  • Percy Jackson & the Olympians/Headscratchers
  • You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned. - Done that. You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. - Luke. And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end. - This line of the prophecy isn't fulfilled. He saved his mother, so it can't be her - so if not his mother, and not the bolt, then what?
  • You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned. - Done that. You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. - Luke. And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end. - This line of the prophecy isn't fulfilled. He saved his mother, so it can't be her - so if not his mother, and not the bolt, then what? * It WAS his mother, and was referring to how she had to 'save' herself from Gabe. Or, it could have been how she was stuck in hades. when Percy goes there, he wasn't able to save her. (how do I add spoiler tags?) Either way, it was talking about how Percy wasnt the one that saved her. * Who/What held up the sky before the Olympians decided to punish Atlas with it? * The story I've heard is that there was a pillar holding up the sky, and that the first war between the Titans and gods cracked it. * In the one I saw, there wasn't any sky before that. * Unlike the original Greek Mythology in the PJO series there is a large number of demigods who are the children of goddesses rather then gods. Alright fair enough times change and the gods change values with it. Except, how is that possible? Gods can sire several children at a time but goddesses can only carry one at a time which would mean the demigods of gods would outnumber that of godessess signifigantly. For that matter wouldn't the other gods note when a godesses is pregnent since she can't hide like the mortal consort of a god can. You would expect that to be a kind of big deal what with Aphrodite being married to Hephaestaus and all (and Hephaestus is not the understanding type). I can forgive Athena because of the whole "brain child" thing but that still dosen't explain Demeter or Aphrodite. * Well, if we follow human biology (which is entirely optional), they could still have about one child a year, which is a whole lot of children. Aphrodite could be explained - the cheating part is a given since she's been doing it forever (I doubt Hephaestos has been trying to get her into a trap with every lover), and Percy pretty much described her as all of his celebrity crushed pulled together, so who knows if she even appears as herself. Also, Demeter had lovers in the myths, but I don't recall her ever getting married. Sure Hera would still call her children bastards, but she's not cheating on anyone. * Your asumming they follow human biology. Goddesses can appear in multiple places at once in one form or another. I doubt pregnancy works the same way for them. * In the first book, Zeus says he will let Percy live so long as he doesn't presume to fly again. But in the second and third books, he flies on horseback, and in the fourth, he flies using one of Daedalus's machines. So why is he still alive? * It's flat out said that Pegasi are fair game. Percy's dad made horses, but Zeus is lord of the sky. It's neutral. As for Daedalus, I honestly don't remember that happening at all. * Also, Zeus tends to be full of hot air. Sure, he will bluster around to ease he wounded pride, but deep down he knows that if he kill Percy Poseidon will hold Zeus accountable. Given Zeus himself has time and again broken the oath making him a hypocrite and knows Percy does not deserve to die it would only make him look bad if he killed Percy. Afterall, he let his own children live. * Okay, I suppose the answer is obvious in terms of narrative, but I kinda want an in-universe explanation for the fact that in all the years since the ancient Greek myths were told, the gods didn't get any more children with each other. * With Zeus and Hera it may be they haven't touched each other or considering how Hephaestus and Ares turned out they did not want anymore. The rest could just be birth control. Why would Poseidon want a hundred immortal kids running around. The ones he has already create enough of a headache and would either be rivals for Triton, potential to overthrow him, or just more than he needs or wants to have to look after. It may also be that if each god fulfills a universal role no more are needed because all of the roles are currently occupised.