  • Akatsuki's Return: A Dark Meeting (GSWW)
  • Ryun Uchiha, former Konoha ninja, now Iwagakure's emissary, made his way through the thick bog towards a haunting cavern. He had received rumors only days before that Akatsuki may have returned and was going to check it out for himself. After all, he may have been one of the most powerful shinobi in Iwagakure and he was the only one who could deal with Akatsuki, if they were a threat that is. Raian had orders, however, to make an alliance with Akatsuki if the deal was sweet enough.
  • Ryun Uchiha, former Konoha ninja, now Iwagakure's emissary, made his way through the thick bog towards a haunting cavern. He had received rumors only days before that Akatsuki may have returned and was going to check it out for himself. After all, he may have been one of the most powerful shinobi in Iwagakure and he was the only one who could deal with Akatsuki, if they were a threat that is. Raian had orders, however, to make an alliance with Akatsuki if the deal was sweet enough. Within the darkness of a cavern, a man with light blue hair and a black cloak was sitting at a boulder. His eyes slowly opened, revealing an intense pair of Sharingan eyes which caused the mist surrounding this domain to lift. It was, as if, the mist itself was escaping out of fear. His eyes gently curved around, sensing out a particular chakra signature that was nearing his position. Ryun used his chakra to walk across the small marsh that separated him from the cavern. He sensed the presence of another Uchiha clan member and so he activated his own pair of Sharingan eyes and entered the cave fearlessly. "Akatsuki.." he said, filling the darkened chamber with his deepened voice, "Come out...if you are here." The man merely rose a finger, and closed both his eyes. "Amaterasu..." Suddenly, right in front of Ryun's person, a massive pillar of black flames erupted upwards in the shape of a katana's tip. He rose from his seating, creating enough destruction to allow himself to be visible to Ryun now. Ryun activated his own Mangekyō Sharingan and used them to put out the flames of Amaterasu. "Impressive..." he commented, wincing from the slight pain in his eyes. "An Uchiha with the Mangekyō. Those are even rarer than the Uchiha who survived Itachi's show. That must make you, the Akatsuki leader, am I wrong?" Ryun asked, seeming not the slightest bit worried. Without blinking, his cold Sharingan eyes peered down Ryun. "That would be correct, Uchiha-san." he answered. His own Mangekyō did not even activate, possibly implying that he could use the Amaterasu without it. But then again, this would remain an implication thus-far. Ryun narrowed his eyes as they shifted back into normal Sharingan form, "I am Uchiha Ryun with Iwagakure. I'm here to strike a deal with you Akatsuki if you'll here me out." he declared in a low voice. "Of course, I'll demonstrate my skill if you think me too weak to make such a proposal." Sannotō tilted his head off to the side only slightly. "Proposal? Mind what this "proposal" entails?" he requested.