  • Sir Snifit
  • Sir Isaac Snift, Sir Snifit for short, is the name of a Snifit appearing in the upcoming Luigi Vs King Boo: Quest for the Princess. He is Daisy's version of Toadsworth, and he constantly worries over the wellbeing of Daisy. This does not work well for the Tomboyish Princess. Sir Snifit was the one who sends the distress signal to Luigi when Daisy is kidnapped. At this point, it is unknown what role Sir Snifit will play.
  • Sir Isaac Snift, Sir Snifit for short, is the name of a Snifit appearing in the upcoming Luigi Vs King Boo: Quest for the Princess. He is Daisy's version of Toadsworth, and he constantly worries over the wellbeing of Daisy. This does not work well for the Tomboyish Princess. Sir Snifit was the one who sends the distress signal to Luigi when Daisy is kidnapped. At this point, it is unknown what role Sir Snifit will play.