  • 210
  • 210
  • 210
  • 210
  • 210
  • 210
  • [[Plik:A348-210.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 10 linii 210 na ul. Woronicza (2010)]] 210 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z Ursynowa Północnego na Emilii Plater. Linię obsługiwała zajezdnia autobusowa Woronicza i Mobilis.
  • Richard verspricht Simone, sie schnellstmöglich aus dem Gefängnis zu holen. Doch um ihr helfen zu können, braucht er die Vollmacht über ihre Firmenanteile. Simone ahnt nicht, dass ihre Mutter Friederike einen Weg gefunden hat, um ihre Hoffnungen wieder ins Wanken zu bringen. Nachdem Diana erkannt hat, dass sie Julian nicht so einfach vergessen kann, klammert sie sich fast hilflos an Oliver. Auch Julian gesteht Diana erneut, sie nicht aus dem Kopf zu bekommen. Zu seinem Entsetzen bekommt dies Oliver mit. Aufgebracht lehnt Ben Richards Angebot ab, ihm die Kunsthochschule zu bezahlen, da er sich nicht kaufen lassen will. Tims Diamanten will er ebenfalls nicht als Darlehen nutzen. Scheitern Bens Pläne, der Stadt den Rücken zu kehren und sein emotionales Gleichwicht wieder zu finden?
  • El dos cientos diez (210) es el número natural que sigue al 209 y precede al 211. Categoría:Números
  • Jason encounters Willie in the foyer of Collinwood. He tersely asks him about his most recent activities, but Willie plays it cool and acts as if his behavior is perfectly normal. Jason suspects that Willie is planning some new scheme, but Willie brushes him, preferring instead to stare with great interest at a portrait of the bejeweled, aristocratic Barnabas Collins hanging in the foyer.
  • 210
  • 1967-04-13
  • 207
  • 1967
  • 1967-04-17
  • 210
  • 210
  • [[Plik:A348-210.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 10 linii 210 na ul. Woronicza (2010)]] 210 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z Ursynowa Północnego na Emilii Plater. Linię obsługiwała zajezdnia autobusowa Woronicza i Mobilis.
  • Richard verspricht Simone, sie schnellstmöglich aus dem Gefängnis zu holen. Doch um ihr helfen zu können, braucht er die Vollmacht über ihre Firmenanteile. Simone ahnt nicht, dass ihre Mutter Friederike einen Weg gefunden hat, um ihre Hoffnungen wieder ins Wanken zu bringen. Nachdem Diana erkannt hat, dass sie Julian nicht so einfach vergessen kann, klammert sie sich fast hilflos an Oliver. Auch Julian gesteht Diana erneut, sie nicht aus dem Kopf zu bekommen. Zu seinem Entsetzen bekommt dies Oliver mit. Aufgebracht lehnt Ben Richards Angebot ab, ihm die Kunsthochschule zu bezahlen, da er sich nicht kaufen lassen will. Tims Diamanten will er ebenfalls nicht als Darlehen nutzen. Scheitern Bens Pläne, der Stadt den Rücken zu kehren und sein emotionales Gleichwicht wieder zu finden?
  • El dos cientos diez (210) es el número natural que sigue al 209 y precede al 211. Categoría:Números
  • Jason encounters Willie in the foyer of Collinwood. He tersely asks him about his most recent activities, but Willie plays it cool and acts as if his behavior is perfectly normal. Jason suspects that Willie is planning some new scheme, but Willie brushes him, preferring instead to stare with great interest at a portrait of the bejeweled, aristocratic Barnabas Collins hanging in the foyer. Jason tells Willie to pack his things and prepare to leave Collinsport. Shortly thereafter, Jason meets with Elizabeth in the Drawing room at Collinwood. He pressures her about a sum of money she had promised him, and Elizabeth angrily passes him a thick envelope. She tells Jason that she wants Willie to leave – tonight! Jason leaves to track Willie down. Meantime, in a storage shed, Willie searches for and packs up several tools. Later that evening, Willie takes a tool bag and goes to the Collins Family mausoleum. He suspects that the Collins family jewels may be hidden within the mausoleum and is prepared to steal them before leaving town. Back at Collinwood, Victoria enters the drawing room, and she speaks at length with Elizabeth who informs her of Willie's pressing exodus. Elizabeth is surprised to learn that Willie has been looking into the Collins family history, and that he has a particular interest in the portrait beside the doors in the foyer. She tells Victoria about Barnabas Collins and how he was known for his jewelery. Elizabeth finds it strange that a man like Willie would be interested in jewelery found only in a painting. Meanwhile, Willie inspects the inner chamber of the mausoleum and finds three coffins laying side by side. Willie tries to pry open the coffin of Naomi Collins, but finds that he is unable to. He hears a heartbeat sound coming from behind the wall and backs away in terror. Back at Collinwood, Jason comes downstairs and Elizabeth demands an update on Willie's imminent departure. He tries to placate her, but Elizabeth tells him to take care of Willie at once. Elsewhere, the heartbeat drives Willie almost out of the mausoleum, but once it stops he resumes his grave robbing. Unpacking his tool bag, he takes out a pulley and some rope. He runs the rope through an iron ring hanging from the lion's head relief on the wall behind the coffin. However, rather than opening the coffin of Naomi Collins, the pulley succeeds in tripping a hidden switch, which opens a door into a secret crypt inside the mausoleum. Willie enters this secret chamber and finds a solitary coffin, wrapped in thick, sturdy chains. Convinced that this is the resting place of the coveted family jewels, he gets to work on prying the chains loose. Meanwhile, Jason enters the main door to the Great House, returning from a fruitless search for Willie. He joins Victoria in the drawing room, but she resists his efforts to cozy up to her and starts to leave. He tries to talk her into staying and in the course of the conversation learns that Victoria saw Willie leaving with what she assumes are his things. J-boy starts to point out that Willie's things are still there, and that he wouldn't have left without Elizabeth's payoff, but stops before he says too much. Willie breaks the lock on the third and last chain to the beat of a telltale heart. Grinning like an idiot, he opens the coffin. A look of terror passes across his face as a hand reaches out of the coffin and grabs him by the throat.
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