  • U-Mos
  • U-Mos
  • U-Mos
  • U-Mos
  • U-Mos es un Luminario y aparece solamente en los eventos Metroid Prime 2: Echoes; es el único Luminario que permanecía despierto cuando Samus Aran llegó a Éter, y se encuentra en el Acumulador de Energía Principal, en el Gran Templo.
  • thumb|U-Mos, der letzte Wächter der LuminothU-Mos ist ein Luminoth und der fünfte Hüter des Erhabenen Tempels auf dem Planeten Aether, in dem nach dem Ing-Krieg der letzte Rest des Lichts des Aethers aufbewahrt wird. Im Tempel wacht er über die letzten Verbliebenen seines Volkes, die, wie er sagt, in tiefer Stase ruhen, bis sie nach Samus Sieg über die Ing wieder erweckt werden. U-Mos ist bereits 2,15 Zenti-Zyklen alt und U-Mos erweitert Samus' Übersetztungsmodul, damit sie violette Hologramm entziffern kann und stellt außerdem ihren Energievorrat vollständig wieder her.
  • U-Mos is the fifth Sentinel of the Luminoth, born from the third sentinel, V-Mos. When the Ing conquered much of Aether, he ordered all the surviving Luminoth into the Great Temple to enter cryogenic hibernation and await the end of the crisis. Samus accepted U-Mos's plea for help, restored the Light of Aether to the four temples and defeated the Ing.
  • U-Mos fu l'ultima Sentinella dei Luminoth, figlio della terza sentinella, V-Mos. Quando gli Ing conquistarono gran parte di Aether, ordinò a tutti i Luminoth sopravvissuti di ibernarsi nel Grande Tempio ed aspettare la fine. Samus fermò l'assedio del Grande Tempio e accettò la richiesta di aiuto di U-Mos di riportare alla normalità la luce di Aether. È intelligente, coraggioso e onorevole. Nonostante tutto, come la maggiorparte degli alleati di Samus, U-Mos guida la cacciatrice verso la sua destinazione senza andare direttamente con lei, dato che il suo compito è di rimanere nel Tempio per proteggere i membri ibernati della sua specie.
  • U-Mos was the last of the Luminoth species who appeared in the Nintendo GameCube video game Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. He was a friend to Samus Aran, though his species nearly became extinct during the attack of the Ing. Before Samus Aran appeared, he ordered that the rest of his species go into hibernation. He asked Samus to go and save the light demension of Aether, the planet that was at the time being attacked. Once Samus saved the world, the Luminoth would be able to awake from their slumber, allowing the intelligent species to once again flurish the planet.
  • Desconocidas.
  • Luminario
  • Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
  • Poderes psiónicos.
  • U-Mos
  • Red
  • mp2
  • U-Mos
  • Subject is U-Mos, a Sentinel of the Luminoth. Scans indicate numerous beneficial abilities, including heightened reflexes, durability, psionics, and flight. Ability to generate and manipulate energy on par with that of the Chozo. Dating scans suggest an age of 2.15 centicycles. Only known active member of the species; remaining Luminoth locked in protective stasis until crisis is resolved.
  • U-Mos, in the Great Temple.
  • ?
  • Gran Templo.
  • Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
  • Morphology: Luminoth
  • Indigenous sentient species of planet Aether. Subject is U-Mos, a Sentinel of the Luminoth, guardian of his species and this sacred temple.
  • Modelo U-mos.png
  • Male
  • 2.150000
  • Aproximadamente 4 metros.
  • U-Mos fu l'ultima Sentinella dei Luminoth, figlio della terza sentinella, V-Mos. Quando gli Ing conquistarono gran parte di Aether, ordinò a tutti i Luminoth sopravvissuti di ibernarsi nel Grande Tempio ed aspettare la fine. Samus fermò l'assedio del Grande Tempio e accettò la richiesta di aiuto di U-Mos di riportare alla normalità la luce di Aether. È intelligente, coraggioso e onorevole. Nonostante tutto, come la maggiorparte degli alleati di Samus, U-Mos guida la cacciatrice verso la sua destinazione senza andare direttamente con lei, dato che il suo compito è di rimanere nel Tempio per proteggere i membri ibernati della sua specie. Se Samus prova ad attaccare U-Mos, egli sprigiona un campo di energia psichica che riflette ogni colpo del suo arsenale. Oltre a saper usare la telecinesi, può anche volare. Riesce ad emettere degli ologrammi dalle sue mani grazie alle sue abilità psichiche. Le sue abilità offensive sono sconosciute, ma è probabile che sia alla pari di un Chozo, il che lo renderebbe un formidabile guerriero.
  • U-Mos es un Luminario y aparece solamente en los eventos Metroid Prime 2: Echoes; es el único Luminario que permanecía despierto cuando Samus Aran llegó a Éter, y se encuentra en el Acumulador de Energía Principal, en el Gran Templo.
  • U-Mos is the fifth Sentinel of the Luminoth, born from the third sentinel, V-Mos. When the Ing conquered much of Aether, he ordered all the surviving Luminoth into the Great Temple to enter cryogenic hibernation and await the end of the crisis. Samus accepted U-Mos's plea for help, restored the Light of Aether to the four temples and defeated the Ing. U-Mos is 2.15 centicycles old. Luminoth are suggested to live for nearly 5 centicycles, making U-Mos roughly middle-aged by human standards. He is suggested to have many abilities that would aid him in combat. However, like most of Samus's allies in the Metroid series, U-Mos guides Samus to her destinations without actually going with her; U-Mos must stay behind to protect his sleeping brethren. It is possible that U-Mos is one of the most well-defended characters in a Metroid game: if Samus tries to attack U-Mos, he brings up a psychic force field which deflects every weapon in Samus's arsenal, and he also has telekinesis and can fly. He can produce holograms in his hands, a power that all sentinels share. His offensive capabilities are unknown, but it is known that the Luminoth's ability to generate and manipulate energy is on par with the Chozo. U-Mos was presumably able to protect the Great Temple for a large amount of time prior to Samus's arrival, meaning he likely has enough power to fight off legions of the Ing single-handedly. However, he was not able to launch any major offensives against the the Ing on his own, since he had to wait until Samus arrived to restore the Light of Aether.
  • thumb|U-Mos, der letzte Wächter der LuminothU-Mos ist ein Luminoth und der fünfte Hüter des Erhabenen Tempels auf dem Planeten Aether, in dem nach dem Ing-Krieg der letzte Rest des Lichts des Aethers aufbewahrt wird. Im Tempel wacht er über die letzten Verbliebenen seines Volkes, die, wie er sagt, in tiefer Stase ruhen, bis sie nach Samus Sieg über die Ing wieder erweckt werden. U-Mos ist bereits 2,15 Zenti-Zyklen alt und U-Mos erweitert Samus' Übersetztungsmodul, damit sie violette Hologramm entziffern kann und stellt außerdem ihren Energievorrat vollständig wieder her.
  • U-Mos was the last of the Luminoth species who appeared in the Nintendo GameCube video game Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. He was a friend to Samus Aran, though his species nearly became extinct during the attack of the Ing. Before Samus Aran appeared, he ordered that the rest of his species go into hibernation. He asked Samus to go and save the light demension of Aether, the planet that was at the time being attacked. Once Samus saved the world, the Luminoth would be able to awake from their slumber, allowing the intelligent species to once again flurish the planet. During the in-game events, U-Mos was 200 years old, though apparently that is young for the species, who have been recored to live up to 1,000 years.
is enemies/wildlife of
is Enemigos of
is bancodatos of