  • Chakravarty
  • Chakravarty (first name unknown) is an employee of the MCO. She is the head of the Linguistics and Translation Department. She identifies Madame Osgiliath's last "words" as something ending in "zulu" and the last written message as being written in a Pre-Sumerian language. She is authorized to translate as a "priority code red," which allows all options including the use of mutants and criminals.
  • Chakravarty (first name unknown) is an employee of the MCO. She is the head of the Linguistics and Translation Department. She identifies Madame Osgiliath's last "words" as something ending in "zulu" and the last written message as being written in a Pre-Sumerian language. She is authorized to translate as a "priority code red," which allows all options including the use of mutants and criminals.