  • Pewterschmidt family
  • Carter Pewterschmidt is 70 years old and socializes with others who are extremely wealthy and powerful. He plays poker regularly with Bill Gates, Michael Eisner, and Ted Turner, winning CNN in the process. He owns U.S. Steel and once owned a greyhound, Seabreeze Pewterschmidt, which he raced successfully until she became pregnant with what were thought to be Brian Griffin's puppies. Carter is voiced by Seth MacFarlane.
  • Carter Pewterschmidt is 70 years old and socializes with others who are extremely wealthy and powerful. He plays poker regularly with Bill Gates, Michael Eisner, and Ted Turner, winning CNN in the process. He owns U.S. Steel and once owned a greyhound, Seabreeze Pewterschmidt, which he raced successfully until she became pregnant with what were thought to be Brian Griffin's puppies. Carter is voiced by Seth MacFarlane.