  • Shadow Samurai
  • Shadow Samurai, also known as Kagemusha, were Samurai who died in the Shadowlands and whose soul did not pass to Meido. They were forced to fight their way out of Jigoku, leading to Gaki-do, the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts. Normally this journey would drive any mad and result in their seeking vengeance after their return to the Realm of Mortals.
  • Shadow Samurai, also known as Kagemusha, were Samurai who died in the Shadowlands and whose soul did not pass to Meido. They were forced to fight their way out of Jigoku, leading to Gaki-do, the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts. Normally this journey would drive any mad and result in their seeking vengeance after their return to the Realm of Mortals.