  • Luskan
  • Luskan
  • Luskan
  • Luskan, also known as the City of Sails, was a port city at the mouth of the River Mirar on the Sword Coast North. Luskan, despite the presence of the Ten Towns is considered by many to be civilization's farthest reach. Although once a bustling city, in the days prior to the Spellplague, the city would suffer greatly at the hands of Arklem Greeth. The resulting disaster would allow the Spellplague to nearly decimate the city, with it having only a fraction of its former populace.
  • The following is from The City of Luskan, a book within the game Neverwinter Nights. The City of Sails is a dangerous place, a port city filled with pirates and bloodthirsty thugs. It straddles the mouth of the icy river Mirar and stands as the gateway to the mineral wealth of Mirabar. Luskan is ostensibly ruled by five high captains: Taerl, Baram, Kurth, Suljack, and Rethnor. However, it is suspected that the real power in Luskan is wielded by the Arcane Brotherhood from their island tower.
  • Luskan, auch bekannt als die Stadt der Segel, ist eine Hafenstadt am nördlichsten Punkt der Schwertküste. Sie wird von den meisten als nördlichste Bastion der Zivilisation betrachtet. Mit dem Grat der Welt, nur wenige Kilometer nördlich gelegen, glauben viele dies sei das Ende der bekannten Welt, was jedoch nicht zutrifft, da sich die Zehn Städte im Eiswindtal noch jenseits der Berge befinden. Erbaut auf den Ruinen von Illusk, ist Luskan eine Hafenstadt, die von Piraten, Dieben und anderem verrufenen Volk heimgesucht wird.
  • Luskan, also known as the City of Sails, is a port city on the northernmost point of the Sword Coast. It is considered by most to be the furthest reach of civilization, the Spine of the World Mountains which mark what most believe to be the end of the known world (this is of course not true as the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale lie past them) being just a couple hundred miles north of the city. The true power in Luskan however lies within the Arcane Brotherhood, a powerful group of evil, ambitious wizards who live in the Host Tower along the shore.
  • Metropole
  • um 1358 TZ: Taerl, Baram, Kurth, Suljack , Rethnor
  • Oligarchie der Fünf Hohen Kapitäne
  • Netherese artifacts
  • yes
  • 225
  • Mostly humans; drow
  • Luskan
  • Luskan
  • Luskan's location on the Sword Coast North.
  • Anarchy
  • Oligarchy
  • City of Sails
  • yes
  • 4000
  • 14173
  • 16000
  • 1360.0
  • None
  • Taerl, Baram, Kurth, Suljack and Rethnor
  • The Five High Captains :
  • magisch verzauberte Gegenstädte
  • City
  • 20000
  • verschiedene Kriegswaffen, Webstoffe
  • yes
  • yes
  • silver, scrimshaw, timber, dwarven weapons
  • Small city
  • Large city
  • überwiegend Menschen
  • Luskan, also known as the City of Sails, was a port city at the mouth of the River Mirar on the Sword Coast North. Luskan, despite the presence of the Ten Towns is considered by many to be civilization's farthest reach. Although once a bustling city, in the days prior to the Spellplague, the city would suffer greatly at the hands of Arklem Greeth. The resulting disaster would allow the Spellplague to nearly decimate the city, with it having only a fraction of its former populace.
  • The following is from The City of Luskan, a book within the game Neverwinter Nights. The City of Sails is a dangerous place, a port city filled with pirates and bloodthirsty thugs. It straddles the mouth of the icy river Mirar and stands as the gateway to the mineral wealth of Mirabar. Luskan is ostensibly ruled by five high captains: Taerl, Baram, Kurth, Suljack, and Rethnor. However, it is suspected that the real power in Luskan is wielded by the Arcane Brotherhood from their island tower. The seafaring merchants of Luskan have always been fierce, proud, and warlike. Over their long history they have feuded with the inland city of Mirabar, the coastal city of Neverwinter, and the island realm of Rauthym. Even today they sponsor pirates who prey on ships and ports up and down the Sword Coast. They also trade with Amn, Calimshan, and many other towns that prefer not to be associated with them, but will meet them on the neutral ground of offshore Mintarn. The Mirar River divides the city into two major parts. The northern section is a walled enclave, consisting almost entirely of warehouses. The southern half of the city is much older. Outlying walled caravan compounds surround this heavily fortified section of the city. There are three bridges that connect the two halves of the city. They are the Harbor Cross, Dalath's Span, and the Upstream Span. Five major islands crowd the mouth of the Mirar, and the three closest to the south bank are developed. The major areas within Luskan are the Captains' Close, the Harbor District, the Mirabar District, the Reach, and the Spans.
  • Luskan, also known as the City of Sails, is a port city on the northernmost point of the Sword Coast. It is considered by most to be the furthest reach of civilization, the Spine of the World Mountains which mark what most believe to be the end of the known world (this is of course not true as the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale lie past them) being just a couple hundred miles north of the city. Built on the ruins of the ancient and magical Orc city of Illusk, Luskan has a very intriguing history. Most of its inhabitants, however, couldn't care less. Luskan is a port town frequented by pirates, thieves and other disreputable folk interested in only one thing: money. Although you could be murdered, mugged or kidnapped at any moment within its walls, Luskan is a very lucrative city. Pirates bring in their booty to be sold to the black market, northern traders frequent the place as a rest stop on their way to the Ten towns during the warmer months, ready to buy exotic scrimshander ornaments, several taverns do a roaring trade in ale and other spirits, the drugs and slave trade are rife (although obviously sublimated) and information brokers and prostitutes ply their trade during the night-time. The true power in Luskan however lies within the Arcane Brotherhood, a powerful group of evil, ambitious wizards who live in the Host Tower along the shore. Luskan was featured in first Neverwinter Nights game
  • Luskan, auch bekannt als die Stadt der Segel, ist eine Hafenstadt am nördlichsten Punkt der Schwertküste. Sie wird von den meisten als nördlichste Bastion der Zivilisation betrachtet. Mit dem Grat der Welt, nur wenige Kilometer nördlich gelegen, glauben viele dies sei das Ende der bekannten Welt, was jedoch nicht zutrifft, da sich die Zehn Städte im Eiswindtal noch jenseits der Berge befinden. Erbaut auf den Ruinen von Illusk, ist Luskan eine Hafenstadt, die von Piraten, Dieben und anderem verrufenen Volk heimgesucht wird. Ihr ewiger Konkurrent ist Niewinter. Luskan war verantwortlich für den Ausbruch der Pest in Niewinter und bekriegte sich dann unter Führung von Maugrim Korutihr, einem verrückten Propheten, mit der Stadt. Später schürte ein machthungrige Magier der Arkanen Bruderschaft, bekannt als Schwarzer Garius, diesen Konflikt noch weiter.
is formerhomes of
is Zugehörigkeit of
is Base of
is Enemies of
is Home of
is Area of
is Ends of
is Location of