rdfs:comment | - Witch Doctor is a Titan in Crash of the Titans for the DS. It is a mutated parakeet wearing a feathered tribal uniform. It also has a bone through its beak.
- Witch doctor was a title given to certain Araquian tribe members. during the Galactic Civil War, Doctor T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia served as his tribe's witch doctor.
- The Witch Doctor is an unused non-player character that would have appeared if the majority of players voted to ask for Papa Mambo's help in The Duke's Dilemma. Instead, the majority voted for druids from Taverley.
- He's a witch doctor. He has all limbs and a face as a body. He's also Magnolia's father. He calls himself a man named witch doctor.
- The witch doctor is a monster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. It is stronger than the cannibal and head hunter. There are two versions of the witch doctor. The male deals 1D9+6 damage, can use the fire bolt spell, and can drop a ring when slain. The female deals 3D3+6 damage, can use the deadly swarm spell, and can drop an amulet. They can be encountered in Bootleg Bay and the Temple of Tsantsa.
- Witch Doctor is a character from The Mask: The Animated Series 1995.
- The Gorkha Witch Doctor lives in the Gorkha Swamp. He helps with riddle scroll for the Elixir of Tybal. He charges 50 crowns if the Champion has returned the brass helmet or 100. He also sells fireball sticks for 300 crowns.
- The Witch Doctor is one of the new character classes for Diablo III. The Witch Doctor possesses several elements of previous Diablo II character classes, namely the Sorceress, Druid and Necromancer.
- Witch Doctor is a character in Chrono Cross. Found in the hut east of the entrance to Marbule in Another World, it is assumed that the Witch Doctor serves as a medical professional and spiritual adviser to the Demi-humans inhabiting the eastern island.
- Witch Doctors are the watchdogs of evil and considered agents of good. They take great pride in their work of expelling evil spirits, made up usually by residual energy left from vanquished demons and other dead beings. Although considered good, they will stop other good beings if they think it will pose danger to the greater good. For this reason, Whitelighters discourage their charges to cooperate with them.
- The song begins whilst Tommy and the other Rugrats are walking through the forest. They are then greeted by rambunctious chimpanzees. It is a playful song which fits in with the Rugrats style. Like other songs that appear in the movie, Witch Doctor is included in the soundtrack.
- Legtöbben úgy hiszik, hogy az umbaru nép félelmetes witch doctorjai csupán legendák, de egyet saját szemeimmel láttam harc közben. Még utána is csak nehezen hittem el, mit is láttam valójában. Ellenfelét hihetetlen pontossággal küldte a másvilágra, annak elméjét és testét különféle elixírekkel, és porokkal támadta, melyek tüzet okádtak, felrobbantak, vagy mérgező gázokat eregettek. Ha még ezek a támadások se lettek volna elegendőek, akkor a witch doctor végső esetre még idézhetett volna élőhalott lényeket a másvilágról, melyek leszaggatták volna ellenfeléről a húst.
- The witch doctor is an alchemical and spiritual master, skilled at not only simply brewing potions and alchemical goods, but at awakening the spirits of the ingredients that go into his goods. A witch doctor at work can be unsettling, for he croons and chants to the herbs and animal parts that go into his brew, shaking a rattle to awaken them from their slumber, and sometimes even bursting into dance to appease them and make them favor him. The powers that witch doctors revere are creatures of wild, ecstatic worship who demand dynamism from their servants. The witch doctor's arcane magical art is formed from the ability to twist and turn nature through a crude yet effective science called juju. Often the more cunning and savvy members of the savage troll tribes, witch doctors are uncommon
- Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang I told the witch doctor you didn't love me true I told the witch doctor you didn't love me nice And then the witch doctor, he gave me this advice He said that Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang
- thumbLekarz dusz to mistrz alchemii, biegły nie tylko w prostym warzeniu mikstur, lecz również budzeniu duchów ingrediencji, z których te mikstury tworzy. Praca lekarza dusz może wydawać się dziwna, gdyż śpiewa on zaklęcia do ziół i części zwierząt, których używa w wywarach, porusza grzechotkami, by obudzić je ze snu, a czasami nawet rusza w tan, by przypodobać się duchom. Moce, które lekarze dusz wielbią, to stworzenia dziczy, ekstatyczne uwielbienie, które wymaga dynamizmu od swych sług. Tajemna sztuka magiczna lekarza dusz opiera się na umiejętności wypaczania i przemieniania natury poprzez prymitywną, lecz efektywną naukę zwaną juju. Lekarze dusz to przeważnie członkowie sprytnych i dzikich plemion trolli i ciężko ich spotkać wśród innych, bardziej cywilizowanych ras, które wolą opiera
- Despite having the voice of an elder, he is actually an adult. If the "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" cheat code is used, he can be summoned by way of the mailbox. However, if Bon Voyage is not installed, his mask will be white, with the text "accessory mask" and a red cross. However, it is not recommended to add him to a family. Tip: If the player takes an infalliably good witch/warlock to the lot, their Apello Servantus spell can prevent any risks of electrocution while the neutral spell Aqua Deletus will save the servant's time on puddles.
- The Witch Doctor, also known as Doc, was a powerful privateer and a practitioner of Black Magic. Initially a member of Jack the Red’s crew, the Witch Doctor assumed command after Jack’s untimely death in the Dancing Moon of Year 434.
- The witch doctor's arcane magical art is formed from the ability to twist and turn nature through a crude yet effective science called juju. Often the more cunning and savvy members of the savage troll tribes, witch doctors are uncommon among other, more civilized races that instead rely on shamanistic aid in times of need. During war, the witch doctor's juju can give a troll tribe a needed edge. Witch doctors teach that worthy trolls receive dominion over various aspects of nature upon their death - whether plants, weather, beasts, or even disease. When witch doctors exhibit their supernatural powers to cure the sick, control nature, or assist in battle, it is said that ancestral spirits are riding them.
- Zharvako, der Witch Doctor (Hexendoktor), ist ein Intelligenz-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Der Voodoo praktizierende Fernkämpfer gehört zu den Dire. Er eigent sich in erster Linie zur Heilung verbündeter Einheiten und zum gezielten Angriff auf gegnerische Helden, die er verfluchen kann. Im Spiel kann der Witch Doctor die Rolle eines Supports und Disablers übernehmen. Mit Paralyzing Cask kann er Gruppen an Gegnern betäuben, indem er einen Behälter in eine Gegnergruppe wirft, der mehrere Sprünge zwischen ihnen macht. Die Betäubungsdauer und der Schaden unterscheiden sich dabei nach Creep und Held. Voodoo Restoration besitzt keine Abklingzeit, kann aber auf Dauer äußerst viel Mana verbrauchen. Es eignet sich dazu, den Witch Doctor und umstehende Verbündete zu heilen. Bei entsprechend hoher Manar
abstract | - Witch Doctor is a Titan in Crash of the Titans for the DS. It is a mutated parakeet wearing a feathered tribal uniform. It also has a bone through its beak.
- Despite having the voice of an elder, he is actually an adult. If the "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" cheat code is used, he can be summoned by way of the mailbox. However, if Bon Voyage is not installed, his mask will be white, with the text "accessory mask" and a red cross. However, it is not recommended to add him to a family. It is possible to miss receiving the voodoo doll from the Witch Doctor if the player lets the interaction wait in the queue for too long or interrupts the interaction. When this happens, there is no way to get it unless the player re-visits the lot and repairs all of the items again. If your Sim attempts to use the voodoo doll on the Witch Doctor, a notification pops up saying "Now you've shown your true colors. My own magic can't be used against me." This will decrease the Sim's relationship with the Witch Doctor significantly, but your Sim will not suffer any other consequences from this action. File:Icon-warning-48x48.png Warning DO NOT attempt to add Witch Doctor to a household, turn him into a supernatural creature, such as a vampire, werewolf, or witch, or tamper with him in SimPE in any way or form. As Witch Doctor is a global NPC (meaning he is the same in all neighborhoods) doing so can cause game corruption, fixed only by uninstalling and re-installing the game. Tip: If the player takes an infalliably good witch/warlock to the lot, their Apello Servantus spell can prevent any risks of electrocution while the neutral spell Aqua Deletus will save the servant's time on puddles.
- Witch doctor was a title given to certain Araquian tribe members. during the Galactic Civil War, Doctor T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia served as his tribe's witch doctor.
- thumbLekarz dusz to mistrz alchemii, biegły nie tylko w prostym warzeniu mikstur, lecz również budzeniu duchów ingrediencji, z których te mikstury tworzy. Praca lekarza dusz może wydawać się dziwna, gdyż śpiewa on zaklęcia do ziół i części zwierząt, których używa w wywarach, porusza grzechotkami, by obudzić je ze snu, a czasami nawet rusza w tan, by przypodobać się duchom. Moce, które lekarze dusz wielbią, to stworzenia dziczy, ekstatyczne uwielbienie, które wymaga dynamizmu od swych sług. Tajemna sztuka magiczna lekarza dusz opiera się na umiejętności wypaczania i przemieniania natury poprzez prymitywną, lecz efektywną naukę zwaną juju. Lekarze dusz to przeważnie członkowie sprytnych i dzikich plemion trolli i ciężko ich spotkać wśród innych, bardziej cywilizowanych ras, które wolą opierać się na pomocy szamańskiej. Podczas wojny, juju lekarzy dusz mogą dać plemieniu trolli niezbędą pomoc. Lekarze dusz uczą godnych trolli, jak uzyskać władzę nad różnymi aspektami natury po ich śmierci - roślin, pogody, bestii, a nawet chorób. Gdy lekarze dusz odkryją swe ponadnaturalne zdolności leczenia chorych, kontrolowania natury czy pomocy w bitwie, mówi się, że prastare duchy są wraz z nimi. Lekarze dusz często są opisywani jako szamańscy alchemicy.W kipiących kotłach lekarza dusz można znaleźć halucynogenną mieszankę ziół, trucizn, zmiażdżonych insektów i innych niebezpiecznych elementów. Może on dodać kilka kropel swego wywaru Shaka, by wzmocnić działanie każdej mikstury lub przedmiotu alchemicznego. Wywar Shaka maksymalizuje każde numeryczne efekty misktury lekarza dusz. Wypicie mikstury potraktowanej wywarem Shaka daje pijącemu euforyczny zastrzyk. Wywar Bambe to tajemna receptura, która wydłuża działanie mikstur magicznych. Wypicie wywaru Bembe pozostawia na pijącym wrażenie ciarek na skórze. Lekarz dusz może dodać kilka kropel wywaru Zuvembi do każdej mikstury. Taka mieszanka powoduje potężny stan sugestywny w pijącym, dzięki czemu może on być kontrolowany i zdominowany przez lekarza dusz. Tworzenie klątw i heksów to specjalność lekarza dusz. Umie on stworzyć śmiertelnie niebezpieczną lalkę z wosku zawierającą włos, skórę lub krew konkretnej osoby. Dzięki niej może on doświadczać cel bolesnymi dotykowymi zaklęciami tak długo, jak dana osoba jest w tym samym planie. Laleczka znika, po ataku dotykowym. Lekarze dusz preferują prostą drewnianą broń (kostury, włócznie itp.). Może on nasycić broń alchemicznymi reagentami i licznymi toksynami oraz glinami. Może on wzmocnić broń elementami mrozu, płomienia bądź błyskawicy. Te efekty utrzymują się w zależności od wyszkolenia lekarza dusz. Każdy inny niż lekarz dusz próbujący użyć tej broni, gdy jest aktywna, padnie na chorobę spowodowaną magicznymi atrybutami broni. Lekarz dusz może trząść i grzechotać tykwami i naszyjnikami, które nosi by podkreślić przerażający wygląd. Juju dobrze wyszkolonego lekarza dusz staje się tak potężne, by móc zabić (Grzechotanie Śmierci). Tajemne skupienie wymagane do użycia tej umiejętności to tykwa śmierci, która musi zostać przeklęta i wyrzeźbiona przez samego lekarza dusz przy użyciu ohydnych i odpychających elementów. Lekarz dusz może grzechotać swoją tykwą, celując w liczne żywe stworzenia, a najbliższe z nich najszybciej doświadczają jej działania.Podobnie jak czarodziej, lekarz dusz opiera się na umiejętności podporządkowania magii swojej woli. Jednak tajniki juju pozwalają na to tylko w pewnym zakresie. Lekarze dusz służyli jako czarownicy Hordy podczas Trzeciej Wojny, zdolni tworzyć liczne totemy, które aktywowały leczenie, uwięzienie bądź strzeżenie ziemi.
- The Witch Doctor is an unused non-player character that would have appeared if the majority of players voted to ask for Papa Mambo's help in The Duke's Dilemma. Instead, the majority voted for druids from Taverley.
- He's a witch doctor. He has all limbs and a face as a body. He's also Magnolia's father. He calls himself a man named witch doctor.
- The witch doctor is a monster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. It is stronger than the cannibal and head hunter. There are two versions of the witch doctor. The male deals 1D9+6 damage, can use the fire bolt spell, and can drop a ring when slain. The female deals 3D3+6 damage, can use the deadly swarm spell, and can drop an amulet. They can be encountered in Bootleg Bay and the Temple of Tsantsa.
- Witch Doctor is a character from The Mask: The Animated Series 1995.
- The Gorkha Witch Doctor lives in the Gorkha Swamp. He helps with riddle scroll for the Elixir of Tybal. He charges 50 crowns if the Champion has returned the brass helmet or 100. He also sells fireball sticks for 300 crowns.
- The witch doctor's arcane magical art is formed from the ability to twist and turn nature through a crude yet effective science called juju. Often the more cunning and savvy members of the savage troll tribes, witch doctors are uncommon among other, more civilized races that instead rely on shamanistic aid in times of need. During war, the witch doctor's juju can give a troll tribe a needed edge. Witch doctors teach that worthy trolls receive dominion over various aspects of nature upon their death - whether plants, weather, beasts, or even disease. When witch doctors exhibit their supernatural powers to cure the sick, control nature, or assist in battle, it is said that ancestral spirits are riding them. The arts of the witch doctor originated with the trolls, and they make up the vast majority of those who practice these arts. Some of these witch doctors have agreed to take on the occasional non-troll apprentice, usually from among the orcs. (More Magic & Mayhem — A World of Warcraft RPG source book.) Trolls are the ultimate witch doctors. It was the trolls, so they say, who invented the art. Their pots ever bubble with strange concoctions, and they scatter protective and decorative totems around their dwellings. They speak in tongues most can't understand, communing with the strange voodoo spirits from their tribal religion that grant them their power. They decorate themselves with ritual tattoos and designs, and shrunken heads dangle from their staves. The iconic troll witch doctor focuses on helping his allies with his strange blend of science and faith. He plants magic totems to help his allies, which may start a bloodlust or an adrenaline rush in his body.A powerful witch doctor may even transform their foes into frogs. He's not a particularly skillful combatant, but when the Horde is in a scrape, somebody calls for the doctor. (Horde Player's Guide — A World of Warcraft RPG source book.) When people think of witch doctors, they usually don't think of Forsaken. However, Forsaken are some of the most skilled alchemists on Azeroth, and while they don't entreat voodoo spirits for help and don't call their craft "mojo," they still possess tricks to make their brews especially potent. These forsaken call themselves apothecaries. (Horde Player's Guide - A World of Warcraft RPG source book.)
- Zharvako, der Witch Doctor (Hexendoktor), ist ein Intelligenz-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Der Voodoo praktizierende Fernkämpfer gehört zu den Dire. Er eigent sich in erster Linie zur Heilung verbündeter Einheiten und zum gezielten Angriff auf gegnerische Helden, die er verfluchen kann. Im Spiel kann der Witch Doctor die Rolle eines Supports und Disablers übernehmen. Mit Paralyzing Cask kann er Gruppen an Gegnern betäuben, indem er einen Behälter in eine Gegnergruppe wirft, der mehrere Sprünge zwischen ihnen macht. Die Betäubungsdauer und der Schaden unterscheiden sich dabei nach Creep und Held. Voodoo Restoration besitzt keine Abklingzeit, kann aber auf Dauer äußerst viel Mana verbrauchen. Es eignet sich dazu, den Witch Doctor und umstehende Verbündete zu heilen. Bei entsprechend hoher Manaregeneration lässt es sich theoretisch permanent aktivieren. Seine dritte Fähigkeit Maledict verursacht minimalen Schaden über Zeit, der auf die Helden des Zielgebietes wirkt. Maledict kann aber zusätzlichen Schaden hervorrufen, wenn das verfluchte Opfer weiteren Schaden durch andere Ursachen erhält und so vor allem fliehende Gegner töten. Witch Doctors Ultimate Death Ward wirkt kanalisierend und beschwört einen Ward, welcher auf gegnerische Helden schießt. Dabei kann er allerdings nur auf einen Helden aufeinmal schießen und hat eine begrenzte Reichweite. Ab dem dritten Level oder durch den Besitz von Aghanim's Scepter kann diese, ähnlich wie Paralyzing Cask, zwischen Gegnern springen.
- Legtöbben úgy hiszik, hogy az umbaru nép félelmetes witch doctorjai csupán legendák, de egyet saját szemeimmel láttam harc közben. Még utána is csak nehezen hittem el, mit is láttam valójában. Ellenfelét hihetetlen pontossággal küldte a másvilágra, annak elméjét és testét különféle elixírekkel, és porokkal támadta, melyek tüzet okádtak, felrobbantak, vagy mérgező gázokat eregettek. Ha még ezek a támadások se lettek volna elegendőek, akkor a witch doctor végső esetre még idézhetett volna élőhalott lényeket a másvilágról, melyek leszaggatták volna ellenfeléről a húst. Akkor akadtam rá erre a ritka jelenségre, mikor mélyen bemerészkedtem a Torajan dzsungel sűrű erdeibe, melyek a nagy keleti kontinens déli csücskét borítják, egy hatalmas területre, amit úgy ismernek, Teganze, azzal a céllal, hogy az ott élő őshonos törzseket felkutatom. Ez a terület rendkívül félreeső, így idegen szemek elől eddig elzárva maradt. Szerencsés voltam, hogy összebarátkoztam a witch doctorral, és rajta keresztül törzsével, a Tribes of the Five Hills-el. Az Alsó-Teganze vidékén élő umbaro nép kultúrája elbűvölő és magával ragadó azok számára, akik a civilizáció vívmányait éltetik. Példának okáért, a Tribe of the Five Hills rendszeresen népi háborúkat vív két másik törzzsel, a Tribe of the Seven Stones-al, és a Tribe of the Clouded Valley-vel, azonban a háborúknak nem a hódítás a célja, hanem rituális okokra vezethető vissza. Különböző meséket hallottam arról, hogy a háború győztesei a másik törzs tagjaiból töltik fel az emberáldozatoknak szánt nyersanyagkészletet, ez civilizációjuk szerves része, és amikor félénken kérdeztem vendéglátóimat erről a témáról, be kell vallanom nevetésük hallatán halálfélelem fogott el. Mindamellett botladozó próbálkozásiam ellenére, melyek a kapcsolatfelvételre irányultak, nem sikerült olyan bonyolultabb témákba belemerülni, hogy társadalmukban mi számít hősiesnek és tiszteletre méltónak, csupán annyit sikerült kiderítenem, hogy azokat viszik a háborúba, akik nem érdemesek arra, hogy emberáldozatok legyenek. Az információ megnyugvással töltött el. A vendéglátóimmal folytatott további beszélgetések során, úgy határozták meg magukat, mint Mbwiru Eikura hívői, ami szerény fordításban annyit tesz, hogy The Unformed Land (a fordítás nem pontos, mivel a fogalom teljesen idegen a mi kultúránk és nyelvünk számára). Hitük szerint a valódi, szent világ, azon a világon túl található, amit mi érzékelünk. Az alapvető fontosságú nyilvános szertartások az emberáldozatra épülnek, mely során az istenektől (akik The Unformed Land-on laknak) származó életenergia átfolyik ebbe a kisebb fizikai létsíkra. A witch doctorok mikor végleg ráhangolódtak erre az Unformed Land-re, képesek lesznek elméjüket továbbképezve érzekelni a másik dimenziót különböző rituálék segítségével, melyekhez, a dzsungelben található különféle gyökereket, és gyógynövényeket használnak. Ezt az állapotot, mikor kapcsolatba lépnek a másik világgal Ghost Trance-nek nevezik. Vallásuk elsődlegesen az életenergiára és az Unformed Landra épül, emellett azonban fontos szerepet játszik az önfeláldozás és az egyéni érdekek háttérbe szorítása a törzs céljainak érdekében. Ez a felfogás, mely távol áll kultúránktól, annyira nagy hatással volt rám, hogy legszívesebben mélyebben belemerültem volna a témába. Sajnos azonban az épp aktuális törzsek közti háború következtében kialakult társadalmi felfordulás közepén találtam magam (mivel a saját bőrön érezhettem a tébolyultságot), a levegőben izzó feszültség indokolta gyors távozásomat, mielőtt még további kérdéseket tehettem volna fel vendéglátóimnak. Kategória:Osztályok
- The Witch Doctor, also known as Doc, was a powerful privateer and a practitioner of Black Magic. Initially a member of Jack the Red’s crew, the Witch Doctor assumed command after Jack’s untimely death in the Dancing Moon of Year 434. As leader, Doc followed in the footsteps of his predecessor, carrying out raids in the Andris area. But at some point along the way, Jack’s ghost started to haunt the ship. For whatever reason, the ghost could not or would not be resurrected. It was around this time that Doc began to search for Jack’s magical katana, which had fallen into the hands of Hayate. Some have surmised that the katana was somehow connected to its fallen owner, and that Jack could only return to the living with the aid of the weapon’s magical properties. Whatever the case may have been, Doc and his crew were incentivized enough to kidnap Senator Fieltler and demand the katana as ransom. The whole affair came as a huge shock to the citizens of Oberin – it was widely known that Andris did not even have the katana. Thus the Witch Doctor, as some observers pointed out, had no apparent reason to kidnap Fieltler, let alone any other senator. One possible explanation was that the Doctor was not as strong as he was made out to be, and thus could not simply steal the katana from Hayate. Still others suspected that the Witch Doctor was in league with the Venom Cult and the Division of Diabolical Devices. These two organizations were already conspiring against Andris at the time, and both would have had much to gain from Fieltler’s kidnapping. The venom priests, for one, had been forced into hiding four years prior as a result of Fieltler’s actions. And the Diabolicals had designs on the magical device that she had used to defeat the priests. But there was never any hard evidence connecting these groups to the Witch Doctor, so the matter remains one of pure speculation. Doc soon received a message from the Senate saying that Andris was willing to meet his demands (Hayate had bequeathed the katana to the Senate). Secretly, the Senate was planning to rescue Fieltler without giving up the katana. The pirates and the Andrisians gathered at the Crescent Isle to make the exchange. All appeared to be going smoothly, but there was a moment of confusion and fighting broke out. Amidst the chaos, Doc cut off one of Fieltler’s hands, and then he and his crew fled with their prisoner. They left behind a note warning that any further attempts to double-cross the pirates would result in Fieltler’s demise. But as Andris would later learn from the rogue Samic, Doc had prepared the note beforehand, suggesting that he had somehow been made wise to the Senate’s subterfuge. Not to be deterred by this setback, Doc attempted to resume negotiations with Andris. The Red City was not so keen on the idea, and so progress halted. For almost an entire year, Doc kept Senator Fieltler in the brig, keeping her under control with his black magic and a voodoo doll. Then one night, there was a lapse in Doc’s control over the senator, perhaps owing to his having drunken too much rum. Fieltler used the opportunity to send a message to Andris, informing the city that her captors were about to lay anchor in Port Gast. The ship arrived in Gast right on schedule. While a force was gathering nearby to rescue the senator, Doc teleported to Andris and finally managed to retrieve the katana. When Doc returned to the port, he found that his ship had been overrun and that Fieltler had been freed. Not wanting to risk his prize, Doc and the remainder of his crew made a hasty exit, and that was the last time they were to appear in the public records. Immediately, there was a great deal of skepticism regarding the timing of the incidents, and the ease with which Doc had taken the weapon. Senator Morgans herself recalled that Doc had known exactly where to look. A small but vocal group of dissenters accused the Senate of foul play, arguing that Doc must have had some help from the inside. But this too was only speculation, and the truth never was fully determined one way or the other.
- The Witch Doctor is one of the new character classes for Diablo III. The Witch Doctor possesses several elements of previous Diablo II character classes, namely the Sorceress, Druid and Necromancer.
- The witch doctor is an alchemical and spiritual master, skilled at not only simply brewing potions and alchemical goods, but at awakening the spirits of the ingredients that go into his goods. A witch doctor at work can be unsettling, for he croons and chants to the herbs and animal parts that go into his brew, shaking a rattle to awaken them from their slumber, and sometimes even bursting into dance to appease them and make them favor him. The powers that witch doctors revere are creatures of wild, ecstatic worship who demand dynamism from their servants. The witch doctor's arcane magical art is formed from the ability to twist and turn nature through a crude yet effective science called juju. Often the more cunning and savvy members of the savage troll tribes, witch doctors are uncommon among other, more civilized races that instead rely on shamanistic aid in times of need. During war, the witch doctor's juju can give a troll tribe a needed edge. Witch doctors teach that worthy trolls receive dominion over various aspects of nature upon their death - whether plants, weather, beasts, or even disease. When witch doctors exhibit their supernatural powers to cure the sick, control nature, or assist in battle, it is said that ancestral spirits are riding them. The witch doctor's seething cauldron contains a hallucinogenic mixture of herbs, poisons, crushed insects and other noxious materials. He may add drops of this Shaka brew to improve the efficiency of any potion or alchemical item he creates. The Shaka brew maximizes all variable, numeric effects of the witch doctor's potions or alchemical creations. Drinking a potion treated with the Shaka brew leaves the imbiber with a euphoric buzz. The Bambe brew is a secret recipe that extendes the effectiveness of magical potions. Drinking Bambe brew potions leaves the imbiber with a faint crawling sensation over their skin. The witch doctor can add drops of the Zuvembi brew to any potion. The brew creates a powerful suggestive state in the imbiber that he can trigger and control. After drinking a Zuvembi brew potion, the imbiber can be dominated by the witch doctor. Creating curses and hexes is a specialty of the witch doctor. The witch doctor can make a deadly doll of wax or tallow containing a specific person's hair, skin or blood. He can affect the target with a harmful touch attack spell as long as the person is on the same plane. The doll disintegrates after a touch attack. Using shadow and voodoo magic, the witch doctors can also cast spells without the use of dolls. By repeating old ritualistic chants, the witch doctor curses the target into feeling pain without physically harming it, only mentally. This might still prove deadly. The witch doctor can shake and rattle the gourds and necklaces that he carries to create a frightening rhythmic effect. The juju of the highly skilled witch doctor becomes potent enough to kill (the Death Rattle). The reagent required to use this ability is a death gourd, which must be cursed and carved by the witch doctor himself using bizarre and disgusting components. The witch doctor can rattle his death gourd, targeting a number of living creatures, the closest creatures are affected first. Witch doctors are also benders of will, as they can control other lesser intellectual beings with their mind. These tricks can be fatal for several enemies of the witch doctor, not knowing whom of their allies to trust anymore. They are also able to sear through a targets mind and erase or create new memories as they please, causing the target to get confused and not knowing what is real. These rituals will also inflict massive pain onto the target. Much like a wizard, the witch doctor relies on his ability to bend magic to his will. Juju secrets can only go so far, though. They also served as spellcasters for the Horde during the Third War, being able to create several types of wards for such activities as healing, trapping, and watching over land.
- Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang I told the witch doctor you didn't love me true I told the witch doctor you didn't love me nice And then the witch doctor, he gave me this advice He said that Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang You've been keeping love from me Just like you were a miser And I'll admit I wasn't very smart So I went out and found myself A guy that's so much wiser And he taught me the way to win your heart My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to say My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to do I know that you'll be mine when I say this to you Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang You've been keeping love from me Just like you were a miser And I'll admit I wasn't very smart So I went out and found myself A guy that's so much wiser And he taught me the way to win your heart My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to say My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to do I know that you'll be mine when I say this to you Oh baby Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang
- Witch Doctor is a character in Chrono Cross. Found in the hut east of the entrance to Marbule in Another World, it is assumed that the Witch Doctor serves as a medical professional and spiritual adviser to the Demi-humans inhabiting the eastern island.
- Witch Doctors are the watchdogs of evil and considered agents of good. They take great pride in their work of expelling evil spirits, made up usually by residual energy left from vanquished demons and other dead beings. Although considered good, they will stop other good beings if they think it will pose danger to the greater good. For this reason, Whitelighters discourage their charges to cooperate with them.
- The song begins whilst Tommy and the other Rugrats are walking through the forest. They are then greeted by rambunctious chimpanzees. It is a playful song which fits in with the Rugrats style. Like other songs that appear in the movie, Witch Doctor is included in the soundtrack.