  • Rule of Law
  • Rule Of Law
  • Rule of law
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  • Ruleoflaw
  • The rule of law provides that no person is above the law, that no one can be punished by the state except for a breach of the law, and that no one can be convicted of breaching the law except in the manner set forth in the law itself. The rule of law is
  • The Rule of Law is a fundamental conservative principle underlying the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and a political philosophy. In essence it entails that no person is above the rule of law, and that the law is to be applied equally to all. Some countries openly breach the rule of law (such as Zimbabwe with its denial of basic human rights). Others such as Australia and America promote the ideology of equality before the law, however there have been cases where this has not occurred (for example in Australia the Wood Royal Commission of 1995 found that police officers were not being properly investigated for cases of perjury, and hence were acting above the law).
  • The rule of law was a legal doctrine incorporating numerous principles, the core of which was that no person was above the law. The rule of law was upheld in the United Federation of Planets. When Commander Bruce Maddox challenged Lieutenant Commander Data's right to resign from Starfleet in 2365, Maddox alleged he had a right not to have his work on cybernetics subverted. However, Captain Phillipa Louvois, who was hearing the matter, noted that the rule of law would forbid the seizure of people for experimentation. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man" )
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  • Rule of Law
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  • Retribution, Tier 2
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  • The rule of law was a legal doctrine incorporating numerous principles, the core of which was that no person was above the law. The rule of law was upheld in the United Federation of Planets. When Commander Bruce Maddox challenged Lieutenant Commander Data's right to resign from Starfleet in 2365, Maddox alleged he had a right not to have his work on cybernetics subverted. However, Captain Phillipa Louvois, who was hearing the matter, noted that the rule of law would forbid the seizure of people for experimentation. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man" ) When trapped in a telepathic reality in 2373, Odo was confronted with a representation of his past self appearing as Odo's predecessor Thrax. "Thrax" argued that "When your people resort to terrorism and violence, they're fighting against order... against stability... against the rule of law, and that must stop." Odo, remembering that his attitude had condemned four innocent Bajorans to death, replied that there was more to life than the rule of law. (DS9: "Things Past") In 2375, Weyoun commented that Cardassians' innate value of the rule of law made it unforeseeable that they would rebel against the Dominion, as they had. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind") After The Doctor was illegally sold by Gar to be put to work on the Dinaali Hospital Ship 4-2 in 2377, he protested his illegal detainment, and inquired whether or not the rule of law had reached that society yet. He was nevertheless told by Chellick that he was being used per the Allocator's rules, and was placed to work on "Level Blue." (VOY: "Critical Care")
  • Ruleoflaw
  • The rule of law provides that no person is above the law, that no one can be punished by the state except for a breach of the law, and that no one can be convicted of breaching the law except in the manner set forth in the law itself. The rule of law is
  • The Rule of Law is a fundamental conservative principle underlying the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and a political philosophy. In essence it entails that no person is above the rule of law, and that the law is to be applied equally to all. Some countries openly breach the rule of law (such as Zimbabwe with its denial of basic human rights). Others such as Australia and America promote the ideology of equality before the law, however there have been cases where this has not occurred (for example in Australia the Wood Royal Commission of 1995 found that police officers were not being properly investigated for cases of perjury, and hence were acting above the law).