  • Cave Fraggles
  • When Mokey Fraggle was taken captive as an enemy Fraggle, the Cave Fraggles used chapter three, section seven of The Fraggle Security Manual as a guide on how to care for and feed her. Based on the rulebook, they also claimed it necessary to use weapons to guard their prisoners, something Fraggles of the Rock normally avoid.
  • When Mokey Fraggle was taken captive as an enemy Fraggle, the Cave Fraggles used chapter three, section seven of The Fraggle Security Manual as a guide on how to care for and feed her. Based on the rulebook, they also claimed it necessary to use weapons to guard their prisoners, something Fraggles of the Rock normally avoid. Red Fraggle and Beige Fraggle brought peace between the two Fraggle populations, ending the war by hitting the two oldest Fraggles (the World's Oldest Fraggle and the The Cave's Oldest Fraggle) with pies. As a show of peace between the former enemy Fraggles, those dwelling in Fraggle Cave took up the term "Whoopee!".