  • Watergee²
  • Watergee is a minor Fakegee God, who is the Guard of Oceangee. He, like Oceangee, Raingee, and Sungee, is also a rival of Nightgee. He is a lot less powerful than a regular god like Sungee and Oceangee. Water surges through his veins constantly making him able to control water, but not nearly as much or as powerful as Oceangee or Raingee. He is 20 times more powerful than a normal Fakegee. This page was imported from the Greatbeegee Wiki. Beegee is watching you, Text_will_be_replace_with_username.
  • Watergee is a minor Fakegee God, who is the Guard of Oceangee. He, like Oceangee, Raingee, and Sungee, is also a rival of Nightgee. He is a lot less powerful than a regular god like Sungee and Oceangee. Water surges through his veins constantly making him able to control water, but not nearly as much or as powerful as Oceangee or Raingee. He is 20 times more powerful than a normal Fakegee. This page was imported from the Greatbeegee Wiki. Beegee is watching you, Text_will_be_replace_with_username.