  • Tag
  • TAG
  • Tag
  • Tag
  • Tag
  • Tag
  • Tag
  • Wenn man von einem Tag spricht, dann ist damit ein Kampf gemeint, bei dem in jedem Team 2 oder mehr Spieler sind. Diese spielen dann abwechselnd. Bsp: Bakugan-Neu Vestroia - Vanessa + Anni gegen Shun Kazami + Ace Grit in Alpha City
  • "Tag" volt a beceneve a klón pilótának, aki a Köztársasági Flotta Árnyék Századában szolgált.
  • A tag is a
  • The name of a string variable. See: modstrings.txt
  • Ein Tag kann mehreres sein: * ein Metadatentyp, der Deskriptoren mit Objekten assoziiert, siehe HTML-tag * ein am Monitor gut sichtbar angebrachtes, selbstklebendes, gelbes Post-It-Kärtchen mit einer noch ausstehenden Aufgabe drauf, siehe Aufgabe * ein Graffiti, siehe Graffiti-tag * die Erkennungsmarke von US-Soldaten, siehe Dog-tag * ein schweizer Uhrenhersteller, siehe TAG Heuer * ein Hersteller einer Bulletin Board System Software, siehe TAG (BBS) * die Abkürzung für Triacylglycerol * eine Zeiteinheit, die seit Sprengung der Erde aus ihrer Umlaufbahn um mehr Werbezeit für das Privatfernsehen zu erreichen 25 Stunden beträgt
  • Tag was a young gnokgoblin from the Third Age of Flight. After the rest of his village was lured away by the gloamglozers while he and his grandmother were in the woods gathering mushrooms, he traveled to Great Glade with her in search of his missing family. Later, he joined the Hive Militia in time to witness the last Barrelling.
  • A Tag activates Tag Sensors and Remote Tag Sensors once it is nearby. It will only activate Tag Sensors or Remote Tag Sensors with the same color and the same label. It was introduced in LittleBigPlanet.
  • Tagit/merkinnät ovat seiniin spreijattuja merkkejä. Ne voi "vaihtaa" omaksi tagikseen spreijaamalla päälle (tarvitaan spray-purkki joka löytyy Johnson Housen makuuhuoneesta). Tageja on yhteensä 100kpl. HUOM! Tageja ei ole rakennusten sisällä tai lattiassa/katossa, niitä on vain ja ainoastaan seinissä, ulkona! Tageja on vain pelin GTA San Andreasin jengeillä, jotka ovat Los Santosissa.
  • Tag is an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob and Patrick play tag and nearly destroy Bikini Bottom. It is Saturday, so the next day, Squidward comes to Bikini Bottom to do community service, and he sees all the trash he has to pick up, so he plays tag to get SpongeBob and hurt him. But at the end Squidward gets arrested for touching.
  • Used in the Predator: Concrete Jungle comic, the tag is a small circular tracking device that is used on prey which the Predator wishes to continuously bait rather than kill outright. The bottom portion of the tag is coated with hook-like barbs which are inserted beneath the target's skin to prevent removal.
  • To tag a monster means to pull it. The term is often used in conjunction with dungeons, for example when asking team members if "all monsters are tagged?" when attempting to clear a dungeon or dungeon section.
  • Target Acquisition Gear (TAG) A spotter uses the TAG to designate a target for attack by a homing missile fored from an Arrow IV Missile Artillery System.
  • Oznaka ili tag je skraćeno ime nekog saveza. Savezni tag može imati 3 do 8 znakova i najčešće se prikazuje unutar uglatih zagrada []. Tag saveza prikazuje se na statistici te služi za identifikaciju saveza. Tag saveza mogu promijeniti samo članovi saveza sa pravima upravljanja saveza u meniju Savez klikom na lijevu tipku sa natpisom SWITCH ispod opcije Upravljanje članova.
  • In 2268, James T. Kirk referred to a transmission coming from an Orion vessel might be "someone out there playing tag". (TOS: "Journey to Babel" ) In 2369, a de-aged Ro Laren and Guinan used playing tag as an excuse to affix combadges to the backs of Ferengi intruders on the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Rascals" )
  • The game begins. Click on edit up top to add info and details, then Save Page at the bottom. We create the origin/back story of our character in secret. Keep that secret for now. state a city in the world. and a brief bio of a target character who is located there.
  • [Source] Le pilote clone Tag faisait partie de l'escadron Shadow qui servit durant la Guerre des Clones. Il fut tué lors de la bataille de la nébuleuse Kaliida ainsi que son canonnier.
  • Art Zugehörigkeit Volk Organisation Datum Zeit Kategorie Als eine schärfere Zeitbegrenzung aufgekam, unterschied man auch im Mittelalter den durch die Umdrehung der Erde um ihre Achse bestimmten Zeitraum, den bürgerlichen Tag, vom Lichttag, der vom Aufgang bis zum Untergang der Sonne reichte.
  • Brian Cruz lived in Puerto Rico with his mother who is openly pro-mutants and supported her son entirely. Tag’s powers first manifested while he was at school. He inadvertently caused everyone around to runaway leaving him alone. Tag was a psionic with a very limited form of mind control. Specifically he could mentally control others to either be compelled or repelled by specific things, particularly a person. Some time after his powers emerged he and his family came to America and he was enrolled at the Xavier Institute. Tag was quickly selected by Emma Frost as one of her advisees and as a result he became a member of the Hellions training squad.
  • After going through some simple flash cards such as colours, animals, food or body parts, give each student a small card with one of the words on it. Tell them you are going to say a word and whoever is holding that word is "it" (oni in Japanese). They have to tag someone before you shout the next vocab word. If a student gets caught, they swap vocab cards and become the "oni". There is no winner or loser in this game, so there shouldn't be any tears.
  • Un Tag est une version raccourcie d'un nom d'alliance. Il est habituellement écrit entre crochets []. Les utilisateurs peuvent utiliser ce tag sur IRC pour indiquer aux autres personnes qu'ils appartiennent à la dite alliance. Ce tag est également utilisé sur la page des statistiques Catégorie:OGame Wiki
  • A tag is string (up to 32 characters) which is used to identify an object within a module, but does not need to be unique. This should not be confused with a ResRef, which is used to identify blueprints and must be unique. BioWare often sets tags equal to ResRefs, and this is the default in the Toolset, but not following this example could prevent confusion. Tags are case sensitive and may contain a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters. Digits and underscores are also valid for use in a tag. Example several tags, one ResRef:
  • Als Tag bezeichnet man sowohl, im Sinne einer Zeiteinheit eine bestimmte Zeitdauer, als auch gleichzeitig einen bestimmten Abschnitt eines solchen Tages. Die Länge der Zeiteinheit Tag bemisst sich aus der Rotationsdauer eines Planeten um seine eigene Achse, dabei entspricht eine Rotation einem Tag. Als Zeiteinheit ist der Tag also auf jedem Planeten anders definiert. Ein Tag der Erde entspricht etwa 24 Stunden und wird dann, zur besseren Unterscheidung, auch Solartag genannt. (TAS: ) 2356 entdeckt Erin Hansen Dilithiumvorkommen zehn Tagesreisen von der USS Raven entfernt. (VOY: )
  • Malcolm visits an old collegue of his, Elizabeth Gelman, who works at the San Francisco Zoo who Malcolm had asked to look at the specimen sample Levine sent him. Gelman admits that the specimen has generated quite a bit of interest from others working at the zoo, and inquires if it has anything to do with the rumors of odd animal corpses showing up in Costa Rica. Malcolm, being evasive, asks about her curiosity to which she responds that the animal is most certainly an unknown one. Looking at the slides of the sample under a microscope, Elizabeth states that due to the epidermis the creature is some sort of lizard, and due to the presence of femoral scent gland pores, that the creature was male. She switches slides that show smooth muscle fibers, which are atypical of lizards, and states t
  • In microblogging, a tag is a short label that can be included in the content of your post. It should describe the subject of your post in such a way that someone searching for posts about that subject would be able to find relevant posts. For example, if I post about something that's happening in Leeds, I include the tag "#leeds" somewhere in the post. If someone wants to find out what's going on in Leeds, they can then search for all the posts that have this tag.
  • When coding the games in the Halo trilogy, Bungie needed a way to organize and access their content at run-time. They decided to use a system of tags and tag groups, storing game resources as tags and sorting them into groups by type.
  • Tags are the code representation of elements. In XML, all elements require a start and end tag. Start tags are formed by an angular opening bracket (<), immediately followed by the element name, then optionally by whitespace and one or more attributes, and finally closed by a closing angular bracket (>). The end tag is comparable to the opening tag, but has a forward slash (/) between the opening bracket and the element name, and omits the attributes. An example of a start (beginning) and end (closing) tag pair: ... is identical to In HTML, a closing tag is required for most elements such as the
  • Behaviour in Doom is controlled by using a combination of tags and types applied to linedefs and sectors. Tags are used to relate an action, as specified by a linedef type, to the sector (or sectors) which it will affect. Normally, a tag is an arbitrary non-zero integer, specified in the tag field of linedef and sector entries. The Boom engine greatly extended the number of sector and linedef types, as well as introducing behaviours that involve things.
Main Character
  • Brian Cruz;Brian Cruz from New X-Men Vol 2 5 0001.jpg
  • Masculin
  • 143.0
  • Fekete
  • Tag
  • Tag
  • industrial rock
  • electronic
  • Tokyo
  • indie, active
  • *République Galactique **Grande Armée de la République ***Marine Républicaine ****Escadron Shadow
  • Tag
  • Tag
  • Tag
  • TAG
  • Tag
  • 58163
  • 600123
  • Tag
  • Таг
  • Tag
  • 2013
  • シャドウ5
  • telomere
  • Light
  • タグ
  • 22
Main Image Size
  • 180
  • *Galaktikus Köztársaság **Köztársasági Flotta ***Árnyék Század
  • Barna
  • 1,83 m
  • Als Tag bezeichnet man sowohl, im Sinne einer Zeiteinheit eine bestimmte Zeitdauer, als auch gleichzeitig einen bestimmten Abschnitt eines solchen Tages. Die Länge der Zeiteinheit Tag bemisst sich aus der Rotationsdauer eines Planeten um seine eigene Achse, dabei entspricht eine Rotation einem Tag. Als Zeiteinheit ist der Tag also auf jedem Planeten anders definiert. Ein Tag der Erde entspricht etwa 24 Stunden und wird dann, zur besseren Unterscheidung, auch Solartag genannt. (TAS: ) Außerdem bezeichnet man als „Tag“ auch die Phase eines Tages, in der die Sonne die Oberfläche des Planeten am Referenzpunkt bescheint. So verstanden ist der Tag das Gegenstück zur Nacht. Er kann weiter in Tageszeiten unterteilt werde, zum Beispiel Morgen – Zeit um den Sonnenaufgang –, Vormittag, Mittag – die Mitte des Tages –, Nachmittag und Abend, an dem die Sonne untergeht und die Nacht beginnt. An Bord von Raumschiffen der Sternenflotte wird ein planetarer Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus simuliert und die Beleuchtung entsprechend angepasst, so dass es am „Tag“ hell und in der „Nacht“ dunkel ist. (TOS: ; TNG: ) In der Föderation dominiert der 24-Stunden-Tag, der auch in der Sternenflotte als Norm gilt. (VOY: , , ). Eine Ausnahme bildet die ebenfalls unter der Kontrolle der Sternenflotte stehende Raumstation Deep Space 9. Dort ist der auf Bajor gültige 26-Stunden-Tag übernommen worden. (DS9: ) 2356 entdeckt Erin Hansen Dilithiumvorkommen zehn Tagesreisen von der USS Raven entfernt. (VOY: ) 2376 verordnet der Doktor Harry Kim zwei Tage Ruhe, nachdem er in einer Jefferies-Röhre eine Panikattacke erleidet. Als Kim ihm widersprechen will, droht er ihm mit drei Tagen Ruhe, worauf Kim einlenkt. (VOY: )
  • Wenn man von einem Tag spricht, dann ist damit ein Kampf gemeint, bei dem in jedem Team 2 oder mehr Spieler sind. Diese spielen dann abwechselnd. Bsp: Bakugan-Neu Vestroia - Vanessa + Anni gegen Shun Kazami + Ace Grit in Alpha City
  • Malcolm visits an old collegue of his, Elizabeth Gelman, who works at the San Francisco Zoo who Malcolm had asked to look at the specimen sample Levine sent him. Gelman admits that the specimen has generated quite a bit of interest from others working at the zoo, and inquires if it has anything to do with the rumors of odd animal corpses showing up in Costa Rica. Malcolm, being evasive, asks about her curiosity to which she responds that the animal is most certainly an unknown one. Looking at the slides of the sample under a microscope, Elizabeth states that due to the epidermis the creature is some sort of lizard, and due to the presence of femoral scent gland pores, that the creature was male. She switches slides that show smooth muscle fibers, which are atypical of lizards, and states that the impression given by the sample is that the creature was warm blooded, and had avian characteristics and a highly unusual immune system. Elizabeth asks if it would be possible to get more samples from "Site B", which Malcolm has never heard of and. Elizabeth points out that "Site B" is emblazoned on the ID tag they found on the sample; the tag itself is small and made of the same material that football helmets are made of, making it very strong and durable. The tag itself is hollow, with circuitry filling the inside presumably so the animal could be tracked electronically. The tag is also heavily corroded, which could only have occured from volcanic fumes. Gelman admits that the tag has upset people because it implies that somewhere, people are rasing whatever these creatures are. She asks Ian if he knows how this could happen, which he denies. An exasperated Elizabeth accuses him of lying and gives him his sample back; Ian promises to explain things to her soon. As Malcolm leaves, Elizabeth asks him how the animal died; he replies that there were signs on the carcass that the animal had been in a fight. Elizabeth informs him that there were signs of skin cells from another animal in the carcass, which is typical of fights among lizards as they press against each other. However she noticed that the arterial cells showed signs of chronic stress and asks Ian as he leaves that if someone is breeding these things, why are they under so much stress. Once outside, Ian tries to call Levine but gets no response.
  • "Tag" volt a beceneve a klón pilótának, aki a Köztársasági Flotta Árnyék Századában szolgált.
  • A tag is a
  • A tag is string (up to 32 characters) which is used to identify an object within a module, but does not need to be unique. This should not be confused with a ResRef, which is used to identify blueprints and must be unique. BioWare often sets tags equal to ResRefs, and this is the default in the Toolset, but not following this example could prevent confusion. Tags are case sensitive and may contain a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters. Digits and underscores are also valid for use in a tag. Changing the tag on an object is a common way to differentiate between instances of the same blueprint. Using the same tag on objects created from different blueprints is a common way to give different objects similar functionality/behavior. Example several tags, one ResRef: 1. * Create a blueprint and set the ResRef to "orctable". 2. * Set the tag to use the same value but in uppercase (i.e. "ORCTABLE"). 3. * Create an instance of this blueprint and change the tag on the object to "ORCTABLE_01". 4. * Create a second instance of the same blueprint and change the tag to "ORCTABLE_02".
  • The name of a string variable. See: modstrings.txt
  • Ein Tag kann mehreres sein: * ein Metadatentyp, der Deskriptoren mit Objekten assoziiert, siehe HTML-tag * ein am Monitor gut sichtbar angebrachtes, selbstklebendes, gelbes Post-It-Kärtchen mit einer noch ausstehenden Aufgabe drauf, siehe Aufgabe * ein Graffiti, siehe Graffiti-tag * die Erkennungsmarke von US-Soldaten, siehe Dog-tag * ein schweizer Uhrenhersteller, siehe TAG Heuer * ein Hersteller einer Bulletin Board System Software, siehe TAG (BBS) * die Abkürzung für Triacylglycerol * eine Zeiteinheit, die seit Sprengung der Erde aus ihrer Umlaufbahn um mehr Werbezeit für das Privatfernsehen zu erreichen 25 Stunden beträgt
  • Tag was a young gnokgoblin from the Third Age of Flight. After the rest of his village was lured away by the gloamglozers while he and his grandmother were in the woods gathering mushrooms, he traveled to Great Glade with her in search of his missing family. Later, he joined the Hive Militia in time to witness the last Barrelling.
  • A Tag activates Tag Sensors and Remote Tag Sensors once it is nearby. It will only activate Tag Sensors or Remote Tag Sensors with the same color and the same label. It was introduced in LittleBigPlanet.
  • Tagit/merkinnät ovat seiniin spreijattuja merkkejä. Ne voi "vaihtaa" omaksi tagikseen spreijaamalla päälle (tarvitaan spray-purkki joka löytyy Johnson Housen makuuhuoneesta). Tageja on yhteensä 100kpl. HUOM! Tageja ei ole rakennusten sisällä tai lattiassa/katossa, niitä on vain ja ainoastaan seinissä, ulkona! Tageja on vain pelin GTA San Andreasin jengeillä, jotka ovat Los Santosissa.
  • Tag is an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob and Patrick play tag and nearly destroy Bikini Bottom. It is Saturday, so the next day, Squidward comes to Bikini Bottom to do community service, and he sees all the trash he has to pick up, so he plays tag to get SpongeBob and hurt him. But at the end Squidward gets arrested for touching.
  • Behaviour in Doom is controlled by using a combination of tags and types applied to linedefs and sectors. Tags are used to relate an action, as specified by a linedef type, to the sector (or sectors) which it will affect. Normally, a tag is an arbitrary non-zero integer, specified in the tag field of linedef and sector entries. For example, in the northernmost room of MAP01: Entryway (Doom II), there are four platforms with troopers on them; two of the platforms have switches on their sides facing the center of the room. The switch on the eastern platform is implemented using a linedef type of 103 ("switch once: remote door open and stay open") and a linedef tag of 4. In the northeast corner of the room, the wall is actually one side of a sector with a sector tag of 4. Thus, when the switch is activated using the USE key (spacebar by default), the wall in the northeast corner opens like a door. The other switch in this room is a linedef with type 102 ("switch once: move floor down to highest neighbor floor height") and a tag of 3. The four platforms all have different sector numbers, but they all have a tag number of 3. Therefore, activating the switch lowers all four platforms. The Boom engine greatly extended the number of sector and linedef types, as well as introducing behaviours that involve things.
  • Used in the Predator: Concrete Jungle comic, the tag is a small circular tracking device that is used on prey which the Predator wishes to continuously bait rather than kill outright. The bottom portion of the tag is coated with hook-like barbs which are inserted beneath the target's skin to prevent removal.
  • To tag a monster means to pull it. The term is often used in conjunction with dungeons, for example when asking team members if "all monsters are tagged?" when attempting to clear a dungeon or dungeon section.
  • Target Acquisition Gear (TAG) A spotter uses the TAG to designate a target for attack by a homing missile fored from an Arrow IV Missile Artillery System.
  • Oznaka ili tag je skraćeno ime nekog saveza. Savezni tag može imati 3 do 8 znakova i najčešće se prikazuje unutar uglatih zagrada []. Tag saveza prikazuje se na statistici te služi za identifikaciju saveza. Tag saveza mogu promijeniti samo članovi saveza sa pravima upravljanja saveza u meniju Savez klikom na lijevu tipku sa natpisom SWITCH ispod opcije Upravljanje članova.
  • In microblogging, a tag is a short label that can be included in the content of your post. It should describe the subject of your post in such a way that someone searching for posts about that subject would be able to find relevant posts. For example, if I post about something that's happening in Leeds, I include the tag "#leeds" somewhere in the post. If someone wants to find out what's going on in Leeds, they can then search for all the posts that have this tag. Tags provide a flexible, organic system of labelling which is unlike classificatory taxonomies in that the labels do not have to be fixed, and new labels can be created as easily as new content. As such they are well suited to decentralised and distributed knowledge systems, but less useful for canonical reference works where a hierarchy of nested classes can provide structure to data that would otherwise be unnavigable.
  • In 2268, James T. Kirk referred to a transmission coming from an Orion vessel might be "someone out there playing tag". (TOS: "Journey to Babel" ) In 2369, a de-aged Ro Laren and Guinan used playing tag as an excuse to affix combadges to the backs of Ferengi intruders on the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Rascals" )
  • The game begins. Click on edit up top to add info and details, then Save Page at the bottom. We create the origin/back story of our character in secret. Keep that secret for now. state a city in the world. and a brief bio of a target character who is located there.
  • [Source] Le pilote clone Tag faisait partie de l'escadron Shadow qui servit durant la Guerre des Clones. Il fut tué lors de la bataille de la nébuleuse Kaliida ainsi que son canonnier.
  • Art Zugehörigkeit Volk Organisation Datum Zeit Kategorie Als eine schärfere Zeitbegrenzung aufgekam, unterschied man auch im Mittelalter den durch die Umdrehung der Erde um ihre Achse bestimmten Zeitraum, den bürgerlichen Tag, vom Lichttag, der vom Aufgang bis zum Untergang der Sonne reichte.
  • Tags are the code representation of elements. In XML, all elements require a start and end tag. Start tags are formed by an angular opening bracket (<), immediately followed by the element name, then optionally by whitespace and one or more attributes, and finally closed by a closing angular bracket (>). The end tag is comparable to the opening tag, but has a forward slash (/) between the opening bracket and the element name, and omits the attributes. An example of a start (beginning) and end (closing) tag pair: ... The start and end tags can be collapsed into a shorthand notation if they have no content. The shorthand notation is identical to the start tag, except for a forward slash just before the closing bracket. Example: is identical to In HTML, a closing tag is required for most elements such as the element. However, some elements such as the <img> element, and the <link> element do not require a closing (ending) tag.
  • Brian Cruz lived in Puerto Rico with his mother who is openly pro-mutants and supported her son entirely. Tag’s powers first manifested while he was at school. He inadvertently caused everyone around to runaway leaving him alone. Tag was a psionic with a very limited form of mind control. Specifically he could mentally control others to either be compelled or repelled by specific things, particularly a person. Some time after his powers emerged he and his family came to America and he was enrolled at the Xavier Institute. Tag was quickly selected by Emma Frost as one of her advisees and as a result he became a member of the Hellions training squad.
  • After going through some simple flash cards such as colours, animals, food or body parts, give each student a small card with one of the words on it. Tell them you are going to say a word and whoever is holding that word is "it" (oni in Japanese). They have to tag someone before you shout the next vocab word. If a student gets caught, they swap vocab cards and become the "oni". There is no winner or loser in this game, so there shouldn't be any tears.
  • When coding the games in the Halo trilogy, Bungie needed a way to organize and access their content at run-time. They decided to use a system of tags and tag groups, storing game resources as tags and sorting them into groups by type. When a component of the game needs to use a resource, it is given a reference to the tag instead of a direct reference to the resource. This makes it easier to transform the tag at run-time (e.x. distorting a sound if the game camera is underwater). Also, by defining most game assets as tags, Bungie compartmentalized their code, separating the process of loading the tags and the process of using the tags, thus making it easier and simpler to load a tag. Because the parts of the game that use the tags (things like the physics engine) are separate from the parts of the game that load the tags (the tag manager), it is possible to optimize the loading of tags without having to modify the parts of the program that use them. This allows features like tag caching to be added and modified while leaving other core parts of the game engine untouched.
  • Un Tag est une version raccourcie d'un nom d'alliance. Il est habituellement écrit entre crochets []. Les utilisateurs peuvent utiliser ce tag sur IRC pour indiquer aux autres personnes qu'ils appartiennent à la dite alliance. Ce tag est également utilisé sur la page des statistiques Catégorie:OGame Wiki
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