  • The Dragonball Saga (Monkey Boy)
  • Age 10 - 1st of July - In the forest of Mount Paozu It's night and the forest is dark because of the trees. In the sky two glowing plates could be seen flying of. - Hey! Where are you going? Can't you see, you left me? I'm right here! I don't want to be here alone... (The boy wakes up) What was that weird dream? And why did I wake up? What is that noise? On a road not far from where the boy slept comes a vehicle. In the vehicle is a girl. -How nice to travel like this. Full speed at a mountainroad, the sun in the back and... What is that thing on the road?! - You're in the way, move!
  • Age 10 - 1st of July - In the forest of Mount Paozu It's night and the forest is dark because of the trees. In the sky two glowing plates could be seen flying of. - Hey! Where are you going? Can't you see, you left me? I'm right here! I don't want to be here alone... (The boy wakes up) What was that weird dream? And why did I wake up? What is that noise? On a road not far from where the boy slept comes a vehicle. In the vehicle is a girl. -How nice to travel like this. Full speed at a mountainroad, the sun in the back and... What is that thing on the road?! The boy had gone out on the road, he looked like a monkey. He began shouting, something the girl didn't understand. He talked a different language. - Who are you, you monster? Can't you be a little quiet? I'm trying to sleep you know! - It's a monkey, can't it move away, I'm kinda busy. Hey! Move! Outta the way monkey! - What is that monster shouting at me? Hey! I don't understand what you're saying. The vehicle stopped before hitting the monkeyboy. The girl went out of the vehicle and said to the monkeyboy. - You're in the way, move! - Monkeyboy starred at her, unable to understand a word of what she said. - Can't you understand what I'm saying? You do know how to talk, right? You know... talk? - Tok, oh so your name is Tok, Hello Tok, my name is Monkey Boy, why do you look so different from me? - No, I said talk, not tok What's your name? Mine's Bma. - I don't understand a thing you're saying. - This is a problem. Maybe I should just go. Bma mounts her vehicle and tries to drive past Monkeyboy. At first it looked like it worked out, but when she looked back, she could see Monkeyboy running after her. - How can he run so fast? It's impossible. Her Monkeyboy! Why are you following me? - How can he run so fast? It's impossible. Hey Monkeyboy! Why are you following me? - What did the ghost from inside the monster say? - Hey, do you wanna come with me? Yes or no? Yesorno? Yes or no? Yes no or yes yes yes... - So you do wanna come with me. This marks the day for Monkeyboy and Bmas adventure. Where will the adventure take them? What's the goal? This will become clearer in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Monkey Boy.