  • Crystal Seer
  • When Palpatine devastated Caamas, it drove the Seer insane. He became addicted to memnii of violence, a perversion of the usual Caamasi nature. He used the Organ of the Eye in the Crystal Sanctum to activate ppvision crystal]]s which allowed him to spy on key locations throughout the galaxy. He then sent out assassins after politicians such as Xzylon. Xzylon and Les Jamirran discovered him in the Sanctum but were unable to determine his motives. They barely escaped with their lives.
  • 1
fr name
  • Voyante à la Boule de Cristal
es lore
  • VOLTEO: Roba 2 cartas de tu Deck. Selecciona 1 de esas cartas y añádela a tu mano, y pon la otra en el fondo de tu Deck.
ygo sets
  • Pack 45
el name
  • Μάντης της Κρυστάλλινης Σφαίρας
Romaji Name
  • Suishō no Uranaishi
hr name
  • Kristalni Vidovnjak
ja lore
  • リバース:自分のデッキの上からカードを2枚めくり、その中から1枚を選んで手札に加える。その後、残りのカードをデッキの一番下に戻す。
it lore
  • SCOPRI: Prendi 2 carte dalla cima del tuo Deck. Scegli 1 di quelle carte ed aggiungila alla tua mano e metti l'altra carta in fondo al tuo Deck.
  • FLIP: Excavate the top 2 cards of your Deck, add 1 of them to your hand, then place the other on the bottom of your Deck.
pt lore
  • Flip: Pegue 2 cartas do topo de seu Deck. Selecione 1 daquelas cartas e adicione-a para a sua mão, e retorne a outra carta para o fundo do seu Deck.
it name
  • Profeta Cristallo
  • 82099401
ko lore
  • 리버스 : 자신 덱의 맨 위에서 2장을 넘겨, 그 중에 1장을 선택해서 패에 넣는다. 남은 카드는 덱의 맨 아래로 되돌린다.
de lore
  • FLIPP: Nimm die 2 obersten Karten deines Decks. Wähle 1 dieser Karten, füge sie deiner Hand hinzu und lege die andere Karte unter dein Deck.
ko name
  • 수정의 점술사
  • Kristallseher
es name
  • Vidente
fr lore
  • FLIP : Prenez les 2 cartes du dessus de votre Deck. Sélectionnez 1 de ces cartes et ajoutez-la à votre main. Mettez l'autre carte sous votre Deck.
  • 100
effect types
  • Flip
database id
  • 7208
  • Effect
  • Flip
  • Spellcaster
  • 100
Ja Name
  • のい
  • * Excavates from your Deck * Adds from Deck to hand * Adds excavated cards to the hand * Places cards from your Deck on the top of the Deck * Places excavated cards on the bottom of the Deck * Changes your Deck order
  • When Palpatine devastated Caamas, it drove the Seer insane. He became addicted to memnii of violence, a perversion of the usual Caamasi nature. He used the Organ of the Eye in the Crystal Sanctum to activate ppvision crystal]]s which allowed him to spy on key locations throughout the galaxy. He then sent out assassins after politicians such as Xzylon. Xzylon and Les Jamirran discovered him in the Sanctum but were unable to determine his motives. They barely escaped with their lives.
is Card of