  • Sherlock /who/lmes and the Confounding Conundrum of the Series 8 Workprint Leaks
  • Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, I quit. I had no intention of doing another one of these autistic wiki shitpages that literally no one will bother to read all the way through. But in my time away, I learned something: mysteries are always afoot. Or, well I mean there's always mystery, like, everywhere, and the GAME is afoot. The game of...solving, these mysterious, um, cases. Christ this is stupid. Who the fuck quality controls what's allowed on this site? Just fucking kill me please (sorry I get VNA level dark when I'm frustrated).
  • Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, I quit. I had no intention of doing another one of these autistic wiki shitpages that literally no one will bother to read all the way through. But in my time away, I learned something: mysteries are always afoot. Or, well I mean there's always mystery, like, everywhere, and the GAME is afoot. The game of...solving, these mysterious, um, cases. Christ this is stupid. Who the fuck quality controls what's allowed on this site? Just fucking kill me please (sorry I get VNA level dark when I'm frustrated). I broke out of retirement because I realized the detective life will always be part of my blood or some gay shit like that. But I wasn't going back to work to solve some small-time Encyclopedia Brown bullshit. No, I needed something big. I needed something to restore /who/res' confidence in me after my failure to solve the Mysterious Shit Trip. If I was coming back, I needed to go after the biggest mystery in /who/ history. The one that no one could ever be expected to solve. That's right chucklefuckles. I'm going to fucking solve the case of the Series 8 workprint leaks, holy shit.