  • Demi-human
  • Demi-Human
  • Demi-humans are therianthropic humans with animal characteristics. All known demi-humans from Xenogears include: * Sigmund (from Elru) * Dominia Yizkor (from Elru) * Ricardo Banderas * Franz * Hammer the Supplier * Hans * Seraphita * Captain of the Thames * Crew of the Thames * Dunemen (see Duneman Isle)
  • A demi-human, in D&D, is a member of a human-like race, such as an elf, dwarf, halfling, or gnome. The term is sometimes used in contrast to a humanoid or savage humanoid, such as a gnoll, orc, or goblin. The term is obsolete; Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition discarded the term.
  • Demi-humans are a sentient, humanoid race in Chrono Cross. Believed to be the evolved hybrids of Dragonians and Humans, this species possess a wide range of physical features with running trends and subspecies. The only common feature linking them together is their apparent physical "deformities" that deviate from Humans. Because of these alleged abnormalities, many Demi-humans are fearful and resent Humans. Fixed in an anti-human ideology, Demi-humans deviated from their traditional homes to Marbule, an island southeast of Termina, and human presence is not encouraged. A civilization containing Demi-humans and humans alike is Guldove. A colony of fairies, which are considered Demi-humans, exist on Water Dragon Isle.
  • You are somehow not quite human. Your appearance may vary a little or greatly from a normal human's, though it is quite noticable in some way and difficult to hide. You may have been ostracized because of your appearance or celebrated, but the fact always remains--you stand out in a crowd, often not in a good way.
  • The unnamed planet which Xenogears is set on
  • Any 2 of your choice.
  • Demi-human
  • physical
  • 250
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Xenogears
  • How you look is up to you, but appearances are just that, appearances and no mechanical effect is derived from them . You also gain one special 'mutation' from the following list that actually gives a mechanical benefit: :*Natural Weapons: You have a natural weapon, be it claws, a horn, or sharp teeth that you can use in combat. Whenever you strike someone with an unarmed attack and deal damage using your natural weapons, they receive an extra 1d10 damage each of their actions for your actions from profuse bleeding or similar. This damage bypasses DR. This bonus damage does not stack, the timer merely 'resets' every time the victim is hit. :*Heightened Senses: You have more acute senses then a normal human, like the eyes of a cat or a hawk or a dog's nose or bat's ears. You gain a +2 bonus on awareness checks. You receive no visibility penalty for darkness, except total darkness and your penalty to awareness check do to distance is halved. :*Insulation: You have fur, a rough hide, or something similar that gives you added protection. You receive a +5 bonus on fortitude checks to resist poison and environmental effects. :You may select this unique more then once, selecting a new mutation each time.
  • Unknown
  • Demi-humans are therianthropic humans with animal characteristics. All known demi-humans from Xenogears include: * Sigmund (from Elru) * Dominia Yizkor (from Elru) * Ricardo Banderas * Franz * Hammer the Supplier * Hans * Seraphita * Captain of the Thames * Crew of the Thames * Dunemen (see Duneman Isle)
  • Demi-humans are a sentient, humanoid race in Chrono Cross. Believed to be the evolved hybrids of Dragonians and Humans, this species possess a wide range of physical features with running trends and subspecies. The only common feature linking them together is their apparent physical "deformities" that deviate from Humans. Because of these alleged abnormalities, many Demi-humans are fearful and resent Humans. Fixed in an anti-human ideology, Demi-humans deviated from their traditional homes to Marbule, an island southeast of Termina, and human presence is not encouraged. A civilization containing Demi-humans and humans alike is Guldove. A colony of fairies, which are considered Demi-humans, exist on Water Dragon Isle. Characters such as Nikki and Marcy have Demi-human blood, albeit they are still considered humans. Because of this, it can be inferred that Demi-humans and Humans have similar DNA, allowing them to successfully interbreed.
  • A demi-human, in D&D, is a member of a human-like race, such as an elf, dwarf, halfling, or gnome. The term is sometimes used in contrast to a humanoid or savage humanoid, such as a gnoll, orc, or goblin. The term is obsolete; Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition discarded the term.
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