  • 486
  • 486
  • 486
  • 486
  • O 486, ou 80486 é um processador de computador pessoal da Intel, continuação do computador 386, tendo um ganho em processamento e desempenho do processador de até 100 Mhz.
  • El cuatrocientos ochenta y séis (486) es el número natural que sigue al 485 y precede al 487. Categoría:Números
  • Maximilian Geständnis, in Celine verliebt zu sein, sorgt für ordentlichen Wirbel. Simone sieht ihre Firma in größter Gefahr, sollte Maximilian wegen seiner Liebe zu Celine die Hochzeit mit Juli platzen lassen. Celine hingegen betrachtet Maximilian plötzlich mit ganz neuen Augen und ihr innerer Widerstand beginnt zu bröckeln... Annette weiß nicht, wie sie Ingo ihre Unfruchtbarkeit beibringen soll, zumal dieser sich mehr und mehr mit dem Thema Nachwuchs anzufreunden beginnt. Die Missverständnisse zwischen den beiden häufen sich. Diana wird bewusst, dass sie für eine neue Beziehung noch nicht bereit ist. Zu sehr hängt sie noch an ihrer großen Liebe Julian. Den Kuss mit Lars bereuend, macht sie ihm klar, ihre Zusammenarbeit nur noch auf das Berufliche beschränken zu wollen. Lars trifft Dianas
  • Julia Hoffman is concerned about the condition of Barnabas. A weakened and pained Dr. Eric Lang manages to tell Julia to shut the main switches, which she does. Julia then gets some digitalis to inject into Lang. She checks Barnabas' pulse, which is slow. Lang gives her something to inject into Barnabas to save him. At Collinwood, Cassandra continues to use voodoo to cause Lang pain, but she does not intend to kill him.
  • 486
  • 1968-04-30
  • 480
  • 1968
  • 1968-05-06
  • 486
  • O 486, ou 80486 é um processador de computador pessoal da Intel, continuação do computador 386, tendo um ganho em processamento e desempenho do processador de até 100 Mhz.
  • Julia Hoffman is concerned about the condition of Barnabas. A weakened and pained Dr. Eric Lang manages to tell Julia to shut the main switches, which she does. Julia then gets some digitalis to inject into Lang. She checks Barnabas' pulse, which is slow. Lang gives her something to inject into Barnabas to save him. Julia wants to call an ambulance, but Lang won't let her, lest the experiment is ruined. Barnabas regains consciousness, but finds he is still in his old body. He realizes that Cassandra has somehow caused the experiment to fail, and leaves to confront her. Lang warns Julia that if the experiment is not performed, Barnabas will become a vampire again, as the medicine used to make him normal is becoming less effective. Julia must perform the experiment within 48 hours or the body will decompose. Julia is afraid she doesn't have the knowledge to do it, but Lang manages to point out in his notes what she needs to know. At Collinwood, Cassandra continues to use voodoo to cause Lang pain, but she does not intend to kill him. At Lang's lab, Julia can not find any more digitalis to administer to Lang. He tells her there is some in the desk in his study downstairs, and Julia goes to get it. While she is gone, Lang remembers something else Julia needs to know. Not finding a pen or pencil to write it down, he manages to turn on his tape recorder to leave a message for her. His message says that if both Barnabas and Adam live, Barnabas will be free and healthy, as Adam will drain Barnabas' affliction from him, but will not suffer from the disease himself. But if Adam dies, Barnabas will be as he was before. At Collinwood, Cassandra is about to remove the pin from the voodoo doll, when Mrs. Johnson enters the drawing room, startling her. She accidently pushes the pin completely through the voodoo doll, killing Lang. Barnabas confronts Cassandra, telling her he knows what she is doing to Dr. Lang, and if she kills him, he will see her burn. Cassandra pretends not to know what he is talking about. She tells him Roger is already willing to believe him mad. Barnabas wants to know what she wants of him. Does she still want him? Cassandra calls him mad. The phone rings. It is Julia, to report to Barnabas that Dr. Lang has died. Barnabas accuses Cassandra of Lang's death. At the lab, Julia tries to tell Barnabas what Lang has been trying to say. She doesn't think she can go on with the experiment, but Barnabas insists it must go on. He must escape from Angelique. Julia agrees to go on with the experiment, but she must study Lang's notes. Julia has been studying Lang's notes, but is tired. She falls asleep and starts to have the dream. This time, it is Mrs. Johnson who is the beckoner. The dream progresses as it has three times before. Julia opens the three doors, seeing the glowing skull, the guillotine, and the headless body. She opens a fourth door, behind which is a skeleton in a wedding dress. She wakes up, terrified.
  • El cuatrocientos ochenta y séis (486) es el número natural que sigue al 485 y precede al 487. Categoría:Números
  • Maximilian Geständnis, in Celine verliebt zu sein, sorgt für ordentlichen Wirbel. Simone sieht ihre Firma in größter Gefahr, sollte Maximilian wegen seiner Liebe zu Celine die Hochzeit mit Juli platzen lassen. Celine hingegen betrachtet Maximilian plötzlich mit ganz neuen Augen und ihr innerer Widerstand beginnt zu bröckeln... Annette weiß nicht, wie sie Ingo ihre Unfruchtbarkeit beibringen soll, zumal dieser sich mehr und mehr mit dem Thema Nachwuchs anzufreunden beginnt. Die Missverständnisse zwischen den beiden häufen sich. Diana wird bewusst, dass sie für eine neue Beziehung noch nicht bereit ist. Zu sehr hängt sie noch an ihrer großen Liebe Julian. Den Kuss mit Lars bereuend, macht sie ihm klar, ihre Zusammenarbeit nur noch auf das Berufliche beschränken zu wollen. Lars trifft Dianas Entscheidung mehr, als er sich eingestehen will und er begeht einen schweren Fehler...
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