  • Tenday
  • A tenday was a measure of time, ten days long, which was used primarily by both the Vulcan and Romulan civilizations. (TOS novels: The Romulan Way, Spock's World, Honor Blade, The Empty Chair) It was also adopted, to a limited degree, by other Federation cultures. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)
  • A tenday was a Faerûnian unit of time. The Calendar of Harptos divided the thirty-day months into three blocks of ten days each, or simply put, "tendays". The word was used interchangeably with the Earthly term "week".
  • A tenday was a measure of time, ten days long, which was used primarily by both the Vulcan and Romulan civilizations. (TOS novels: The Romulan Way, Spock's World, Honor Blade, The Empty Chair) It was also adopted, to a limited degree, by other Federation cultures. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)
  • A tenday was a Faerûnian unit of time. The Calendar of Harptos divided the thirty-day months into three blocks of ten days each, or simply put, "tendays". The word was used interchangeably with the Earthly term "week".