  • Exorcise your secrets by writing a journal
  • From: [[]] Perhaps writing it down will put things in proportion. Even if you'll be up all night. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Safely locked away between the covers
  • 60
Failure title
  • The dreams won't stop
Game Instructions
  • This will always gain you Journals of Infamy. It may have other effects.
Failure description
  • The journal is filled with hysterical tirades in an impossible, scrawling hand you barely recognise as yours. And the candles gutter low.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The time has come to face your Appalling Secrets
Unlocked with
  • ,
Rare Success description
  • Your new journal shakes in your hand. What have you written? You open it, and are overwhelmed by a keening scream that shakes your bones around your parlour. Was that the book, or was it your throat?
Rare Success title
  • Screaming literature
Success description
  • On the page, your secrets seem smaller somehow. Easier to manage. You lock the book and tuck it away safely on a high shelf. What's that tapping? Your light has attracted insects to your window. Or is it your secrets that bring the glowing beetles?
  • Perhaps writing it down will put things in proportion. Even if you'll be up all night.
  • From: [[]] Perhaps writing it down will put things in proportion. Even if you'll be up all night. [Find the rest of the story at ]