  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • A Indian superhero.
  • Das Pantheon wurde im Jahr 126 von Marcus Agrippa als Tempel für die antiken römischen Götter erbaut, aber inzwischen ist es zu einem Leuchtfeuer des Christentums geworden. Auch 2000 Jahre nach seiner Errichtung steht dieses Wunder der Architektur mit seiner ungestützten Kuppel.
  • Das Pantheon ist die Bezeichnung für Aman'Thul und seine Geschwister, welche den führenden Rat der Titanen bildeten. Sie reisten durch das Große Dunkle Jenseits um Ordnung und Stabilität zu bringen und Weltenseelen aufzuspüren.
  • The Pantheon (パンテオン Pantheon? officially Romanized Panteon in Japan, although the katakana refer to the Greek term) is a mass-produced Reploid found in the Mega Man Zero video game series. The Pantheons could be considered the sucessors of the Sniper Joes of the 21th century and the Hoganmers, Disk Boys 08 and Armor Soldiers of the 22th century.
  • A Pantheon consists of all the deities in a religion. There are several such pantheons.
  • Pantheon, Artisan de la Guerre est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__PantheonKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Pantheon is a Crucible map in the Destiny expansion The Dark Below. It takes place in a temple inside the winding corridors of the Black Garden.
  • Insieme di divinità che governano una regione.
  • The collection of Norrath's gods.
  • The Pantheon is a building in Rome dedicated to the worship of all the Roman gods. It was originally constructed by Marcus Agrippa following the Battle of Actium and rebuilt later by Emperor Hadrian after a fire which razed it to the ground in 80 CE. Today, the Pantheon remains as one of the best preserved Roman buildings in the world.
  • Pantheon is a stage located directly after Mountain 3, west of the secondary Forest series. At the pantheon, there is a heal function, like the typical Inn, but the secondary function of Pantheon is a sort of "blessing" function, where one can "sacrifice gold to the gods" to gain a temporary boost of some sort that will last for the next stage the player enters. This wears off once the player returns to the world map.
  • The Pantheon is a tournament between the Forces of Light (Sedna, Rook, Oak, and Regulus) against the Forces of Darkness (Torch Bearer, Unclean Beast, Queen of Thorns, and Lord Erebus). The goal of each side is to amass a certain amount of Favor among all of its players. Pantheon has multiple Game Types that are usually 2v2.
  • A pantheon is a grouping of deities through some sort of similarity, such as race or story, known to a group of individuals for a specific time period. All pantheons are specific to particular gameworlds, for example, the Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk.
  • List of related Gods and heroes * Examples of pantheons include: * The Esiti * The Parloth * The Joserui * The Pantheons are grouped into a mythology.
  • A group of spiritual animal beings, with each member of the group having jurisdiction over a species of animal. When the Pantheon member who rules the rats time reaches an end, a new one is chosen. One of the members that represented Rats had died and the Pantheon would go onto choose a new member in the form of the Rat King. They sought Master Splinter to be newest member in their order.
  • Pantheon was a The Next Generation omnibus, a Signature Edition published in September 2003, collecting the novels Reunion and The Valiant by author Michael Jan Friedman. While the releases were never released under a different series banner, the two stories of the collection feature the earliest and latest appearances of the ensemble from the Stargazer series.
  • The Pantheon is the titan high council. (S&L 113) They are the group of titans who shaped worlds and watched over the universe. They are the leaders of the titan race who empowered the Dragon Aspects.
  • thumb|394pxDas Pantheon ist der oberste Sitz der Titanen. Dieser hohe Rat wird von dem Hochvater Aman'thul angeführt. Das Pantheon bemächtigte die Großdrachenaspekte mit ihren Kräften und deren Aufgaben.
  • Pantheon is a world notable for the existence of Gods.
  • Iis. Creator of Shintolin. Also known as: the Dreamer, Isaac. Formed the world of Shintolin out of nothingness and allowed life to spring from its ground. In addition, known to have personally brought wheat to Shintolin, stopped the Great White and founded Valhalla.
  • The peerless warrior known as Pantheon is a nigh-unstoppable paragon of battle. He was born among the Rakkor, a warlike people living on the flanks of Mount Targon, and after climbing the mountain’s treacherous peak and being deemed worthy, he was chosen to become the earthly incarnation of the celestial Aspect of War. Imbued with inhuman power, he relentlessly seeks the enemies of Targon, leaving only corpses in his wake.
  • The Pantheon is one of Rome's oldest and most famous Roman Catholic churches.
  • A pantheon is the grouping of all gods pertaining to a particular territory, where they can exert influence over without significant interference. Little is known about divine interaction and few pantheons have been revealed in-game, much less shown in full.
  • Rasse Titanen Führer Aman'Thul Zugehörigkeit Rufstufe zu Beginn Stufenbereich Ort Hauptstadt Zone Gebiet Großes Dunkles Jenseits Fraktionen Stufe Das Pantheon ist der hohe Rat und Führungskraft der Titanen.
  • Als Pantheon bezeichnet man die Gesamtheit aller Götter. Nach Fra Martinus stehen sämtliche Götter in bestimmten "verwandtschaftlichen" bzw. Abstammungsbeziehungen (wie im Diagramm unten dargestellt) wobei Chnum als Göttervater gilt. Die Pantheon-Lehre akzeptiert die Existenz aller Götter und betrachtet den "Glauben" an einen bestimmten Gott eher als besondere Verehrung einer bestimmten Gottheit über die anderen hinaus. Im unten dargestellten Diagramm des Pantheons werden die finsteren Götter in Fettdruck, chaotische kursiv dargestellt. Halbgötter sind mit einem (½) gekennzeichnet. Der Halbgott Horcan wurde genau genommen nicht von Dondra und Jaffna, sondern ihren Avataren auf Myra gezeugt. Über die Identität des sechsten Finstergottes kann nur spekuliert werden. Manche glauben, es wäre An
  • The Pantheon is a minigame added on July 15 2017, Version 2.0034. It is unlocked by spending one sugar lump to upgrade Temples to level 1. Further upgrade makes no effect to Pantheon. The Pantheon has three slots to worship up to three spirits at the same time. The three slots vary in effectiveness whereby the Diamond slot is always the most effective and the Jade slot the least effective. To slot a spirit you have to spend one worship swap which refill over time, the more you have the longer it takes. You can store up to three worship swaps.
  • Shores of Winter uses the Forgotten Realms (Faerun) pantheon. This was decided to make the module more accessible for new players, since the FR gods are well known to most. That way players won’t have to read up on a completely new pantheon. It saves us a lot of work designing one as well. The common population does not worship gods because they sympathize or agree with the deities’ dogma and philosophy. They worship gods for personal gain. A farmer prays to Chauntea for a good harvest and to Auril for a mild winter. Sailors pray to Umberlee for a safe journey. Praying to an evil deity does not make these people evil. There are a number of deities that are worshipped more than others.
  • Pantheon on Titaanien suurneuvosto, he ovat ryhmä Titaaneja jotka muodostivat maailman ja tarkkailevat universumia. He ovat titaani rodun johtajia, jotka valtuuttivat Lohikäärme Aspectit. Lahjoitti osan kosmisesta voimastaan suurelle Pronssi Lohikäärmeelle Nozdormulle, jotta hän voisi vartioida aikaa ja valvoa ikuisesti kieppuvia kohtalon teitä. Luovutti osan suuresta voimastaan Siniselle Lohikäärmeelle Malygokselle, jotta hänestä tulisi taikuuden ja piilotettujen salaisuuksien vartija. Aman'thulin ja Eonarin poika. Taivaan ja merien luoja. Meri jättiläisten isä.
  • Ingame you will find a Pantheon in HKO's Paris in the bottom left part of the city. It is not locked, so you can go in right away. You can meet the Little Twin Stars there; Kiki and Lala. They will play an important part in the rescue of Hello Kitty and also will have other work for you to do.
Main Character
  • Pantheons; Council of Godheads from Thor Vol 1 300 001.jpg
  • Wielki Skok to celowana w miejsce docelowe umiejętność obszarowa.
  • Cios w Serce to ładowana, celowana, stożkowa umiejętność obszarowa.
  • Ochrona Egidy to pół-ulepszenie.
  • Egida Zeonii to pojedynczo celowana umiejętność na wroga będąca ślizgiem.
  • Rzut Włócznią to umiejętność celowana na pojedynczy wrogi cel.
  • Rockman Zero manga
  • yes
  • Bohaterowie=
  • mana
  • mana
  • Cios w Serce
  • Egida Zeonii
  • Ochrona Egidy
  • Rzut Włócznią
  • Wielki Skok
  • Großes Dunkles Jenseits
Efekty czarów
  • Obszarowe
  • Pojedyncze
  • 4
Dodatkowe informacje
  • * W przeciwieństwie do innych ślizgów animacja Egidy Zeonii może zostać przerwana efektami kontroli tłumu. * Pantheon będzie cel Egidą Zeonii po przemieszczeniu się w trakcie animacji za pomocą , jeśli cel będzie w zasięgu.
  • * Rzut Włócznią nakłada ładunek , gdy jest trafieniem krytycznym. * Rzut Włócznią współpracuje z efektami takich przedmiotów jak .
  • * 20px Niechlubna Śmierć nie działa, gdy Pantheon nie ma ulepszonego Ciosu w Serce przynajmniej na poziom 1.
  • * Ochrona Egidy nie blokuje wszystkich efektów kontroli tłumu nakładanych na atakach. :* Nie blokuje od umiejętności wzmacniających ataki podstawowe, np.: i . * Nie blokuje trzech umiejętności zadających tylko obrażenia magiczne: , i . * Ochrona Egidy blokuje wszystkie umiejętności nakładające efekty przy trafieniu, typu: i .
  • * Czas odnowy Wielkiego Skoku zostanie skrócony do 10 sekund niezależnie od powodu przerwania , ale koszt many nie. * Skok Pantheona jest uznawany po udanym pierwszym ładowaniu. :* Wizualnie wygląda to inaczej, a Pantheon otrzyma po wylądowaniu obrażenia lub efekty kontroli tłumu, które będą w obszarze jego skoku. * Pantheon po zakończeniu skoku wysyła sygnał Przybywam!.
  • 4
  • sek.
  • : Pantheon przygotowuje się do skoku. Jeśli przygotowanie nie zostanie przerwane to wyskakuje on w powietrze na 2 sekundy, niszcząc pociski lecące w jego stronę i stając się niewrażliwy. Po 1.5 sekundy Pantheon spada na ziemię w wycelowanym miejscu, zadając obrażenia magiczne.
  • : Pantheon ciska włócznią we wroga, zadając mu obrażenia fizyczne.
  • : Pantheon otrzymuje 100% szansy na trafienie krytyczne przeciwko celom posiadającym mniej niż . Dodatkowo zadaje dodatkowe 100% obrażeń przeciwko celom posiadającym mniej niż 15% maksymalnego zdrowia.
  • : Pantheon skacze na wrogą jednostkę, zadając obrażenia magiczne i ogłuszając na 1 sekundę oraz odnawia . 600
  • Po zaatakowaniu lub użyciu umiejętności 4 razy, Pantheon zablokuje następny atak podstawowy wrogiego bohatera, wieży, stworów oblężniczych i super-stworów.
  • : Pantheon skupia się przez 0.75 sekundy, wyprowadzając 3 szybkie ciosy i zadając obrażenia fizyczne wrogom w stożku przed nim co 0.25 sekundy. Cele nie będące bohaterami otrzymują 60% obrażeń. 600
  • Jeśli cel spełnia warunki , czyli posiada poniżej 15% maksymalnego zdrowia, to Rzut Włócznią będzie trafieniem krytycznym. 600
  • Wrogowie w obszarze działania otrzymują obrażenia magiczne zależne od położenia względem środka i zostają spowolnieni o 35% na 1 sekundę. Obrażenia magiczne słabną do 50% na krawędziach. Jeśli przygotowanie do skoku zostanie anulowane lub przerwane, to czas odnowy Wielkiego Skoku zostanie skrócony do 30 sekund. 5500 1400
  • 45
  • 55
  • 125
Efekty przy trafieniu
  • Nie
  • 600
  • 5500
  • Wręcz
  • active
  • active
  • Magiczne
  • Fizyczne
  • 4
  • 45
  • 55
  • 100
  • many
  • 126
Tarcze czarów
  • blokują umiejętność.
  • blokują obrażenia.
  • blokują pojedynczy cios.
  • 600
  • 5500
  • Mega Man Zero series
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • The Mark of Athena
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Großer Himmelssturz
  • Speerwurf
  • Ägide von Zeonia
  • omnibus
  • Emperor Hadrian
  • Church
  • A Pantheon Hunter
  • Pantheon
  • 2
  • Mana
  • 0.644000
  • Pantheon of Sorcerers; Pantheon of Sorcerers 1.jpg
  • Pantheon; Pantheon from Marvel Universe Cards Series III 0001.jpg
  • Pantheon
  • Rocky, Vex architecture
  • 352
  • *Humans *Gods
  • Pantheon
Cover Image
  • 220
  • Pantheon
  • GroßerHimmelssturz.jpg
  • Speerwurf.jpg
  • ÄgidevonZeonia.jpg
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • 1.0
  • 1.5
  • Pantheon rassemble ses forces pendant 2 secondes puis bondit dans les airs, retombant visée 1,5 secondes après. Il inflige jusqu'à pts de dégâts magiques aux ennemis au centre de la zone pts de dégâts magiques aux ennemis en bordure de la zone. Météore réduit la vitesse de déplacement des ennemis touchés de 35% pendant 1 seconde. Si la canalisation est interrompue, le délai de récupération est de 10 secondes.
  • Pantheon schleudert seinen Speer auf einen Gegner und verursacht Schaden.
  • Pantheon saute sur l'unité ennemie ciblée et inflige pts de dégâts magiques en l'étourdissant pendant 1 seconde. Pantheon rafraîchit aussi instantanément sa Protection de l'Égide.
  • Pantheon saute sur l'unité ennemie ciblée et inflige pts de dégâts magiques en l'étourdissant pendant 1 seconde. Pantheon rafraîchit aussi instantanément sa Protection de l'Égide.
  • One of Rome's oldest and most famous churches
  • Pantheon projette sa lance sur un adversaire et lui inflige pts de dégâts physiques.
  • Pantheon projette sa lance sur un adversaire et lui inflige pts de dégâts physiques.
  • Mega Man ZX
  • 45
  • 55
  • 125
  • Pantheon EVideo.ogv
  • Pantheon IVideo.ogv
  • Pantheon QVideo.ogv
  • Pantheon RVideo.ogv
  • Pantheon WVideo.ogv
  • Pantheon
  • Pantheon
  • Météore
  • Météore
  • Vélite
  • Vélite
  • Égide de Zeonia
  • Égide de Zeonia
  • Nova's Sanctum
  • 2003-09-01
  • --09-01
  • #FFF
  • Incandescence
  • Temple of the Gods
  • The Q Continuum
  • 8
  • 2330.0
  • 743485114
  • ISBN 0743485114
  • ISBN 0743491602
  • Medium
wikipage disambiguates
  • Control, Skirmish, Clash
  • A Indian superhero.
  • Das Pantheon wurde im Jahr 126 von Marcus Agrippa als Tempel für die antiken römischen Götter erbaut, aber inzwischen ist es zu einem Leuchtfeuer des Christentums geworden. Auch 2000 Jahre nach seiner Errichtung steht dieses Wunder der Architektur mit seiner ungestützten Kuppel.
  • Das Pantheon ist die Bezeichnung für Aman'Thul und seine Geschwister, welche den führenden Rat der Titanen bildeten. Sie reisten durch das Große Dunkle Jenseits um Ordnung und Stabilität zu bringen und Weltenseelen aufzuspüren.
  • The Pantheon (パンテオン Pantheon? officially Romanized Panteon in Japan, although the katakana refer to the Greek term) is a mass-produced Reploid found in the Mega Man Zero video game series. The Pantheons could be considered the sucessors of the Sniper Joes of the 21th century and the Hoganmers, Disk Boys 08 and Armor Soldiers of the 22th century.
  • Als Pantheon bezeichnet man die Gesamtheit aller Götter. Nach Fra Martinus stehen sämtliche Götter in bestimmten "verwandtschaftlichen" bzw. Abstammungsbeziehungen (wie im Diagramm unten dargestellt) wobei Chnum als Göttervater gilt. Die Pantheon-Lehre akzeptiert die Existenz aller Götter und betrachtet den "Glauben" an einen bestimmten Gott eher als besondere Verehrung einer bestimmten Gottheit über die anderen hinaus. Im unten dargestellten Diagramm des Pantheons werden die finsteren Götter in Fettdruck, chaotische kursiv dargestellt. Halbgötter sind mit einem (½) gekennzeichnet. Der Halbgott Horcan wurde genau genommen nicht von Dondra und Jaffna, sondern ihren Avataren auf Myra gezeugt. Über die Identität des sechsten Finstergottes kann nur spekuliert werden. Manche glauben, es wäre Anrash, manch andere glauben auch, Mannanaun würde die "Finsteren Sechs" komplettieren. Chnum_OO_Dena | +-----------------> Denaiden (½) | v v v +--------+--------+ v v Tondur(T)(½) | | v v Marlilith_OO_Borgon T(½)_OO_Norto_OO_Grewia Dyana(½)_OO_Chnum ¡ | | | | ¡ +-----+-----+ Anrash(½) +---+---+ Orphal(½) ¡ | | | | | \ Seth Xnum Kuor-Tulmak Pura_OO_Anur \ | ¡ \ +------------+-----------+ ¡ \ | | | ¡ \_OO_Manuijan Kandy Jaffna_OO | \ \ | Zamnait_OO_T(½) \ +---\----+ | \ | \ | Artan OO_Thagoth OO_Dondra Norytton | | Pottundy(½) Parana Mannanaun Seeker Horcan(½)
  • A Pantheon consists of all the deities in a religion. There are several such pantheons.
  • Pantheon, Artisan de la Guerre est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__PantheonKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Pantheon is a Crucible map in the Destiny expansion The Dark Below. It takes place in a temple inside the winding corridors of the Black Garden.
  • Insieme di divinità che governano una regione.
  • The collection of Norrath's gods.
  • The Pantheon is a building in Rome dedicated to the worship of all the Roman gods. It was originally constructed by Marcus Agrippa following the Battle of Actium and rebuilt later by Emperor Hadrian after a fire which razed it to the ground in 80 CE. Today, the Pantheon remains as one of the best preserved Roman buildings in the world.
  • Pantheon is a stage located directly after Mountain 3, west of the secondary Forest series. At the pantheon, there is a heal function, like the typical Inn, but the secondary function of Pantheon is a sort of "blessing" function, where one can "sacrifice gold to the gods" to gain a temporary boost of some sort that will last for the next stage the player enters. This wears off once the player returns to the world map.
  • Pantheon on Titaanien suurneuvosto, he ovat ryhmä Titaaneja jotka muodostivat maailman ja tarkkailevat universumia. He ovat titaani rodun johtajia, jotka valtuuttivat Lohikäärme Aspectit. Lahjoitti osan kosmisesta voimastaan suurelle Pronssi Lohikäärmeelle Nozdormulle, jotta hän voisi vartioida aikaa ja valvoa ikuisesti kieppuvia kohtalon teitä. Antoi osan voimastaan Punaiselle Lohikäärmeelle Alexstraszalle, jotta hän voisi suojella kaikkia maailman eläviä. Hän myös siunasi Alexstraszan nuoremman sisaren, norjan Vihreän Lohikäärmeen Yseran, osuudella luontoon vaikuttamisesta, jotta hän voisi varjella luontoa. Luovutti osan suuresta voimastaan Siniselle Lohikäärmeelle Malygokselle, jotta hänestä tulisi taikuuden ja piilotettujen salaisuuksien vartija. Aman'thulin ja Eonarin poika. Taivaan ja merien luoja. Meri jättiläisten isä. Lahjoitti osan laajasta voimastaan mahtavalle mustalle lohikäärmeelle Neltharionille, ja antoi hänelle voiman hallita maata ja kaikkia maailman syviä kolkkia. Titaanien suurin taistelija, heidän maailmojensa puolustaja, joka jätti asemansa ja hänestä tuli heidän suurin petturinsa, Palavan Legioonan ylivertainen komentaja. Sargeraksen seuraaja, Sargeraksen lankeamisen ja Palavaan Legioonan liittymisen jälkeen.
  • The Pantheon is a tournament between the Forces of Light (Sedna, Rook, Oak, and Regulus) against the Forces of Darkness (Torch Bearer, Unclean Beast, Queen of Thorns, and Lord Erebus). The goal of each side is to amass a certain amount of Favor among all of its players. Pantheon has multiple Game Types that are usually 2v2.
  • Ingame you will find a Pantheon in HKO's Paris in the bottom left part of the city. It is not locked, so you can go in right away. You can meet the Little Twin Stars there; Kiki and Lala. They will play an important part in the rescue of Hello Kitty and also will have other work for you to do. There is a Panthéon in the real Paris too (as well as the even more and "original" famous Pantheon-temple in Rome, one in London, and other burial-places called Pantheon also at many spots in this world). "Pantheon" means "Every god". The Panthéon is now a building in the Latin Quarter of Paris, looks over all of the city and contains the remains of important French people. Originally the french Panthéon was planned as a church for the powerful Abbey of Sainte-Geneviève. From 1764 to 1790 the architect Jacques-Germain Soufflot (1713–1780) and his students built this Abbey, in a commission of King Louis XV of France. The Abbey has a foot plan looking like a cross, with four naves, surrounded by side aisles. It is said that the king Louis XV had suffered from an illness in 1744 and then had vowed to replace the old church of the Abbey if he recovered. After his recovery he entrusted Abel-François Poisson, marquis de Marigny, with fulfilling the vow. 1755 the marquis comissioned Soufflot as an architect. King Louis gave sanction to the plans of Soufflot in December 1757. But work went along very slowly. On September 6th in 1764 King Ludwig XV was able to lay the foundation stone to the Abbey. But Soufflot died in 1780 and his students Jean-Baptiste Rondelet and also Maximilien Brébion had to take over. Rondelet invented joist made of ferroconcrete to make the stability of the big facade possible. 1790, when the Abbey was finally finished, there was the French revolution - and their leaders, the national constituent assembly, decided to convert the "Abbey" into a mausoleum called the Panthéon. The building is neoclassicistic with a facade that looks like the Pantheon in Rome, but also has a dome. The tall gothic windows were bricked up by the revolutionaries.
  • A pantheon is a grouping of deities through some sort of similarity, such as race or story, known to a group of individuals for a specific time period. All pantheons are specific to particular gameworlds, for example, the Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk.
  • List of related Gods and heroes * Examples of pantheons include: * The Esiti * The Parloth * The Joserui * The Pantheons are grouped into a mythology.
  • A group of spiritual animal beings, with each member of the group having jurisdiction over a species of animal. When the Pantheon member who rules the rats time reaches an end, a new one is chosen. One of the members that represented Rats had died and the Pantheon would go onto choose a new member in the form of the Rat King. They sought Master Splinter to be newest member in their order.
  • Pantheon was a The Next Generation omnibus, a Signature Edition published in September 2003, collecting the novels Reunion and The Valiant by author Michael Jan Friedman. While the releases were never released under a different series banner, the two stories of the collection feature the earliest and latest appearances of the ensemble from the Stargazer series.
  • Shores of Winter uses the Forgotten Realms (Faerun) pantheon. This was decided to make the module more accessible for new players, since the FR gods are well known to most. That way players won’t have to read up on a completely new pantheon. It saves us a lot of work designing one as well. The common population does not worship gods because they sympathize or agree with the deities’ dogma and philosophy. They worship gods for personal gain. A farmer prays to Chauntea for a good harvest and to Auril for a mild winter. Sailors pray to Umberlee for a safe journey. Praying to an evil deity does not make these people evil. There are a number of deities that are worshipped more than others.Deities that have an active cult on the Shores of Winter Tyr Helm Waukeen Talona (a group of hidden followers, with no area of their own. They have played part in several quests though.) Cyric (ditto) Auril Malar (hostile dungeon)Deities for which a shrine or temple exists Tyr Helm Umberlee Tempus Auril Waukeen Rillifane Rallathil Bhaal (abandoned, inhabited by Gnolls)Deities that are commonly worshipped by the population Chauntea (farmers) Helm (Frostkeep) Tempus (people in war) Tyr (Tarloc) Mask (Night Raiders and other lowlifes) Waukeen (Tarloc, merchants) Elven pantheon (elves) Auril (Frostkeep) Ilmater (Tarloc Undercity, the poor) Mystra (Wizards, Sorcerers) Torm (Tarloc) Umberlee (Sailors) Velsharoon (Necromancers, Tarloc Undercity)
  • The Pantheon is the titan high council. (S&L 113) They are the group of titans who shaped worlds and watched over the universe. They are the leaders of the titan race who empowered the Dragon Aspects.
  • thumb|394pxDas Pantheon ist der oberste Sitz der Titanen. Dieser hohe Rat wird von dem Hochvater Aman'thul angeführt. Das Pantheon bemächtigte die Großdrachenaspekte mit ihren Kräften und deren Aufgaben.
  • Pantheon is a world notable for the existence of Gods.
  • Iis. Creator of Shintolin. Also known as: the Dreamer, Isaac. Formed the world of Shintolin out of nothingness and allowed life to spring from its ground. In addition, known to have personally brought wheat to Shintolin, stopped the Great White and founded Valhalla.
  • The Pantheon is a minigame added on July 15 2017, Version 2.0034. It is unlocked by spending one sugar lump to upgrade Temples to level 1. Further upgrade makes no effect to Pantheon. The Pantheon has three slots to worship up to three spirits at the same time. The three slots vary in effectiveness whereby the Diamond slot is always the most effective and the Jade slot the least effective. To slot a spirit you have to spend one worship swap which refill over time, the more you have the longer it takes. You can store up to three worship swaps. There are at least 11 different spirits some of which have a downside as well The effect of Cyclius, Spirit of Ages oscillate with time sinusoidally. Check the following table for explicit number. In Diamond slot, +15% at 0:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45, 12:45, 15:45, 18:45 and 21:45, -15% at 2:15, 5:15, 8:15, 11:15, 14:15, 17:15, 20:15 and 23:15. The effect of Selebrak, Spirit of Festivities for each season are: When the game has a season other than Business Day, golden cookies appear 3/2/1 % more often.
  • The peerless warrior known as Pantheon is a nigh-unstoppable paragon of battle. He was born among the Rakkor, a warlike people living on the flanks of Mount Targon, and after climbing the mountain’s treacherous peak and being deemed worthy, he was chosen to become the earthly incarnation of the celestial Aspect of War. Imbued with inhuman power, he relentlessly seeks the enemies of Targon, leaving only corpses in his wake.
  • The Pantheon is one of Rome's oldest and most famous Roman Catholic churches.
  • A pantheon is the grouping of all gods pertaining to a particular territory, where they can exert influence over without significant interference. Little is known about divine interaction and few pantheons have been revealed in-game, much less shown in full.
  • Rasse Titanen Führer Aman'Thul Zugehörigkeit Rufstufe zu Beginn Stufenbereich Ort Hauptstadt Zone Gebiet Großes Dunkles Jenseits Fraktionen Stufe Das Pantheon ist der hohe Rat und Führungskraft der Titanen.
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