  • Incompetence
  • A puzzle world, apparently an Empty World. People who stay on Incompetence for any duration of time (more then a few hours) find it difficult to complete simple tasks. Visitors must make Will rolls every hour (with a -1 per hour since arrival). Any failure gives a accruing penalty on all rolls (penalties stack to a maximum of -4). On a critical failure the subject fails at everything (walking, talking, breathing at the appropriate rhythm, etc); this effect lasts several moments and might require a fright check. Ten consecutive failures will result in disadvantages (Absent Minded and Phantom Voices come to mind), which may become permanent if the subject stays on Incompetence.
  • 0
  • undiscovered
  • none
  • R3
  • Incompetence
  • none
Divergence point
  • Unknown.
  • 3
  • A puzzle world, apparently an Empty World. People who stay on Incompetence for any duration of time (more then a few hours) find it difficult to complete simple tasks. Visitors must make Will rolls every hour (with a -1 per hour since arrival). Any failure gives a accruing penalty on all rolls (penalties stack to a maximum of -4). On a critical failure the subject fails at everything (walking, talking, breathing at the appropriate rhythm, etc); this effect lasts several moments and might require a fright check. Ten consecutive failures will result in disadvantages (Absent Minded and Phantom Voices come to mind), which may become permanent if the subject stays on Incompetence. Infinity Patrol considered creating an outpost on Incompetence before they realized the dangerous effects of long term residence. Anything staying on Incompetence becomes unhealthy; this includes living things and inanimate structures. The unhealthiness of the native plant life is worrisome. The planet's ecosystem might not be stable; given that plants are the source of breathable air. The fact that there are plants at all is surprising, as there don't seem to be any animals (a misconceiving appearance). The Patrol is unaware of any of the buildings or people who live on Incompetence, but there are two abandoned camps other then the one left by the Patrol. One created by an unknown people, the other was made by psychics from Reich-5. The only living resident of Incompetence (beyond the extremely rare wild animal) is Darius, a survivor from the camps.