  • Please don't delete this page
  • Please don't delete this page! This is my first time writing an article and it's not fair if you delete my hard work! I just want to write something funny and I know a lot about lulz so please don't delete my good jokes! Can't you just leave this page alone? It's not hurting you, you big meanie! DDDDDX Oh noes! You can't take this from meeeeeee!
  • Please don't delete this page! This is my first time writing an article and it's not fair if you delete my hard work! I just want to write something funny and I know a lot about lulz so please don't delete my good jokes! Can't you just leave this page alone? It's not hurting you, you big meanie! DDDDDX Oh noes! You can't take this from meeeeeee!