts of Chiss culture that exhibit an intriguing mix of elegant beauty, which may be attributed to the differences caused in Chiss society after the glacial movement that plunged Csilla into its long ice age. Elements of the pre-glacial Chiss culture are visible in the smooth, striking lines of Chiss technology, as well as in Cheunh, the native tongue of the Chiss. Cheunh is a complex and creative language with an intricate syntax involving compound words made from a relatively small core of primary words, and the Chiss used detailed ideograms to represent concepts and combinations of images to represent complex ideas. A simple example of Cheunh can be seen in the three-part names used by the Chiss. For example, Grand Admiral Thrawn’s full name was Mitth'raw'nuruodo. The first component, “Mitth”, has an unknown meaning, but the second component “Raw” is the primary name, while the third component “Nuruodo” denotes a Chiss’ familial origins. The Chiss are also said to have incredible works of art, but none have ever been seen or described. Aspects of Chiss cultural practicality are visible in the Chiss societal divisions and approached to decision making. At birth, each Chiss claims affiliation to one of the four ruling families, whose divisions predate modern Chiss civilization. While the actual bloodlines are mixed and convoluted, the Houses are more than just as a cultural holdover, but rather a practical method of dividing Chiss society into focused, specialized segments. Chiss are taught to approach their areas of specialization with intense focus and harsh logic, driving Chiss culture to suppress emotion and avoid hasty emotions such as anger, fear and revenge. From this emotional coolness, and despite a socialist economic model, Chiss culture stresses individual responsibility and self-discipline. A strange diversion from this shrewd analysis is the Chiss consideration of a pre-emptive strike as equivalent to the most horrible murder, which can be considered a strategically necessary option in the appropriate circumstance. This unspoken law dated back nearly a millennium before the Battle of Endor, and was one of the strongest points of Chiss honor and morality. Within Chiss society, children matured very quickly, never truly having an adolescent period before becoming adults. The concept of open aggression is utterly alien to the Chiss. They do control a large expanse of the Unknown Regions, but this territory, divided into 28 colonies has been taken only as a matter of logic or self-defense, to better maintain Chiss society or to end the threat of a particular enemy.
  • Chiss are blue-skinned humanoids from the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions. They are available as playable under the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter classes. The Chiss Ascendancy has sworn allegiance to the Sith Empire. Their political independence has been largely preserved due to this alliance, as has their privacy. However, aside from this agreement, the Chiss Ascendancy has been known to conduct independent reconnaissance missions.
  • The Chiss were a tall, blue-skinned Near-Human civilization from the Unknown Regions, best known as the people to which Grand Admiral Thrawn belonged. Due to the remote position of their home territory in the Chiss Ascendancy they remained largely an enigma to the rest of the galaxy, and contact with outsiders was limited even in the days of the Galactic Alliance.
  • This race of blue-skinned humanoids was from the planet Csilla, in the Unknown Regions. Their homeworld was locked in a planet-wide ice age many millennia ago, and they were forced to flee the planet as a species in order to survive. They are all well-muscled and tall, with jet black hair and glowing red eyes. While their history has been marked by nearly continual warfare and conquest of other worlds, the Chiss are generally not violent. They prefer to extend themselves only from a defensive posture, and viewed the idea of a pre-emptive strike against an enemy as if it were murder. Within Chiss society, children matured very quickly, never truly having an adolescent period before becoming adults. The Chiss and baseline Humans regarded each other as aliens, but genetic studies have indicated that the two peoples were close biological cousins, and it is not clear whether the differences between them were the product of straightforward evolutionary divergence and differing planetary habitats, or the result of genetic engineering similar to that which produced such hybrid species as the Massassi, and the Myke. Outwardly, the Chiss were distinguished from baseline Humans by three clearly visible traits—blue skin, midnight-black hair, and glowing red eyes; but their blood was red, and a case can be made that all these superficial features were the result of external factors in the biosphere of the ice-locked planet Csilla, said to be their homeworld, or at least, the political, cultural and military center of their civilization. Beyond these potentially superficial differences, it is not clear how far the Chiss diverged from human norms. Although both Chiss and Humans speculated about distinct physiological differences, for instance in the vocal apparatus or skeletal structure, there is no really firm proof of stark evolutionary differences. It does seem that the Chiss possessed a faster-than-average metabolic rate, leading to a distinctively lean physique, and they were considered to have reached maturity by the age of ten or twelve; but there is nothing to say that the Chiss metabolic rate sits outside the range of known Human parameters, and it is not clear that their early maturity was a result of strictly genetic factors rather than cultural attitudes.
  • The Chiss were a blue humanoid race in the galaxy.
  • Chiss were from a secret homeworld that no one had ever visited. No one even knew its name, which was Csilla. The Chiss remained undiscovered by the Galactic Republic for years... despite the fact that people on Coruscant were somehow speaking their language. Eventually, they hired the Killiks as workers who promptly turned five of the Chiss ruling families into brain-slaves. This pissed off the remaining four, who pwned them. The Killiks in turn were coincidentally taken over by a few Dark Jedi, influencing them to start attacking the Chiss. The New Jedi Order stepped in and decided the bugs were morally correct.
  • Average Height: 1.8m Average Lifespan: 80 years Note: As near-humans, if you wish to play a Chiss, choose 'Human' in chargen.
  • frame|Especie ChissLos chiss son una especie humanoide del planeta Csilla, en las Regiones Desconocidas. Están disponibles para ser jugables en las clases Agente Imperial y Cazarrecompensas.
  • Chiss, es una niña de once años muy mimada. Tiene mucho dinero y suele vestirse con ropas infantiles. Su mansión, es gigantesca y los seres que mejor le caen son: Sus padres, su prima Megan y su Persian Percy. Aunque es un poco mandona, es muy amigable y cotorra. No puede parar de hablar. Aunque aún solo tiene un Pokémon, ella se considera una belleza. Cuando se cae, llora desconsoladamente. Varias veces, fastidia a su prima Megan solo por diversión. Aunque ella, no sabe, que a veces la tele de su cuarto se cambia sola porque dentro hay un Rotom, ni tampoco sabe que el microondas se estropea a veces porque hay una Rinat, tampoco sabe que en el sótano hay una familia de Porygon formada por un Porygon, un Porygon 2 y un Porygon Z. Pero, lo que desde luego nunca sabra es que en su ordenador hay metidos Pokémon virus y un... ¿Moteon? Bueno, siempre usa antivirus y no se da cuenta de que es inútil. Cuando se va a dormir, coge su Teddiursa de peluche y sube el Persian a su cama. Así duerme.
  • Un chiss, el Gran Almirante Thrawn, formó parte de los esfuerzos del Imperio Galáctico por combatir a una rebelión temprana durante los años previos a la Batalla de Yavin. Poco después de la Batalla de Yavin, el senador Johhar Kessen adquirió los servicios de varias mercenarias chiss.
  • Chiss is a creature that lives in the Land of Oz and causes trouble along the Yellow Brick Road in the Munchkin Country. Chiss resembles a porcupine, but is considered an evil spirit. It is the size of a ten-bushel basket and its sharp quills resemble arrows and make it look four times bigger than it really is. It has the ability to shoot its quills from its body. It apparently does not have the ability to grow new quills, as it must gather up its quills and put them back in its body after firing them. Ojo the Unlucky and his party encountered Chiss when it tried to block their path on their way to the Emerald City. The disagreeable creature threw its quills at them, but the Patchwork Girl shielded her friends. To punish the creature, the group took Chiss' quills and dropped them into a river so that he could not attack anyone again.
  • Chiss resembles a porcupine, but is considered an evil spirit. It is the size of a ten-bushel basket and its sharp quills resemble arrows and make it look four times bigger than it really is. It has the ability to shoot its quills from its body. It apparently does not have the ability to grow new quills, as it must gather up its quills and put them back in its body after firing them.
  • [Source] Les Chiss étaient des humanoïdes possédant une peau bleu, des yeux rouges et des cheveux de couleurs sombres. Ils étaient originaires de Csilla, une planète des Régions Inconnues. Un Chiss, le Grand Amiral Thrawn, prit part à la lutte contre les rebelles au cours des années qui précédèrent la bataille de Yavin. Peu de temps après la bataille de Yavin, le sénateur Johhar Kessen employa les services de plusieurs mercenaires Chiss.
  • Die Chiss sind eine humanoide Spezies, die in dem Chiss-System, einem System in den Unbekannten Regionen der Galaxis, lebt. Sie besaßen einen Sektor, den sie Chiss-Raum nannten. Ihr ursprünglicher Heimatplanet ist Csilla. Ein bekannter Vertreter dieser Spezies ist der Imperiale Großadmiral Thrawn. Kategorie:Spezies
  • Die Chiss sind eine humanoide Spezies, die in dem Chiss-System, einem System in den Unbekannten Regionen der Galaxis, lebt. Sie besaßen einen Sektor, den sie Chiss-Raum nannten. Ihr ursprünglicher Heimatplanet ist Csilla. Ein bekannter Vertreter dieser Spezies ist der Imperiale Großadmiral Thrawn. Kategorie:Spezies
  • I Chiss sono alti più o meno quanto gli Umani ma riconoscibili per via della pelle blu e gli occhi di colore rosso. I capelli solitamente sono di colore scuro, solitamente nero/blu. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ]
  • As a race, the near-human Chiss were well-muscled and tall, with jet black hair and glowing red eyes. Their skin ranged in color from pale to dark blue, depending on the amount of oxygen contained in the air they breathed. It was believed that their eye color was also enhanced by the presence of more oxygen in the environment. Much of their history was marked by nearly continual warfare and conquest of other worlds, but the Chiss were generally not considered to be violent. Instead, their military doctrine was founded on a defensive posture that viewed the idea of a preemptive strike against an enemy as if it were murder. This unspoken law dated back nearly a millennium before the Battle of Endor, and was one of the strongest points of Chiss honor and morality. Within Chiss society, children matured very quickly, never truly having an adolescent period before becoming adults. It was unclear if this was an evolutionary development, or simply a societal or cultural effect. Like many races that inhabited the Unknown Regions, the Chiss remained ignorant of the rest of the galaxy. They developed interplanetary and hyperspace flight on their own, but never developed anything that resembled droid technology. Chiss society was based on the existence of several ruling families, which were represented on the Ruling Circle and oversaw the control of the Chiss Ascendancy. They jealously guarded their systems within the Unknown Regions, and openly sought out new territory to bring under their control. Throughout their history, the Chiss repelled many invaders, although always after the invaders launched an initial against Chiss forces. Many of the scientists at the Astrographic Survey Institute believed that the Chiss were among the first races to come in contact with the Yuuzhan Vong, some fifty years before their initial invasion. They theorized that the Chiss understood the Yuuzhan Vong's military power, and began augmenting their own war machine to prepare to repel an invasion fleet. Unfortunately, the Chiss remained isolated in the Unknown Regions, and wouldn't allow contact with the New Republic after the Battle of Ithor. Chiss sages spent a great deal of time researching the Yuuzhan Vong, and eventually learned that it had taken the alien invaders many generations to cross the gulf between galaxies.
  • The Chiss species can't be chosen as a vendor species by a trader.
  • Os Chiss eram uma espécie senciente humanoide de pele azul que possuíam olhos vermelhos e cabelos azuis escuro. Um Chiss, Grão-Almirante Thrawn, fez parte dos esforços imperiais para combater a rebelião nos anos anteriores à Batalha de Yavin. Pouco depois da Batalha de Yavin, Senador Johhar Kessen contratou os serviços de várias fêmeas Chiss mercenárias.
  • The Chiss were a spacefaring race in the Unknown Regions. Nathaniel Kenobi once assisted the Chiss against the Yuuzhan Vong.
is Espèce of
is Especie of
is Einwanderer of
is especies of
is Specie of
is Druh of
is Espèces principales of
is otrasespecies of
is Spezies of
is Species of
is Race of
is Ureinwohner of
is arquitecto of