  • Kent Fuller
  • Kent Fuller is an agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA who assisted Gibbs and his team in investigating the case of a deceased Navy Commander who was possibly involved with two dead drug dealers that were found three miles north of the Commander's body. It was later found out that the two incidents were not related as the Navy Commander was shot by a terrorist and not the drug dealers. Agent Fuller was shown to have a weak stomach as shown when Ducky began an autopsy and as such, the agent abruptly excused himself.
  • Alive.
  • Kent Fuller
  • DEA Agent Kent Fuller in the Season 1 episode, "Seadog".
  • show
  • Male
  • Kent Fuller is an agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA who assisted Gibbs and his team in investigating the case of a deceased Navy Commander who was possibly involved with two dead drug dealers that were found three miles north of the Commander's body. It was later found out that the two incidents were not related as the Navy Commander was shot by a terrorist and not the drug dealers. Agent Fuller was shown to have a weak stomach as shown when Ducky began an autopsy and as such, the agent abruptly excused himself. However, despite that, spending some time around NCIS and its agents ultimately changed Fuller as he later revealed to Gibbs and Tony that he used to worry about the rules that came with searching for drugs before he pinned a forfeiture note to the boat that the terrorists had used and headed into the boat with Tony the dog and some DEA agents which showed like Gibbs, Fuller is now more devoted to searching for evidence rather than following the rules or red-tape.