  • Ajah
  • Ajah
  • Ajah
  • Ajah
  • thumb|Sieben Ajah-Farben Ajah ist der Name der sieben verschiedenen Gruppen von Aes Sedai: die Blaue, die Braune, die Grüne, die Graue, die Rote, die Gelbe und die Weiße Ajah. Jede Ajah hat ihre eigenen spezifischen Absichten und Regeln und wird von ihrer eigenen internen Leiterin regiert. Nach dem Beitritt zu ihrer Ajah wird jeder neuen Aes Sedai ein mit Ranken bestickter Schal gegeben, der mit Fransen in der Farbe ihrer Ajah besetzt ist.
  • De Aes Sedai zijn sinds het Breken van de Wereld verdeeld in zeven verschillende Ajah. Iedere Ajah is bekend met een kleur en specialiseert zich in een bepaald aspect. * Rode Ajah >> beschermt de wereld tegen mannenlijke geleiders * Gele Ajah >> zusters die Heling bestuderen * Witte Ajah >> Ajah die zich wijd aan kille kennis en rekenkunde * Blauwe Ajah >> Aes Sedai die zich bezighouden met bestuur * Grijze Ajah >> Ajah die zich bezighoud met het oplossen van conflicten * Groene Ajah >> Aes Sedai die zich voorbereiden op Tarmon Gai'don (de Strijdende Ajah) * Bruine Ajah >> Aes Sedai die zich bezighouden met verloren kennis
  • The Aes Sedai are divided into seven Ajahs. Each Ajah has a different colour, and concentrates on a different aspect of the Aes Sedai's goals. Each Ajah also has its own internal hierarchy, and its own network of spies. * Blue Ajah * Brown Ajah * Gray Ajah * Green Ajah * Red Ajah * White Ajah * Yellow Ajah There is also a Black Ajah, who serve the Dark One, though its existence has been disputed for some time.
  • In the Age of Legends, ajah meant a temporary group of people banded together for a specific purpose. This carried over into the first few centuries after the Breaking, especially during the founding of the present White Tower, when there were more ajah than exist now. Elisane Tishar, the future first Amyrlin Seat, was one of more than twelve groups of women who 'Sat' each for her ajah. By 98 AB, the number of ajah decreased from this twelve to the current seven, though it is not known if these seven had any purpose that was close to the purposes of the current seven Ajahs, nor what the purposes of the lost ajah were. By the end of the second century AB, seven Ajahs were in existence, and the lowercase form of ajah was no longer in use.
  • Le Sette Ajah sono i gruppi che diedero vita all'organizzazione delle Aes Sedai alla Torre Bianca.
  • thumb|Sieben Ajah-Farben Ajah ist der Name der sieben verschiedenen Gruppen von Aes Sedai: die Blaue, die Braune, die Grüne, die Graue, die Rote, die Gelbe und die Weiße Ajah. Jede Ajah hat ihre eigenen spezifischen Absichten und Regeln und wird von ihrer eigenen internen Leiterin regiert. Nach dem Beitritt zu ihrer Ajah wird jeder neuen Aes Sedai ein mit Ranken bestickter Schal gegeben, der mit Fransen in der Farbe ihrer Ajah besetzt ist.
  • De Aes Sedai zijn sinds het Breken van de Wereld verdeeld in zeven verschillende Ajah. Iedere Ajah is bekend met een kleur en specialiseert zich in een bepaald aspect. * Rode Ajah >> beschermt de wereld tegen mannenlijke geleiders * Gele Ajah >> zusters die Heling bestuderen * Witte Ajah >> Ajah die zich wijd aan kille kennis en rekenkunde * Blauwe Ajah >> Aes Sedai die zich bezighouden met bestuur * Grijze Ajah >> Ajah die zich bezighoud met het oplossen van conflicten * Groene Ajah >> Aes Sedai die zich voorbereiden op Tarmon Gai'don (de Strijdende Ajah) * Bruine Ajah >> Aes Sedai die zich bezighouden met verloren kennis
  • The Aes Sedai are divided into seven Ajahs. Each Ajah has a different colour, and concentrates on a different aspect of the Aes Sedai's goals. Each Ajah also has its own internal hierarchy, and its own network of spies. * Blue Ajah * Brown Ajah * Gray Ajah * Green Ajah * Red Ajah * White Ajah * Yellow Ajah There is also a Black Ajah, who serve the Dark One, though its existence has been disputed for some time.
  • In the Age of Legends, ajah meant a temporary group of people banded together for a specific purpose. This carried over into the first few centuries after the Breaking, especially during the founding of the present White Tower, when there were more ajah than exist now. Elisane Tishar, the future first Amyrlin Seat, was one of more than twelve groups of women who 'Sat' each for her ajah. By 98 AB, the number of ajah decreased from this twelve to the current seven, though it is not known if these seven had any purpose that was close to the purposes of the current seven Ajahs, nor what the purposes of the lost ajah were. By the end of the second century AB, seven Ajahs were in existence, and the lowercase form of ajah was no longer in use.
  • Le Sette Ajah sono i gruppi che diedero vita all'organizzazione delle Aes Sedai alla Torre Bianca.