  • The Contestants Have Arrived script
  • The script of the first episode of Total Phineas: X-Treme Action!. Phineas is in his room watching Total Drama World Tour's newest episode with his stepbrother Ferb. Suddenly he gets an idea. Phineas: Ferb! I know what we're gonna..... Ferb: You don't need to say it. Just tell me your big idea this time. Phineas: I'm gonna host an X-Treme Action Game Show. It'll be just like Total Drama. Ferb: 9_9 Phineas and Ferb are in the backyard two minutes later with their friends and some new people. Stephanie: So, what exactly is this? Phineas: It's my own game show! Candace: You'll get used to it.
  • The script of the first episode of Total Phineas: X-Treme Action!. Phineas is in his room watching Total Drama World Tour's newest episode with his stepbrother Ferb. Suddenly he gets an idea. Phineas: Ferb! I know what we're gonna..... Ferb: You don't need to say it. Just tell me your big idea this time. Phineas: I'm gonna host an X-Treme Action Game Show. It'll be just like Total Drama. Ferb: 9_9 Phineas and Ferb are in the backyard two minutes later with their friends and some new people. Stephanie: So, what exactly is this? Phineas: It's my own game show! Candace: You'll get used to it. Phineas: Ok, since you're all new I'll just tell you the rules. The challenges will start tomorrow. Drake: Whatever, man. Vanessa: Shut it, Drake. >.< Phineas: FIRST off, everyone has to sing. Nikki: And if we don't? Phineas: Nothing bad will happen, really. If you don't feel like singing, don't. Now I know you think this show is similar to Total Drama, BUT there are no eliminations. Pierce: O....kay......................Can we go to bed now? Phineas: Sure. Phineas presses a button on a device he's holding and everyone is transported into a trailer room. Candace: Phineas, what is this? Phineas: It's a giant trailer. This is where you'll stay before and after the challenges. Sally: Hehehe.....Cool. ~End Credits~ Phineas is typing up the next challenge, while Isabella is combing her hair.