  • Evil Makes You Hideous
  • Evil Makes You Hideous is a term used often to describe a phenomena in which a character not only corrupted on the inside due to outside malevolent force or turning to the dark side, but also on the outside where the more he/she become evil, the more hideous he/she become as well. In many stories, heroes may warned by his parents/friends about horrific consequence of literally turned into monstrous creatures as punishment of specific crime or other evil acts.
  • Evil Makes You Hideous is a term used often to describe a phenomena in which a character not only corrupted on the inside due to outside malevolent force or turning to the dark side, but also on the outside where the more he/she become evil, the more hideous he/she become as well. Like He Who Hunts Monsters, the term of a character whom appearance become hideous as result of commiting more evil acts or willingness to be corrupted by external malevolent force has been populared by TV Tropes in form of two pages, Evil Makes You Ugly (where the character simply had repulsive appearance) and Evil Makes You Monstrous (the character's deformation not just on appearance, but also have personality that warped as worse as the appearance), but did not originate on that website. The term actually originated from various folklores, legends, and myths in real life about horrific consequences should one commit a horrible crime/evil act, often as punishment of their actions. For instance, in Native American mythology, legends about cannibalistic monster named Wendigo is the warning about act of cannibalism, where should one performed act of cannibalism, the said person would turned into another Wendigo as well. In many stories, heroes may warned by his parents/friends about horrific consequence of literally turned into monstrous creatures as punishment of specific crime or other evil acts.