  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Marina est une cane anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Die achtjährige Marina macht mit ihrem Bruder Mirko Ferien auf dem Martinshof. Zunächst hat sie Angst vor Pferden, dies ändert sich aber, als sie sich mit Max anfreundet. Schnell zeigt sich, dass sie eine gute Reiterin ist. Sie glaubt jedoch, dass sie es besser können muss. Alleine reitet sie los und gerät in große Gefahr, als Max Angst vor einem Adler bekommt. Durch Bibis Hexerei kann sie gerettet werden. Sie kommt in Die Überraschungsparty vor.
  • Marina was a beautiful and deadly young mermaid who resided at Whitecap Bay. She was known to have had a relationship with Jack Sparrow.
  • Marina – dzielnica położona w zachodnim Los Santos. Przepływa przez nią mały kanał, nad nim przebiegają dwa mosty i jeden dla przechodniów. Kanał ten wpływa do morza. Nie są tutaj znani żadni rezydenci. Dzielnica nie jest również kontrolowana przez żaden gang. Graniczy od południa z Verona Beach, od zachodu z Santa Maria Beach i Rodeo, od północy z Vinewood i Market oraz z Verona Beach i Market od wschodu. W tutejszej restauracji Burger Shot pracował przez jakiś czas OG Loc.
  • Marina is the deuteragonist and love interest of Sinbad in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003). In the beginning of the movie, she is engaged to Sinbad's childhood friend prince Proteus. Marina is voiced by Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Marina could be: * Marina (Needle in a Haystack) - a minor character in Needle in a Haystack, portrayed by Sandra Pupuro * Marina (Nanny) - Lisa Cuddy's nanny, an unseen character * Marina Hernandez - The patient in Human Error, portrayed by Mercedes Renard * Marina (Instant Karma) - A minor character in Instant Karma, portrayed by GiGi Hessamian
  • Marina är ett område i västra Los Santos. Det ligger söder om Vinewood, norr om Santa Maria Beach och Verona Beach, öster om Rodeo och väster om Market. Det finns en kanal som till slut leder ut i havet. Det finns också en frisörsalong där. Kategori:San Andreas
  • After Lee had started working in the San Francisco Sanctuary District, she processed a woman which had worked for a family in the Marina before losing her job. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II")
  • Marina è una pank gay che ama Nicolas e Yuri il Russo, migliore amica della Briccolano!!! Ama bere il thè alla pesca, ma soprattutto giocare con le lattine.Vero, però il mio collega alexo si è dimenticato di dire ke marina le propri brotta!!!!!
  • Marina is a kind of jellyfish drifting under the sea. It owns well-developed muscles; can live outside the water world. Its tentacle is elastic just like rubber; used in many ways. Transparent jellyfish that attacks by stretching their flexible bodies in a whip-like fashion. They live in cool places near water.
  • The Marina was the barge at Los Angeles, where lived the Nahdrah Demon.
  • Marina (マリーナ Marīna?) is a submarine virus in Mega Man Battle Network 5. It will always appear with water panels on its side of the field. It moves up and down its column, submerging into the water panels whenever it crosses over them. It also fires bubbles with anchors inside of them that float across diagonally and can hit its target.
  • Marina(Japanese- イヌホオズキ Inuhoozuki) is a water type user and member of Wessho's Elite Four. She is Wallace's Girlfriend.
  • Marina, es una chica que desde muy pequeña, decidió que iba a ser la mejor entrenadora del mundo. Así que, cuando cumplió la mayoría de edad, emprendió un viaje por todo el mundo Pokémon. Tiene tres hermanos, pero solo se la oyó mencionar dos. Uno es Ricky, al cual todas las noches le contaba viejas leyendas de Pokémon legendarios y misteriosos. Otra es Arándano, una excelente criadora de Pokémon. De carácter bondadoso y amigable en general, le cuesta hacer amigos debido a su timidez.
  • Marina ist eine weibliche Ente. Sie hat am 17. November Geburtstag und ist eine eingebildete Dorfbewohnerin.
  • Marina is a minor NPC in Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song. A mermaid-like sea creature who works for Yucomb, God of the Sea, Marina can be found near coastal towns and offers the player 2 unique quests.
  • This is an prime example of Georgia bad posting. She was one of the Rp'ers that never left the Rp realm or when did for reasons unknown would still role play everything she did. Eris and she were sluts on AD and sold themselves for profits in forms of gold peices and beer or something. Well in conclusion she was an all-time Rp'er enough said.
  • Marina de Rocco Granata.
  • Marina es una vecina de personalidad normal.
  • Marina is the Chihi Star in Suikoden V.
  • Marina is a crippled young woman who tutors children in the Guilty Gear X Novel Lightning the Argent.
  • Marina is a location in Far Cry 2. It is located in the south-eastern sector of the Bowa Seko district. Your buddies will be located at the bar. There is a weapon shop and an armoury here. After completing two missions in the Bowa Seko district, the player can find a sunken arms barge here which belongs to the the Jackal.
  • Marina es un barrio situado en el lado oeste de Los Santos, es un barrio residencial ideal para propietarios de barcos, ya que hay multitud de embarcaderos a lo largo del río que transcurre por la zona.
  • Marina is a harbour switcher belong in to the Star Fleet, she is useally found working with Tyler, Marina likes Tyler alot, but Tyler dosn't know, Tyler also likes Marina alot, but Marina dosn't know that ether. She is stack number 10 in the Star Fleet.
  • Marina a.k.a. Rina is a White House staffer who first came into notice during the government shutdown and eventually became an assistant to Toby Ziegler. She was not well liked among the other assistants.
  • Marina is a character from the Stingray television series.
  • Marina is a Peggle Master first introduced in Peggle Nights, her power-up is Electrobolt, and her. levels in Peggle Nights are focused on her getting to the Peggle Institute, and then getting her diploma. Marina's name is based off of a main character in the famous playwright Shakespeare's play Pericles.
  • Marina is an angler and will sometimes assist the avatar in missions. She is friends with Decker.
  • Marina Łuczenko (ur. 3 lipca 1989 na Ukrainie) – piosenkarka, kompozytorka, autorka tekstów, aktorka.
  • Marina (タコリーナ, Takorīna en Japonais, Marina en anglais, en espagnol et en italien, Marianne en allemand) est une pieuvre apparaissant comme villageoise dans toute la série Animal Crossing sauf dans le premier opus, Animal Crossing (sur GameCube). Elle est aussi apparue dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+ qui est une version globalement équivalente à Animal Crossing mais sorti uniquement au Japon. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Marina is the Yellow Star Ranger, she has the ability to use her Thunder Gem to summon her Zord to form the Thunder Megazord. She also uses the Thunder Morpher to morph into the Yellow Star Ranger.
  • The main feature of the neighborhood is a small canal, and, referencing the name, suggests that it is used as a marina. The canal is connected to the sea, and there are numerous businesses and residences, making it an ideal place to live in. Marina is not controlled by any Los Santos-based gang, although surrounding districts like Santa Maria Beach and Verona Beach have prominent gang activity. Besides Santa Maria Beach and Verona Beach, the commercial districts of Vinewood, Market, and Rodeo also envelop the area.
  • Marina was an ocean on the planet Marzipan. It was located in the eastern part of the planet and was home to Marzipan's biggest seaport, Avia, in the Marina Islands. Marina neighbored another ocean on Marzipan, Freshia to the East. Marina was a freshwater ocean and was famous for its clear, beautiful water which contained vast expanses of coral. The coral had formed a giant ecosystem that stretched across the entire ocean. This huge network of coral subsisted in trenches, underwater plateaus, and along the ocean floor.
  • Marina was a Precursor present during the First and Second Kaiju Wars (And third... and fourth... for however long there are Kaiju Wars).
  • Chief Medical Assistant and Linguistics Officer aboard the UFCV Versailles.
  • Marina is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Marina is the daughter of Garland, the owner of the grocery store in Folsense.
  • Four time gymnastics world champion, Marina has had many offers from clans and considered them all for a long time before choosing the All Stars. This elastic woman needs no weapon as she uses her body as a fighting tool. Encouraged by Alexei who immediately saw her potential, she quickly became a key member of the Clan.
  • Loutre. C'est l'épouse d'Abruk et la mère de Kabocho. C'est la plus habile guérisseuse de Mousseray avec Sorka.
  • (w oryginale nazywa się Marina) Talent: wodno utalentowana Cechy: kreatywna, spokojna, wyważona, niezdecydowana Partner w zawodach: Mgiełka Uwielbia: projektować ubrania Ulubiony kolor: błękitno-szary Nie lubi: gdy musi stanąć przed ważnym i trudnym wyborem Najskrytsza obawa: że straci zapał do pracy Marzenie: choć raz wygrać zawody!
  • Marina ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und die Schatulle der Pandora. Sie ist die Tochter von Cnoblock und wohnt in Folsense.
  • Marina (海軍 Kaigun) este forța militară maritimă a Guvernului Mondial şi una din Cele Trei Mari Puteri ale lumii.thumb|marina Este prezentă în toate mările din jurul lumii. Cu toate că au filiale în toate cele patru mări ale lumii, marinarii încearcă să se concentreze pe zonele mai periculoase din Marele Curs, din moment ce Cartierul General al Marinei este localizat acolo. Cartierul General al Marinei a fost localizat la Marineford, dar după cei doi ani de antrenament, este mutat în Lumea Nouă deoarece Sakazuki devine noul Amiral Al Flotei.
  • Marina is the daughter of Aquaman. Aquagirl is a member of the Justice League Unlimited.
  • Marina invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1. * prénom féminin
  • Marina is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Marina is the daughter of Garland, the owner of the grocery store in Folsense. She is located outside this store. She has purple hair and wears a pink and yellow outfit.
  • Marina was a bruiser who resided in the Gutter, owing her allegiance to the crime lord Fagin. She worked at the Yorod.
  • Marina is a water-talent fairy who appears in the Pixie Hollow Online. She is part of the Never Council and is in charge of showing sneak-peeks of items that are being created. Her best friends are Kit, and Slate.
  • Marina has a normal personality, and frequently acts kind towards the player. Normal villagers generally get along with lazy, peppy, smug, snooty and other normal villagers. She may conflict with cranky and uchi villagers. As a normal villager, Marina will usually wake up at 6:00 am, and is easier to befriend than most. Both normal and peppy villagers reference an unseen friend known as Moppina.
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marina]] marinus (“‘of the sea, marine’”), by way of [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marina]] and [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marina]] marina.
  • Marina aka Marina Nakamura (中村 真里奈, Nakamura Marina) is a Japanese singer-songwriter who provides the singing voice for Sala Shane in Charlotte.
  • "The Marina recharges boats. Just float up next to the Marina to recharge." —Description The Marina, which requires no Energy Brick, is a building that automatically heals boats standing near it.
  • La Marina è la forza militare del Governo Mondiale che opera su tutti i mari. Il suo quartier generale si trovava a Marineford, ma durante il salto temporale è stato trasferito nel Nuovo Mondo.
  • Marina é a deusa menor dos marinheiros, cujos servos recebem uma capacidade ampliada de marinhagem.
  • Marina is charectar 28 and the last charectar of the series, Picture Town, she was born on March 10th, 2004, her age is (11). By: Roc. Dec. 11th, 2015.
  • Marina may refer to: * Marina (Tropico 1) * Marina (Tropico 3 and 4)
  • Marina was a mermaid that Handy had first encountered in the episode "Handy's Sweetheart". He was busy testing out his deep-sea diving equipment when Marina, who was attempting to jump up the waterfalls of the Smurf river to find the cure for her ailing father King Aquarius, ended up drifting downstream unconscious straight toward the Smurf river bridge. Handy rescued and revived her in a tub with a smurferator that keeps the water oxygenated, then with the help of his fellow Smurfs brought her father from his underwater kingdom of Atlantica to the Smurf Village while also collecting the cure from the Pool of Avalon.
  • Barcelonesa nacida en 1986. Estudió primero de Derecho en la ciudad condal y decidió venir a Madrid para ampliar horizontes y dedicarse al Derecho Hispano Francés, pues estudió en el Liceo Francés y sabe mucho sobre dicho idioma. También conocida como Marrain o xoxet. Dedica sus ratos libres al tenis y al Aula de Pensamiento y sociedad. Finalizada su etapa madrileña, se dispone a pasar un nuevo curso en París con su compañera del alma (Marteta), aunque sin convivir con ella. ¡¡Suerte Marina!! "Sí, hice quiniela y me salió mal." — Marina encubriendo su deseo de venir a Madrid en septiembre.
  • Marina is een district in het westen van Los Santos, San Andreas. Het belangrijkste kenmerk van de omgeving is een klein kanaal, en verwijzen naar de naam suggereert dat het wordt gebruikt als een haven. Het kanaal uiteindelijk uitmondt in de zee. Er zijn tal van bedrijven en woningen, waardoor het een ideale plek om te wonen Marina niet wordt gecontroleerd door een Los Santos-gebaseerde bende, hoewel omstreken, zoals Santa Maria Beach en Verona Beach hebben opvallende bende activiteit. Marina had een geschatte bevolking van 327 vanaf 1992.
  • Marina was a mermaid princess and daughter of King Neptune who had been left for dead by an unknown Evil, until Vypra rescued her and tricked her into capturing Chad, the Blue Lightspeed Ranger. As time went on, she grew to love Chad, even though she knew that their relationship could never be possible (similar to Hans Christian Andersen's story of The Little Mermaid). Marina almost perished while on land, but Chad was able to get her back to the ocean, allowing her to live. In the end, she'd asked her father to make her human again to spend one last day with Chad.
image name
  • Marina.gif
  • * Sakazuki; * Sengoku ; * Kong
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • 42
  • Good
  • On Stranger Tides
  • Pharmacist
  • affirmative
  • no
  • yes
  • y
  • District
  • N/A
  • Femelle
Row 9 info
  • desconhecida
  • If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
  • Pieuvre
Row 8 info
  • desconhecidos
Initial Phrase
  • blurp
  • Pulpo
Row 4 info
  • Takorīna
  • Barcelona
Row 7 title
  • Última Aparição
  • Horse
  • Skeletons
  • タコリーナ
  • 7.800000
  • Weiblich
  • weiblich
  • 5
  • 40
  • ar
  • Marina
Initial Clothes
  • Red Aloha Shirt Bubble-Gum Tee
  • Eingebildet
  • no
  • no
  • no
Row 1 info
  • Female
  • Viva
  • 8
  • An underwater fantasy land
  • 海軍
  • "quckpth"
Row 8 title
  • Classe e Nível
  • Marina
  • Marianne
Row 4 title
  • Best Friends
  • Gênero
Row 9 title
  • Tendência
  • Colton
  • Marina
  • 126.670000
  • No voiced dialogue
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
Row 2 info
  • Never Fairy
  • Deusa Menor dos Marinheiros
Row 6 info
  • None
Row 1 title
  • Gender
  • Status
Row 5 info
  • Amiibo 234 Marina.png
  • Femenino
  • Kaigun
  • Normal
Row 2 title
  • Species
  • Ocupação
  • 7
Row 6 title
  • Pig
  • Ninguno
  • 50
Row 5 title
  • Appearances
  • Espécie
Row 3 info
  • Rare
Row 3 title
  • Talent
  • Origem
  • Spork
  • 17
  • Marina
  • 26
  • x
Row 7 info
  • Marina
  • 127.190000
  • Marina
  • 300
  • Marina
  • 234
  • singular
  • Unknown
Box Title
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Marina
  • Bruiser
  • Unknown Occupation
  • Mermaid
  • Mermaid
  • Marina
  • Water
  • Kamera Walton
location country
  • indicative
  • imperative
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  • Green/Blue
  • Yellow Star Ranger
  • 5
  • 441
  • essive
  • Lots of milk,
  • Three spoonfuls of sugar
  • Blue Mountain,
  • Electrobolt
  • 19
  • N/A
  • Alive
  • Alive S5
  • Unborn S4
  • Unknown S1,S2,S3
  • 2
  • 4
  • 200
  • TRAM Barcelona.gif
  • マリーン
  • Minor Character
  • Unknown
  • Brown
  • Marina
  • Mallary
  • 300
  • Marina
  • Marina
  • Mariana
  • Marina
  • Power Rangers:Star Force
  • Marina
  • Marina Machineries Ltd
  • Character
  • Plant
  • Octopus
  • Civilian
  • noun
  • 100
  • 150
  • Marina
  • Marino
  • Mariin
  • (Artwork from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.)
  • Oh, What do I do, What do I do?
  • View up the canal in Marina.
  • Female
Hair Color
  • Dark Red
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Normale
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --06-26
otros idiomas
  • タコリーナ Takorīna
short information
  • A pretty girl and the toast of the Anglers' Association. She sees Guppy as a little brother.
  • dospatas
  • Automatically refuels boats.
Character Name
  • Marina
  • -3
  • Sofia
  • black
  • Soulful K.K.
  • 165.0
Date of Death
  • N/A
  • singular
Image caption
  • Marina, 4007
  • Aquagirl
Voice Actor
  • Unknown
  • 2.300000
  • 9.0
  • ???cm
  • "Creo que soy la única cuerda del pueblo."
  • Marina lijnT4 Citadis.jpg
  • ranger
  • Marina Family
  • Scissors
  • Marine.png
  • Middle triplet
  • Black
  • All Stars
  • 523
  • Tongue twisters
Image size
  • 260
Subject Name
  • Marina Louise Brentworth
  • Normal
  • N/A
  • 15
  • Organizzazione militare
  • Yellow
  • Light tan
  • Unknown
Place of Birth
  • Enaj, Sivad
Place of death
  • N/A
  • Fanart
  • Gallery
  • Marina
  • Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
  • 4
  • 6
  • --06-26
  • Finnish
  • Marina
  • Mallory
  • Amiibo_card_back.png
  • Marina has put Raymond Striker under her spell and now that she has him, she certainly won't let him go too easily. She spends her time looking pretty, as a very arrogant TRUE beauty like herself finds no time for a job.
  • Has put Raymond Striker under her spell and now that she has him, she certainly won't let him go too easily. She spends her time looking pretty, a very arrogant TRUE beauty like herself finds no time for a job. You can trade 10 Spider Silks with her for one Spool of Yarn, but first you must make a donation of 50 Honeycombs . She's also a part of the Eleonore Quest that grants access into the Laguna Islands
  • Has put Raymond Striker under her spell and now that she has him, she certainly won't let him go too easily. She spends her time looking pretty, a very arrogant TRUE beauty like herself finds no time for a job. You can trade 10 Giant Spider Silks with her for one Spool of Yarn, but first you must make a donation of 50 Honeycombs . She's also a part of the Eleonore Quest that grants access into the Laguna Islands
  • Cartoon ShowSmurfs Village Game
  • No voiced dialogue
  • 150
  • 250
  • マリナ
  • スミモモ
  • Hotdog on a String associate
  • Dark Blue
  • Teacher
  • Adventurer
  • Has no known occupation
  • Batman Beyond: The Call
  • gradi
  • Official
  • Shock It To Me
  • Shopping
  • Mirta
  • Liberty Bay
  • 2007-03-16
  • Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
  • Een Alstom Citadis tram op lijn T4
  • present
  • #FFF
Eye Color
  • Brown
Image File
  • Marina pose.png
  • Female
  • female
  • "beurp"
  • • Innkeeper
  • SY 430
  • マリノ
  • I think I'm the only sane one in this town.
  • 마리나
Date of Birth
  • 3973.110000
  • Marina, MarinaEX, Mainer, MainerEX, Marine, MarineEX
  • Unknown
  • Small
wikipage disambiguates
  • Cancer
  • Black
  • * 마리나 * Marina
  • Stephanie Sheh
biological year
  • 3972
  • Kumiko Nishihara
  • Marina est une cane anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Die achtjährige Marina macht mit ihrem Bruder Mirko Ferien auf dem Martinshof. Zunächst hat sie Angst vor Pferden, dies ändert sich aber, als sie sich mit Max anfreundet. Schnell zeigt sich, dass sie eine gute Reiterin ist. Sie glaubt jedoch, dass sie es besser können muss. Alleine reitet sie los und gerät in große Gefahr, als Max Angst vor einem Adler bekommt. Durch Bibis Hexerei kann sie gerettet werden. Sie kommt in Die Überraschungsparty vor.
  • Marina was a beautiful and deadly young mermaid who resided at Whitecap Bay. She was known to have had a relationship with Jack Sparrow.
  • Marina – dzielnica położona w zachodnim Los Santos. Przepływa przez nią mały kanał, nad nim przebiegają dwa mosty i jeden dla przechodniów. Kanał ten wpływa do morza. Nie są tutaj znani żadni rezydenci. Dzielnica nie jest również kontrolowana przez żaden gang. Graniczy od południa z Verona Beach, od zachodu z Santa Maria Beach i Rodeo, od północy z Vinewood i Market oraz z Verona Beach i Market od wschodu. W tutejszej restauracji Burger Shot pracował przez jakiś czas OG Loc.
  • Marina is the deuteragonist and love interest of Sinbad in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003). In the beginning of the movie, she is engaged to Sinbad's childhood friend prince Proteus. Marina is voiced by Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Marina could be: * Marina (Needle in a Haystack) - a minor character in Needle in a Haystack, portrayed by Sandra Pupuro * Marina (Nanny) - Lisa Cuddy's nanny, an unseen character * Marina Hernandez - The patient in Human Error, portrayed by Mercedes Renard * Marina (Instant Karma) - A minor character in Instant Karma, portrayed by GiGi Hessamian
  • Marina är ett område i västra Los Santos. Det ligger söder om Vinewood, norr om Santa Maria Beach och Verona Beach, öster om Rodeo och väster om Market. Det finns en kanal som till slut leder ut i havet. Det finns också en frisörsalong där. Kategori:San Andreas
  • After Lee had started working in the San Francisco Sanctuary District, she processed a woman which had worked for a family in the Marina before losing her job. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II")
  • Marina è una pank gay che ama Nicolas e Yuri il Russo, migliore amica della Briccolano!!! Ama bere il thè alla pesca, ma soprattutto giocare con le lattine.Vero, però il mio collega alexo si è dimenticato di dire ke marina le propri brotta!!!!!
  • Marina is a kind of jellyfish drifting under the sea. It owns well-developed muscles; can live outside the water world. Its tentacle is elastic just like rubber; used in many ways. Transparent jellyfish that attacks by stretching their flexible bodies in a whip-like fashion. They live in cool places near water.
  • The Marina was the barge at Los Angeles, where lived the Nahdrah Demon.
  • Marina (マリーナ Marīna?) is a submarine virus in Mega Man Battle Network 5. It will always appear with water panels on its side of the field. It moves up and down its column, submerging into the water panels whenever it crosses over them. It also fires bubbles with anchors inside of them that float across diagonally and can hit its target.
  • Marina(Japanese- イヌホオズキ Inuhoozuki) is a water type user and member of Wessho's Elite Four. She is Wallace's Girlfriend.
  • Marina, es una chica que desde muy pequeña, decidió que iba a ser la mejor entrenadora del mundo. Así que, cuando cumplió la mayoría de edad, emprendió un viaje por todo el mundo Pokémon. Tiene tres hermanos, pero solo se la oyó mencionar dos. Uno es Ricky, al cual todas las noches le contaba viejas leyendas de Pokémon legendarios y misteriosos. Otra es Arándano, una excelente criadora de Pokémon. De carácter bondadoso y amigable en general, le cuesta hacer amigos debido a su timidez.
  • Marina ist eine weibliche Ente. Sie hat am 17. November Geburtstag und ist eine eingebildete Dorfbewohnerin.
  • Marina is a minor NPC in Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song. A mermaid-like sea creature who works for Yucomb, God of the Sea, Marina can be found near coastal towns and offers the player 2 unique quests.
  • This is an prime example of Georgia bad posting. She was one of the Rp'ers that never left the Rp realm or when did for reasons unknown would still role play everything she did. Eris and she were sluts on AD and sold themselves for profits in forms of gold peices and beer or something. Well in conclusion she was an all-time Rp'er enough said.
  • Marina de Rocco Granata.
  • Marina es una vecina de personalidad normal.
  • Marina is the Chihi Star in Suikoden V.
  • Marina is a crippled young woman who tutors children in the Guilty Gear X Novel Lightning the Argent.
  • Marina is a location in Far Cry 2. It is located in the south-eastern sector of the Bowa Seko district. Your buddies will be located at the bar. There is a weapon shop and an armoury here. After completing two missions in the Bowa Seko district, the player can find a sunken arms barge here which belongs to the the Jackal.
  • Marina es un barrio situado en el lado oeste de Los Santos, es un barrio residencial ideal para propietarios de barcos, ya que hay multitud de embarcaderos a lo largo del río que transcurre por la zona.
  • Marina is a harbour switcher belong in to the Star Fleet, she is useally found working with Tyler, Marina likes Tyler alot, but Tyler dosn't know, Tyler also likes Marina alot, but Marina dosn't know that ether. She is stack number 10 in the Star Fleet.
  • Marina a.k.a. Rina is a White House staffer who first came into notice during the government shutdown and eventually became an assistant to Toby Ziegler. She was not well liked among the other assistants.
  • Marina is a character from the Stingray television series.
  • Barcelonesa nacida en 1986. Estudió primero de Derecho en la ciudad condal y decidió venir a Madrid para ampliar horizontes y dedicarse al Derecho Hispano Francés, pues estudió en el Liceo Francés y sabe mucho sobre dicho idioma. También conocida como Marrain o xoxet. Dedica sus ratos libres al tenis y al Aula de Pensamiento y sociedad. Provista de su inseparable Twingo recorre todos los días 200 metros para llegar a su Facultad motorizada y exhibir tan flamante automóvil. Hay que añadir, que su coche es muy cariñoso y le gusta mucho dar caricias y besitos a los coches que haya cerca en él parking, motivo por el cual, pese a ser pequeño, tiene siempre un amplio sitio para aparcar. Considera a todos los oscenses unos catetos, aún siendo descendiente de dicha provincia. Pertenece a la molesta comunidad de estudiantes que siempre que salen de un examen dicen que van a suspenderlo y terminan sacando una de las mejores notas de la clase. (Véase Curro). Se comenta que en junio de 2007 suspendió un examen porque le preguntaron algo que no se sabía, el Derecho societario (¿Alguien sabe qué es?). Esto no es del todo cierto puesto que si entraba en el examen, seguro que se lo sabía. La verdad es que ante su inminente marcha a La Ville de la Lumière, decidió irse del examen dejándolo en blanco para poder pasar parte de septiembre en Madrid. Finalizada su etapa madrileña, se dispone a pasar un nuevo curso en París con su compañera del alma (Marteta), aunque sin convivir con ella. ¡¡Suerte Marina!! "Sí, hice quiniela y me salió mal." — Marina encubriendo su deseo de venir a Madrid en septiembre.
  • Marina was a mermaid princess and daughter of King Neptune who had been left for dead by an unknown Evil, until Vypra rescued her and tricked her into capturing Chad, the Blue Lightspeed Ranger. As time went on, she grew to love Chad, even though she knew that their relationship could never be possible (similar to Hans Christian Andersen's story of The Little Mermaid). When one of Bansheera's monsters stole her father's trident, Marina decided she needed to ask Chad and the other Rangers for help in getting it back, because the trident controlled the waters and tides of the planet, and if it was not retrieved, Neptune would lose his powers and cease to exist. Marina was transformed into a human so she could go on land, but there was a huge risk: she would grow weaker and eventually cease to exist herself the longer she was away from the ocean. Marina almost perished while on land, but Chad was able to get her back to the ocean, allowing her to live. In the end, she'd asked her father to make her human again to spend one last day with Chad.
  • Marina is a Peggle Master first introduced in Peggle Nights, her power-up is Electrobolt, and her. levels in Peggle Nights are focused on her getting to the Peggle Institute, and then getting her diploma. Marina's name is based off of a main character in the famous playwright Shakespeare's play Pericles.
  • Marina is an angler and will sometimes assist the avatar in missions. She is friends with Decker.
  • Marina Łuczenko (ur. 3 lipca 1989 na Ukrainie) – piosenkarka, kompozytorka, autorka tekstów, aktorka.
  • Marina is een district in het westen van Los Santos, San Andreas. Het belangrijkste kenmerk van de omgeving is een klein kanaal, en verwijzen naar de naam suggereert dat het wordt gebruikt als een haven. Het kanaal uiteindelijk uitmondt in de zee. Er zijn tal van bedrijven en woningen, waardoor het een ideale plek om te wonen Marina niet wordt gecontroleerd door een Los Santos-gebaseerde bende, hoewel omstreken, zoals Santa Maria Beach en Verona Beach hebben opvallende bende activiteit. Marina had een geschatte bevolking van 327 vanaf 1992. Naast Santa Maria Beach en Verona Beach, de commerciële wijken Vinewood, Market, en Rodeo omhullen ook het gebied.
  • Marina (タコリーナ, Takorīna en Japonais, Marina en anglais, en espagnol et en italien, Marianne en allemand) est une pieuvre apparaissant comme villageoise dans toute la série Animal Crossing sauf dans le premier opus, Animal Crossing (sur GameCube). Elle est aussi apparue dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+ qui est une version globalement équivalente à Animal Crossing mais sorti uniquement au Japon. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Marina is the Yellow Star Ranger, she has the ability to use her Thunder Gem to summon her Zord to form the Thunder Megazord. She also uses the Thunder Morpher to morph into the Yellow Star Ranger.
  • The main feature of the neighborhood is a small canal, and, referencing the name, suggests that it is used as a marina. The canal is connected to the sea, and there are numerous businesses and residences, making it an ideal place to live in. Marina is not controlled by any Los Santos-based gang, although surrounding districts like Santa Maria Beach and Verona Beach have prominent gang activity. Besides Santa Maria Beach and Verona Beach, the commercial districts of Vinewood, Market, and Rodeo also envelop the area.
  • Marina was an ocean on the planet Marzipan. It was located in the eastern part of the planet and was home to Marzipan's biggest seaport, Avia, in the Marina Islands. Marina neighbored another ocean on Marzipan, Freshia to the East. Marina was a freshwater ocean and was famous for its clear, beautiful water which contained vast expanses of coral. The coral had formed a giant ecosystem that stretched across the entire ocean. This huge network of coral subsisted in trenches, underwater plateaus, and along the ocean floor.
  • Marina was a Precursor present during the First and Second Kaiju Wars (And third... and fourth... for however long there are Kaiju Wars).
  • Chief Medical Assistant and Linguistics Officer aboard the UFCV Versailles.
  • Marina is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Marina is the daughter of Garland, the owner of the grocery store in Folsense.
  • Four time gymnastics world champion, Marina has had many offers from clans and considered them all for a long time before choosing the All Stars. This elastic woman needs no weapon as she uses her body as a fighting tool. Encouraged by Alexei who immediately saw her potential, she quickly became a key member of the Clan.
  • Marina was a mermaid that Handy had first encountered in the episode "Handy's Sweetheart". He was busy testing out his deep-sea diving equipment when Marina, who was attempting to jump up the waterfalls of the Smurf river to find the cure for her ailing father King Aquarius, ended up drifting downstream unconscious straight toward the Smurf river bridge. Handy rescued and revived her in a tub with a smurferator that keeps the water oxygenated, then with the help of his fellow Smurfs brought her father from his underwater kingdom of Atlantica to the Smurf Village while also collecting the cure from the Pool of Avalon. Handy fell in love with Marina, but because she was a mermaid, he was unable to keep her with him in the village, and she was unable to keep him with her in her underwater realm. Eventually they parted ways, though they continue to encounter each other from time to time. She made her second appearance in "Marco Smurf and the Pepper Pirates" where she spotted a Pirate ship with Marco Smurf taken as hostage. She sent out a message to the smurfs to sent out a rescue team. With Dreamy Smurf as captain, the smurfs set out for rescue their fellow smurf. Marco at one point fell in love with Marina because of her beauty and her voice. Although she was flattered by his words, she claimed that her heart belongs to Handy. After a battle at getting pepper from the pirates, Handy and Marina once again parted ways in tears, but they still won't stop trying to find a way to be together. She made her third and final appearance in "No Smurf Is An Island", where Handy made a Smurfmarine just so that he could visit her. She claimed that she was happy to have Handy around, but was also worried about the other Smurfs and how they were doing without him. While it seemed that the two could finally be together, the Smurfmarine breaks down and Handy nearly drowns, but the Smurfs get there in time to save him. This is when Marina and Handy decided that they still need to find a way to be together, and even though they will miss each other, they will have to part again.
  • Loutre. C'est l'épouse d'Abruk et la mère de Kabocho. C'est la plus habile guérisseuse de Mousseray avec Sorka.
  • (w oryginale nazywa się Marina) Talent: wodno utalentowana Cechy: kreatywna, spokojna, wyważona, niezdecydowana Partner w zawodach: Mgiełka Uwielbia: projektować ubrania Ulubiony kolor: błękitno-szary Nie lubi: gdy musi stanąć przed ważnym i trudnym wyborem Najskrytsza obawa: że straci zapał do pracy Marzenie: choć raz wygrać zawody!
  • Marina ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und die Schatulle der Pandora. Sie ist die Tochter von Cnoblock und wohnt in Folsense.
  • Marina (海軍 Kaigun) este forța militară maritimă a Guvernului Mondial şi una din Cele Trei Mari Puteri ale lumii.thumb|marina Este prezentă în toate mările din jurul lumii. Cu toate că au filiale în toate cele patru mări ale lumii, marinarii încearcă să se concentreze pe zonele mai periculoase din Marele Curs, din moment ce Cartierul General al Marinei este localizat acolo. Cartierul General al Marinei a fost localizat la Marineford, dar după cei doi ani de antrenament, este mutat în Lumea Nouă deoarece Sakazuki devine noul Amiral Al Flotei.
  • Marina is the daughter of Aquaman. Aquagirl is a member of the Justice League Unlimited.
  • Marina invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1. * prénom féminin
  • Marina is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Marina is the daughter of Garland, the owner of the grocery store in Folsense. She is located outside this store. She has purple hair and wears a pink and yellow outfit.
  • Marina was a bruiser who resided in the Gutter, owing her allegiance to the crime lord Fagin. She worked at the Yorod.
  • Marina is a water-talent fairy who appears in the Pixie Hollow Online. She is part of the Never Council and is in charge of showing sneak-peeks of items that are being created. Her best friends are Kit, and Slate.
  • Marina has a normal personality, and frequently acts kind towards the player. Normal villagers generally get along with lazy, peppy, smug, snooty and other normal villagers. She may conflict with cranky and uchi villagers. As a normal villager, Marina will usually wake up at 6:00 am, and is easier to befriend than most. Both normal and peppy villagers reference an unseen friend known as Moppina.
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marina]] marinus (“‘of the sea, marine’”), by way of [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marina]] and [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marina]] marina.
  • Marina aka Marina Nakamura (中村 真里奈, Nakamura Marina) is a Japanese singer-songwriter who provides the singing voice for Sala Shane in Charlotte.
  • "The Marina recharges boats. Just float up next to the Marina to recharge." —Description The Marina, which requires no Energy Brick, is a building that automatically heals boats standing near it.
  • La Marina è la forza militare del Governo Mondiale che opera su tutti i mari. Il suo quartier generale si trovava a Marineford, ma durante il salto temporale è stato trasferito nel Nuovo Mondo.
  • Marina é a deusa menor dos marinheiros, cujos servos recebem uma capacidade ampliada de marinhagem.
  • Marina is charectar 28 and the last charectar of the series, Picture Town, she was born on March 10th, 2004, her age is (11). By: Roc. Dec. 11th, 2015.
  • Marina may refer to: * Marina (Tropico 1) * Marina (Tropico 3 and 4)
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