  • Krypton
  • Krypton
  • Krypton
  • Krypton
  • Krypton
  • Krypton
  • Krypton was, before its destruction, the home planet of the Kryptonian race, including Kal-El, the future Superman. When Krypton was destroyed, however, fragments from the planet went into outer space, resulting in the creation of a harmful, radioactive substance known as Kryptonite.
  • Krypton was an element used in advert-spheres and light sculptures to create a shining, visual specter.
  • In all descriptions of Krypton, it was similar to Earth. In an orbit around a red star named Rao. With the exception of the Earth-Two dimension which Krypton orbited a star named Negus. There are many versions of the world each one with its own rich history, and background. In (virtually) all cases Krypton was destroyed in one way or another. Krypton, in prehistoric times, was one of the most dangerous and violent planets known as it was home to many dangerous beasts.
  • Krypton is a chemical element. In 2267, the USS Enterprise found the atmosphere of Neolithia breathable, an oxygen-nitrogen mixture, with traces of argon, krypton, and neon. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius)
  • Krypton was the home planet of Kara Zor-El and Kal-El before its destruction. It was located 2,000 light years from Earth orbiting an old red dwarf star called Rao.
  • Krypton was a planet in a distant galaxy millions of light-years from Earth. It was the homeworld of the Kryptonians. Krypton orbited the red sun Rao, which was worshiped as a patron deity by Kryptonians. It also had several moons. It was considered by the universe as a peaceful and advanced planet until civil war broke out, leading to its destruction in 1986 by Zod and Zor-El after they used Brainiac to ignite Krypton's unstable core.
  • Es un planeta ficticio creado para la historia de Superman. Es el lugar originario de este personaje. Cuando su padre, Jor-El, viendo que el planeta iba a explotar por problemas con el núcleo del planeta, lanzó a su hijo, Kal-El, al espacio en una nave espacial hacia el tercer planeta conocida como "la Tierra", para salvar su vida.
  • Krypton - besser bekannt unter dem Namen Kryptonit - wurde im Jahre 1980 von dem amerikanischen Journalisten Clark Kent auf den Sohlen seiner neuen Schuhe entdeckt. Warum es neben rotem, grünem und schwarzem Kryptonit nicht auch noch gelbes gibt, haben die Filmemacher aber nicht verraten.
  • Krypton is the home world of Clark Kent, Superman.
  • Krypton è un pianeta della galassia Zbor4 distrutto nel 3478 a.S. da uno sconquasso geologico originato dall'onda emotiva di un concerto di Marco Masini. Gli 890.000 presenti, al quarto pezzo (e chi se ne frega), subirono una mutazione diventando tutti emo e, conseguentemente, si tagliarono le vene. L'onda emotiva incrinò successivamente i fragilissimi equilibri tettonici del pianeta portandolo a implodere e diventare un ano spaziale gayo gigante, che invece che espellere, accoglieva. Secondo gli scienziati dell'epoca, lo sfintere galattico mostrava grandi analogie con il comportamento dei buchi neri (Black Holes) e fu pertanto ribattezzato "Black Butt" (Ano Nero).
  • Krypton ist ein Edelgas. Das Element steht im Periodensystem an 36. Stelle. Die Atmosphäre von Taurus II bei Murasaki 312 enthält neben Sauerstoff, Stickstoff, Argon und Neon auch Krypton. (TOS: )
  • Krypton was an element, number 36 on the periodic table. In 2267, the Galileo crash landed on Taurus II, near the Murasaki 312. The crew found the atmosphere breathable, an oxygen-nitrogen mixture, with traces of krypton, neon, and argon, not dissimilar to that of Earth. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven" ) Later that year, the Galileo II was forced to crash-land on a planetoid in the Gamma Canaris region. The crew found the atmosphere to also be an oxygen-nitrogen compound similar to that of Earth, again containing trace amounts of krypton, argon, and neon. (TOS: "Metamorphosis" )
  • Krypton was a planet deep in space. It was destroyed sometime in the 1940s because it exploded. It's the homeworld of Kryptonians such as Jor-El, Lara, Kal-El (aka Superman), the Kandorians, Zycree, Logar, Hul, Rom-lok and strange dragon type creatures. When Superman met Krim for the first time, he told him he was also from another planet: Krypton. Krim was familiar with the planet, telling him he had heard of it: "the planet that exploded."
  • On the surface, Kryptonians were physically indistinguishable from humans, however their biology is far more advanced in that they are able to absorb and utilize energy within their bodies with far more direct and elaborate manners than humans. Due to this trait Kryptonians can develop "super-powers" such as super speed, heat vision, x-ray vision, super breath, flight, super strength and invulnerability when exposed to a source of energy that is alternate from that of red solar radiation.
  • Krypton is the planet where all the Super's come from. Most famously known for being Superman's birth planet but also Supergirl's.
  • Krypton (Kr) – trzydziesty szósty pierwiastek chemiczny, czwarty z grupy szlachetnych nierobów, któremu w dupie się poprzewracało od swojej szlachetności. Krypton nie ma barwy, zastosowania, znaczenia biologicznego, nie reaguje praktycznie z niczym oprócz fluoru. Mimo swojej bezużyteczności, ładnie świeci i dzięki temu tolerowany jest jako pełnoprawny pierwiastek chemiczny.
  • Krypton appears, or is at least mentioned, in almost every version of the Superman mythos. It has changed completely over the years while retaining many elements from its past. It is the homeworld of Superman, but also to Supergirl, Krypto and other Kryptonians. Unfortunately, the destruction of the planet also created Kryptonite, radioactive chunks of the planet which are deadly to all Kryptonians. Jor-El told Louise McCallum, that Krypton has colors that humans couldn't even dream of.
  • In 2267 stortte de Galileo neer op Taurus II nabij Murasaki 312. De bemanning ontdekte dat de atmosfeer adembaar was en bestond uit een zuurstof-stikstof mengsel, met sporen van krypton, neon en argon, niet al te verschillend van de atmosfeer van Aarde. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven") Later dat jaar was de Galileo II gedwongen om een noodlanding te maken op een planetoïde in de Gamma Canaris regio. Ook hier ontdekte de bemanning een atmosfeer die sterk leek op die van Aarde, met opnieuw sporen van krypton, argon en neon. (TOS: "Metamorphosis")
  • Krypton is a fictional planet in the DC Comics universe, and the native world of the super-heroes Superman and, in some tellings, Supergirl, and Krypto the "super dog". Krypton has been portrayed consistently as having been destroyed just prior to Superman's flight from the planet, with exact details of its destruction varying by time period, writers and franchise. Kryptonians were the dominant people of Krypton.
  • The planet revolves around the mighty star Gama Delta Pi Alpha, which generously provides Krypton with lighting, heat and atomic nourishment via photosynthesis, and it does all of this for free without complaining. The planet has a double inverted atypical elliptical orbit around a quadruple system, making its trajectory impossible to predict. This means no ship can land on the planet without hyper-technology, or the kind of luck that the U.S.S. Enterprise seems to have in every episode of Star Trek.
  • The planet Krypton was born approximately six-billion years ago (by Kryptonian dating standards), as a result of a gaseous mass eschewed by the giant red sun,Rao. It wasn't until approximately ten-thousand years ago however, that human societies began to emerge, giving birth to a race of intellectual supermen.
  • Krypton is the asploded home planet of Superman. Its people were highly advanced stuck-up snobs in flowing gowns with strange haircuts. Although world renowned scientist Jor-El gave everybody else full warning before the entire place blew up, he was ignored by the authorities on the grounds that he was probably just sensing the burrito he had had for lunch. He and his wife sent their child hurtling randomly through space in an experimental rocket ship to "save" him from certain death. Luckily, he came to Earth and happened to land conveniently in an idealistic small town next to a kindly senile family.
  • Natraul
Row 4 info
  • Jor-El, Lara
Row 1 info
  • Sector 2813
Row 4 title
  • Notable Residents
Row 2 info
  • Joe Shuster, Jerry Seigel
Row 1 title
  • Location
Row 5 info
  • Science Council
Row 2 title
  • Creators
Row 5 title
  • Points of Interest
Row 3 info
  • Superman #1
Row 3 title
  • First Appearance
  • 36
Box Title
  • Krypton
  • 5716770
  • 2013-09-02
  • Stable
  • Destroyed
  • Krypton
  • krypton
  • Depending on the Universe or series it is either the Milky Way Galaxy, Xeno Galaxy, or the Andromeda Galaxy
  • 0
  • Krypton
Image size
  • 250
  • Terrestrial
  • Kr
  • Krypton 2.jpg
  • Supergirl
  • Argo City, Kandor, Vathlo Island
Image File
  • Kryton.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
  • Krypton was, before its destruction, the home planet of the Kryptonian race, including Kal-El, the future Superman. When Krypton was destroyed, however, fragments from the planet went into outer space, resulting in the creation of a harmful, radioactive substance known as Kryptonite.
  • Krypton was an element used in advert-spheres and light sculptures to create a shining, visual specter.
  • In all descriptions of Krypton, it was similar to Earth. In an orbit around a red star named Rao. With the exception of the Earth-Two dimension which Krypton orbited a star named Negus. There are many versions of the world each one with its own rich history, and background. In (virtually) all cases Krypton was destroyed in one way or another. Krypton, in prehistoric times, was one of the most dangerous and violent planets known as it was home to many dangerous beasts.
  • Krypton is a chemical element. In 2267, the USS Enterprise found the atmosphere of Neolithia breathable, an oxygen-nitrogen mixture, with traces of argon, krypton, and neon. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius)
  • Krypton was the home planet of Kara Zor-El and Kal-El before its destruction. It was located 2,000 light years from Earth orbiting an old red dwarf star called Rao.
  • Krypton was a planet in a distant galaxy millions of light-years from Earth. It was the homeworld of the Kryptonians. Krypton orbited the red sun Rao, which was worshiped as a patron deity by Kryptonians. It also had several moons. It was considered by the universe as a peaceful and advanced planet until civil war broke out, leading to its destruction in 1986 by Zod and Zor-El after they used Brainiac to ignite Krypton's unstable core.
  • Es un planeta ficticio creado para la historia de Superman. Es el lugar originario de este personaje. Cuando su padre, Jor-El, viendo que el planeta iba a explotar por problemas con el núcleo del planeta, lanzó a su hijo, Kal-El, al espacio en una nave espacial hacia el tercer planeta conocida como "la Tierra", para salvar su vida.
  • Krypton - besser bekannt unter dem Namen Kryptonit - wurde im Jahre 1980 von dem amerikanischen Journalisten Clark Kent auf den Sohlen seiner neuen Schuhe entdeckt. Warum es neben rotem, grünem und schwarzem Kryptonit nicht auch noch gelbes gibt, haben die Filmemacher aber nicht verraten.
  • Krypton is the home world of Clark Kent, Superman.
  • Krypton è un pianeta della galassia Zbor4 distrutto nel 3478 a.S. da uno sconquasso geologico originato dall'onda emotiva di un concerto di Marco Masini. Gli 890.000 presenti, al quarto pezzo (e chi se ne frega), subirono una mutazione diventando tutti emo e, conseguentemente, si tagliarono le vene. L'onda emotiva incrinò successivamente i fragilissimi equilibri tettonici del pianeta portandolo a implodere e diventare un ano spaziale gayo gigante, che invece che espellere, accoglieva. Secondo gli scienziati dell'epoca, lo sfintere galattico mostrava grandi analogie con il comportamento dei buchi neri (Black Holes) e fu pertanto ribattezzato "Black Butt" (Ano Nero).
  • Krypton is a fictional planet in the DC Comics universe, and the native world of the super-heroes Superman and, in some tellings, Supergirl, and Krypto the "super dog". Krypton has been portrayed consistently as having been destroyed just prior to Superman's flight from the planet, with exact details of its destruction varying by time period, writers and franchise. Kryptonians were the dominant people of Krypton. The planet was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, and was first referred to in Action Comics #1 (June 1938); the planet was given its first full-fledged appearance in Superman #1 (1939).
  • Krypton ist ein Edelgas. Das Element steht im Periodensystem an 36. Stelle. Die Atmosphäre von Taurus II bei Murasaki 312 enthält neben Sauerstoff, Stickstoff, Argon und Neon auch Krypton. (TOS: )
  • The planet Krypton was born approximately six-billion years ago (by Kryptonian dating standards), as a result of a gaseous mass eschewed by the giant red sun,Rao. It wasn't until approximately ten-thousand years ago however, that human societies began to emerge, giving birth to a race of intellectual supermen. Many thousands of years ago, Krypton became the target of a conquering race of aliens known as the Vrangs. Kryptonian astronomer Sul-El, ancestor of Earth's champion, Superman, was the first to take notice of their presence when Rao's rays reflected off their fleet ships. Sul-El voiced his concerns to Usk-Mar, the governor of Kandor, but Usk-Mar regarded Sul-El's claims as little more than prankish rambling. Sul-El became a laughingstock in Kandor. Because of Usk-Mar's recalcitrance, the Vrangs found the Kryptonians easy pray. They quickly conquered the continent of Lurvan and enslaved hundreds of Kryptonians, putting them to work mining the Jewel Mountains. Sul-El and his young son, Hatu-El spent many years in the mountains. When Hatu-El was an adult, he witnessed his fellow slave Val-Or heroically defy the Vrangs. Though he paid for such effrontery with his life, Val-Or's noble sacrifice inspired Hatu-El and others like him to rise up and rebel against the Vrangs. The key towards winning their freedom rested on Hatu-El's ability to harness electricity to power their weapons. As the Vrangs did not have any equitable resources at their disposal, the Kryptonians quickly turned the tied against them, forcing their alien masters to flee Krypton never to return.
  • The planet revolves around the mighty star Gama Delta Pi Alpha, which generously provides Krypton with lighting, heat and atomic nourishment via photosynthesis, and it does all of this for free without complaining. The planet has a double inverted atypical elliptical orbit around a quadruple system, making its trajectory impossible to predict. This means no ship can land on the planet without hyper-technology, or the kind of luck that the U.S.S. Enterprise seems to have in every episode of Star Trek. The local inhabitants live harmoniously with nature and are welcoming to visitors both peaceful and hostile. Their evolution came out of a system not understood, although it involves none of the survival of the fittest or competition for limited resources as we know it. This results in extremely pleasant and happy people. The Kryptonian's have been insulted and feared for years by humans as they are always afraid of people who are nice all the time. Earth is always finding new and creative means to sabotage Krypton and hopefuly one day destroy it.
  • Krypton was an element, number 36 on the periodic table. In 2267, the Galileo crash landed on Taurus II, near the Murasaki 312. The crew found the atmosphere breathable, an oxygen-nitrogen mixture, with traces of krypton, neon, and argon, not dissimilar to that of Earth. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven" ) Later that year, the Galileo II was forced to crash-land on a planetoid in the Gamma Canaris region. The crew found the atmosphere to also be an oxygen-nitrogen compound similar to that of Earth, again containing trace amounts of krypton, argon, and neon. (TOS: "Metamorphosis" )
  • Krypton was a planet deep in space. It was destroyed sometime in the 1940s because it exploded. It's the homeworld of Kryptonians such as Jor-El, Lara, Kal-El (aka Superman), the Kandorians, Zycree, Logar, Hul, Rom-lok and strange dragon type creatures. When Superman met Krim for the first time, he told him he was also from another planet: Krypton. Krim was familiar with the planet, telling him he had heard of it: "the planet that exploded."
  • On the surface, Kryptonians were physically indistinguishable from humans, however their biology is far more advanced in that they are able to absorb and utilize energy within their bodies with far more direct and elaborate manners than humans. Due to this trait Kryptonians can develop "super-powers" such as super speed, heat vision, x-ray vision, super breath, flight, super strength and invulnerability when exposed to a source of energy that is alternate from that of red solar radiation.
  • Krypton is the asploded home planet of Superman. Its people were highly advanced stuck-up snobs in flowing gowns with strange haircuts. Although world renowned scientist Jor-El gave everybody else full warning before the entire place blew up, he was ignored by the authorities on the grounds that he was probably just sensing the burrito he had had for lunch. He and his wife sent their child hurtling randomly through space in an experimental rocket ship to "save" him from certain death. Luckily, he came to Earth and happened to land conveniently in an idealistic small town next to a kindly senile family. Superman was the last survivor of Krypton, and there was nobody else left. Nobody. None at all. Not a single other person or thing. Really. Well... Unless you count Supergirl. And... I guess Krypto the Superdog. But nobody else! Except the thousands of people trapped in the Phantom Zone like General Zod, and... all of Superman's absurdly advanced technology. And I suppose it's probably safe to throw in the entire civilization of people in the Bottle City of Kandor. Okay, so everybody and their fat momma escaped from Krypton alive. Happy? We admit it. Go home.
  • Krypton is the planet where all the Super's come from. Most famously known for being Superman's birth planet but also Supergirl's.
  • Krypton (Kr) – trzydziesty szósty pierwiastek chemiczny, czwarty z grupy szlachetnych nierobów, któremu w dupie się poprzewracało od swojej szlachetności. Krypton nie ma barwy, zastosowania, znaczenia biologicznego, nie reaguje praktycznie z niczym oprócz fluoru. Mimo swojej bezużyteczności, ładnie świeci i dzięki temu tolerowany jest jako pełnoprawny pierwiastek chemiczny.
  • Krypton appears, or is at least mentioned, in almost every version of the Superman mythos. It has changed completely over the years while retaining many elements from its past. It is the homeworld of Superman, but also to Supergirl, Krypto and other Kryptonians. Unfortunately, the destruction of the planet also created Kryptonite, radioactive chunks of the planet which are deadly to all Kryptonians. Jor-El told Louise McCallum, that Krypton has colors that humans couldn't even dream of.
  • In 2267 stortte de Galileo neer op Taurus II nabij Murasaki 312. De bemanning ontdekte dat de atmosfeer adembaar was en bestond uit een zuurstof-stikstof mengsel, met sporen van krypton, neon en argon, niet al te verschillend van de atmosfeer van Aarde. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven") Later dat jaar was de Galileo II gedwongen om een noodlanding te maken op een planetoïde in de Gamma Canaris regio. Ook hier ontdekte de bemanning een atmosfeer die sterk leek op die van Aarde, met opnieuw sporen van krypton, argon en neon. (TOS: "Metamorphosis")
is Alignment of
is Technik of
is Affiliation of
is Planet of
is Base of
is PlaceOfBirth of
is Homeworld of
is World of
is Location of
is Homeplanet of
is Spis of
is mythos additions of