  • Norris Raddek
  • Norris "Brutalidon" Raddek was an Ithorian born in a small village on the Bacta world of Thyferra. He was trained in the ways of Mancery, an ancient way of mastering the Force used by the old Sith, by Boli Delish. He set up the small alliance between the Jedi and the Mancers as his first order of business. He was later possessed by the first Mancer Lord Grakon and nearly brought Boli to his death. He was killed years later during a battle to destroy the Jedi, still possessed.
  • Norris "Brutalidon" Raddek was an Ithorian born in a small village on the Bacta world of Thyferra. He was trained in the ways of Mancery, an ancient way of mastering the Force used by the old Sith, by Boli Delish. He set up the small alliance between the Jedi and the Mancers as his first order of business. He was later possessed by the first Mancer Lord Grakon and nearly brought Boli to his death. He was killed years later during a battle to destroy the Jedi, still possessed. Brutalidon was one of the most powerful Mancer Lords, along with his mentor and friend Boli Delish. He had mastered the ability to use elements during battle and used this technique many times to his advantage, defeating many Jedi and Sith. When Brutalidon was killed during the final fight with the Jedi, his spirit and the spirit of Grakon left his body. Through this final fight, Grakon did accomplish his goal and struck fear into the eyes of the galaxy once again as three Jedi Council members were killed, many more injured. Brut's spirit then resided in the body of Jedi Master Dexon Kyjar, giving him advice and the power of Force Mancery, but also giving him the taint of the Dark Side.