  • Great Devil Corker (Planet Hulk)
  • The Great Devil Corker is an enormous creature native to the planet Sakaar. The Red King had it captured and put in the coliseum to fight gladiator. It was put into an enormous lava pit along with three Kronans. The Kronans fought several gladiators and killed several natives and Laven Skee, but they were killed. The Corker then emerged and attacked the rest, destroying Android. Hulk, from the planet Earth, leapt into the air and killed the Corker with one punch, much to the amazement of the people in the arena. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Great Devil Corker
  • Great Devil Corker
  • The Great Devil Corker is an enormous creature native to the planet Sakaar. The Red King had it captured and put in the coliseum to fight gladiator. It was put into an enormous lava pit along with three Kronans. The Kronans fought several gladiators and killed several natives and Laven Skee, but they were killed. The Corker then emerged and attacked the rest, destroying Android. Hulk, from the planet Earth, leapt into the air and killed the Corker with one punch, much to the amazement of the people in the arena. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.