  • Redheri Trade Consortium
  • The Redheri Trade Consortium was a spacefaring organization in the 23rd century, involved in economic trade beyond Federation space. The Consortium was also involved in the development of new business markets, accomplished by covertly investigating pre-warp cultures, and introducing the idea of extra-planetary life into their culture, thus preparing them for formal contact. In 2268, the Redheri Trade Consortium was engaged in a study of the Ilaiyenai people of planet Sigma Niobe II, conducted by the use of telepresence-controlled humanoid robots. (TOS short story: "As Others See Us")
  • The Redheri Trade Consortium was a spacefaring organization in the 23rd century, involved in economic trade beyond Federation space. The Consortium was also involved in the development of new business markets, accomplished by covertly investigating pre-warp cultures, and introducing the idea of extra-planetary life into their culture, thus preparing them for formal contact. In 2268, the Redheri Trade Consortium was engaged in a study of the Ilaiyenai people of planet Sigma Niobe II, conducted by the use of telepresence-controlled humanoid robots. (TOS short story: "As Others See Us")