  • Star Wars: Crescent Sun/Part 1
  • My dream cascaded surrealism. I stood amidst the streets of Coruscant. The bustling city left me behind time in colors and hues. There was only one person who my eyes could focus on. A blue twi'lek, a little taller than I, carrying the uniform of the Jedi Order. Never have I been on Coruscant, but I noticed a starship come behind what I thought was the Senate Tower. It hovered behind the twi'lek, but the hatch was opened. Standing on the arch was the silhouette of a girl. Her only distinguishable feature were her piercingly blue eyes that just gleamed upon me. Her tears flooded my dream, leaving me in a darkened blue color. The water disgorged out as I opened my eyes. I woke up crying, whimpering in the light of the morning. My pillow was soaked with my saline puddle. It seemed I have been
  • My dream cascaded surrealism. I stood amidst the streets of Coruscant. The bustling city left me behind time in colors and hues. There was only one person who my eyes could focus on. A blue twi'lek, a little taller than I, carrying the uniform of the Jedi Order. Never have I been on Coruscant, but I noticed a starship come behind what I thought was the Senate Tower. It hovered behind the twi'lek, but the hatch was opened. Standing on the arch was the silhouette of a girl. Her only distinguishable feature were her piercingly blue eyes that just gleamed upon me. Her tears flooded my dream, leaving me in a darkened blue color. The water disgorged out as I opened my eyes. I woke up crying, whimpering in the light of the morning. My pillow was soaked with my saline puddle. It seemed I have been crying for a while. Sweat excreted from various places on my body. The intensity of my mellow dream must have affected my body while in slumber. Sitting up, the glare of the sun from the windowed ceiling shined into my eyes. It made apparent the residue of water still within my lids. Quickly, I rubbed them to relinquish the tears. Today was my day. I had completed all of my training from Niyros Ambeth. I was going to be shipped off on my pilgrimage, an honor on the highest amount within the Kohmin. My few possessions were packed since last night. My excitement allows me to use alacrity. Inside my cargo-case were my clothes, a blaster, and an assortment of food for the trip. Hunger hooked me like a kath pup pet, and I didn't intend to starve.