  • Ammuud Swooper
  • Ammuud Swooper
  • El Ammuud Swooper era un carguero ligero YT-2400 corelliano que ayudó a evacuar Borleias durante la Batalla de Borleias. Fue dañado seriamente y se le reparó en la selva de Borleias mientras se libraba la batalla. Pudo escapar al final de la batalla con ayuda de Wedge Antilles, el último en irse de la base. Él defendió al Ammuud Swooper con el caza estelar X-wing dañado 'Blackmoon 11' contra dos escuadrones de coralskippers hasta que lo relevaron el Escuadrón Rogue y el resto del Escuadrón Blackmoon.
  • The Ammuud Swooper was a skyblue light Corellian YT-2400 light freighter which helped at the Battle of Borleias to evacuate the planet. It was heavily damaged and was repaired in the jungle of Borleias, while the Battle was going on. They could only escape with the help of Wedge Antilles, who was the last to leave the base. He defended the Ammuud Swooper with the heavily damaged T-65 X-wing starfighter Blackmoon 11, which was the only possibilty to escape. He defended the Ammuud Swooper against two coralskipper squadrons until Rogue Squadron and the rest of Blackmoon Squadron arrived.
  • Ammuud Swooper
  • El Ammuud Swooper era un carguero ligero YT-2400 corelliano que ayudó a evacuar Borleias durante la Batalla de Borleias. Fue dañado seriamente y se le reparó en la selva de Borleias mientras se libraba la batalla. Pudo escapar al final de la batalla con ayuda de Wedge Antilles, el último en irse de la base. Él defendió al Ammuud Swooper con el caza estelar X-wing dañado 'Blackmoon 11' contra dos escuadrones de coralskippers hasta que lo relevaron el Escuadrón Rogue y el resto del Escuadrón Blackmoon.
  • The Ammuud Swooper was a skyblue light Corellian YT-2400 light freighter which helped at the Battle of Borleias to evacuate the planet. It was heavily damaged and was repaired in the jungle of Borleias, while the Battle was going on. They could only escape with the help of Wedge Antilles, who was the last to leave the base. He defended the Ammuud Swooper with the heavily damaged T-65 X-wing starfighter Blackmoon 11, which was the only possibilty to escape. He defended the Ammuud Swooper against two coralskipper squadrons until Rogue Squadron and the rest of Blackmoon Squadron arrived.