  • Oleg Stark
  • Stark was hired as a contact killer, but after his employer refused to pay him in gold, Stark abducted their family, keeping them hostage for two days. His employer stole his gold, and when Stark tried to sue him for theviery, he lost the case because Hank had "misplaced" some evidence. Meeting up with Monroe, Nick remembered that one of his ancestors' diaries had described a weapon built to combat a Siegbarste A three barrel elephant gun, with bullets coated in a special poison could kill even Stark. With Nick incapacitated Monroe would have to get the gun and stop Stark.
  • Stark was hired as a contact killer, but after his employer refused to pay him in gold, Stark abducted their family, keeping them hostage for two days. His employer stole his gold, and when Stark tried to sue him for theviery, he lost the case because Hank had "misplaced" some evidence. In 2012, Stark broke out of prison by beating two guards into a comer, and went on a rampage looking for revenge, as the Siegbarste race is renound for taking grudges to the grave. He first attacked the judge who procecuted him, murdering him in an unspeakably brutal method of forcing his gavel down his throat. Next, he murdered the man who gave the judge the verdict and his defense attorney. Finally, Stark began searching for Hank to end his vendetta. He attacked an elderly man and blew up his car near Hank's old residence, unaware Hank had moved. Still getting no where, he broke into Nick's home. Nick tried to fight back, but Stark's superior strength and durability proved too much. He tried to beat Hank's location out of Nick, before realising Nick was a Grimm, and thus could see his monstrous appearance. This caused Stark to turn more violent. At that moment, Nick's girlfriend, Juliette, returned. Panicking, she tossed a pot full of boiling water over Stark, distracting him lond enough for Nick to reach his gun. After firing at Stark three times, Stark retreated, but had to Nick to be hospitalised for his injuries. Meeting up with Monroe, Nick remembered that one of his ancestors' diaries had described a weapon built to combat a Siegbarste A three barrel elephant gun, with bullets coated in a special poison could kill even Stark. With Nick incapacitated Monroe would have to get the gun and stop Stark. Meanwhile, having finally driven him out, Stark met Hank. Hank tried to fight, but Stark easily threw him to the ground, and he lifted a giant stone slab, intending to crush Hank. However, Monroe had collected the rifle, and shot Stark in the back while hidding in the shadows. The gun and poison proved too much even for the giant ogre, and he was killed.