  • Deviant Art Recommendations
  • This is a list of recommendations made by Tropers for Deviant ART. Feel free to recommend your favorite art/artist here, but please follow the preferred template found below. Bear in mind that recommendations are subjective, so if you want to question or discuss any given recommendation you should do so on the appropriate discussion page. If you want people to view the art/artist you're recommending, you should put some effort into writing the description. Sell us the art, but don't inflate it; we're striving for some quality art here, so if you have difficulties with making it look interesting, maybe it wasn't that good in the first place.
  • This is a list of recommendations made by Tropers for Deviant ART. Feel free to recommend your favorite art/artist here, but please follow the preferred template found below. Bear in mind that recommendations are subjective, so if you want to question or discuss any given recommendation you should do so on the appropriate discussion page. If you want people to view the art/artist you're recommending, you should put some effort into writing the description. Sell us the art, but don't inflate it; we're striving for some quality art here, so if you have difficulties with making it look interesting, maybe it wasn't that good in the first place. In addition, you will notice that the tropers have signed their recommendations. Somebody has to vouch for them, so if a given recommendation isn't backed up by anybody, it will be zapped. After a few samples, you will be able to note the interests of the tropers recommending them, and judge whether you might be also interested in a certain pic. Reviews of art/artist are encouraged, but if you choose to write one, please make it substantive, and give specific details about what you liked / disliked about it. If you want to give a art/artist a thumbs-up without writing a full review, you can add your troper handle to the Recommended by line. Below is the required format for a recommendation. If you're making a new page, or adding to an existing one, copy that text into the page.