  • Jordo Drax's estate
  • In 38 BBY, MI5 operatives Jace Bont and Europa Kapanen visited Drax's estate disguised as HoloNet reporters to investigate the movement of an illegal shipment of weapons. After a brief meeting with Drax, the MI5 agents were given a quick tour before heading to the guest rooms for the night.
  • In 38 BBY, MI5 operatives Jace Bont and Europa Kapanen visited Drax's estate disguised as HoloNet reporters to investigate the movement of an illegal shipment of weapons. After a brief meeting with Drax, the MI5 agents were given a quick tour before heading to the guest rooms for the night. That night, Bont went snooping around his offices. He came across a datacard that had shipping routes for the weapons, all leading to Kalee. When Drax's servants attempted to kill the MI5 operatives, they tried to make their escape, only to find that their ship, Sky Skimmer, had been commandeered by Drax's men. Bont and Europa were then taken captive.