  • On Steroids
  • In 1931 another German named Adolph, chemist Adolf Butenandt found a way to extract and purify the hormone androstenone isolating it from liquid gold to create an alchemical elixer. Together with chemist Leopold Ruzicka the two created synthetic testosterone and were awarded the Nobel prize in 1939, only to have their Nobel prize taken back after testing confirmed they had been doping with nootropics, giving them an unfair advantage in science.
  • In 1931 another German named Adolph, chemist Adolf Butenandt found a way to extract and purify the hormone androstenone isolating it from liquid gold to create an alchemical elixer. Together with chemist Leopold Ruzicka the two created synthetic testosterone and were awarded the Nobel prize in 1939, only to have their Nobel prize taken back after testing confirmed they had been doping with nootropics, giving them an unfair advantage in science. After another German named Adolf lost a bet on the results of the 36 Olympics, they canceled the 1940 Tokyo games due to heavy bomb rain. By the 1940's Olympic athletes rediscovered steroids, and soon the US and USSR started a decades long steroid arms race for the beefiest athlete arms. When they were banned in 1988 and Athletes had to switch back to eating the testicles of animals to give them the extra edge. Athletes are still limited to having only 2 testicles ever since Bruce Jenner won the decathlon gold with 10.