  • Making up Matrix quotes
  • Do not try to fork this article. That's impossible. Instead ... only try to realize the truth.There is no fork. Then you'll see that it is not the article that is forked, it is only yourself. <i>"Take the <font color="blue">blue pill</font>, and the story ends. You go back to <a href="/mediawiki/Making_up_Oscar_Wilde_quotes" title="Making up Oscar Wilde quotes">Making up Oscar Wilde quotes</a> and believe whatever you want to believe. Take the <font color="red">red pill</font>, and you'll continue reading Making up Matrix quotes and I'll show you how deep the <a href="/mediawiki/Wikipedia_Universe" title="Wikipedia Universe">Wikipedia Universe</a> goes ..."</i>
  • Do not try to fork this article. That's impossible. Instead ... only try to realize the truth.There is no fork. Then you'll see that it is not the article that is forked, it is only yourself. <i>"Take the <font color="blue">blue pill</font>, and the story ends. You go back to <a href="/mediawiki/Making_up_Oscar_Wilde_quotes" title="Making up Oscar Wilde quotes">Making up Oscar Wilde quotes</a> and believe whatever you want to believe. Take the <font color="red">red pill</font>, and you'll continue reading Making up Matrix quotes and I'll show you how deep the <a href="/mediawiki/Wikipedia_Universe" title="Wikipedia Universe">Wikipedia Universe</a> goes ..."</i> ~ <b><a href="/mediawiki/Morpheus" title="Morpheus">Morpheus</a> on <a href="/mediawiki/HowTo:Make_up_quotes" title="HowTo:Make up quotes">making up quotes</a></b>