  • Gotterdammerung
  • Gotterdammerung
  • It did, however, come in handy at Halloween. He and Sunshine had come gender-swapped, so he was a princess, but when the attack began, he wasn't affected by the sonic device. Getting Sunshine to safety he took out two Chessmen, then went back and took out more, so others could escape, like his roommate, Anvil. Given the circumstances, he had a more positive reaction from others when they realized he was crossdressing than he had expected; being saved can do that for someone. By early March, we learn he has been often attending classes cross-dressed.
  • The Gotterdammerung Helm from Diablo I is a popular item with some builds and exceptionally useful for melee fighters on levels without Witches or Mages. It is often used unidentified, since the 60 Armor Class is by far the highest on any helm at the same time as it is the only Helm and Armor giving 20 to all Attributes when identified. The name is German, and means "Twilight of the Gods." One of Wagner's best known operas used this title, which is a translation of "Ragnarok," the Norse religious version of Armageddon.
  • Götterdämmerung - German for "Twilight of the Gods" The term was popularized by Richard Wagner in his Der Ring Des Nibelungen opera cycle. This is a German translation of the Old Norse "Ragnarökkr" ("twilight of the gods"), which was itself a poetic alternate name for the Norse term Ragnarök: The "ragna" part (nominative: regin) means "gods" while "rök" means "fate" or "doom". Examples of Gotterdammerung include:
supports archetypes
  • Aesir
fr name
  • Le Crépuscule des Dieux
es lore
  • Selecciona 1 monstruo "Aesir" que controles; dale el control de ese monstruo a tu adversario. Durante la próxima End Phase de tu adversario, destruye ese monstruo y, si lo haces, destierra todas las cartas que controle tu adversario.
el name
  • Λυκόφως των Θεών
Romaji Name
  • Kamigami no Tasogare
hr name
  • Sumrak Bogova
ja lore
  • フィールドにでする「」とのついたモンスター1をしてする。したモンスターのコントロールをにす。ののエンドフェイズ、したモンスターをし、フィールドにするカードをてゲームからする。
it lore
  • Scegli come bersaglio 1 mostro "Aesir" che controlli; dai il controllo di quel mostro al tuo avversario. Durantela prossima End Phase del tuo avversario, distruggi quel mostro e, se lo fai, bandisci tutte le carte controllate dal tuo avversario.
pt name
  • O Crepúsculo dos Deuses
  • Banishes from your opponent's field
  • Target 1 "Aesir" monster you control; give control of that monster to your opponent. During your opponent's next End Phase, destroy that monster, and if you do, banish all cards your opponent controls.
pt lore
  • Escolha 1 monstro "Aesir" que você controla; dê o controle desse monstro ao seu oponente. Durante a próxima Fase Final do seu oponente, destrua esse monstro e, se isso acontecer, bana todos os monstros que seu oponente controla.
it name
  • Gotterdammerung
trans name
  • Twilight of the Gods
  • Destroys your opponent's Monster Cards
  • 91148083
ko lore
  • 자신 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 "극신"이라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터 1장을 선택하고 발동한다. 선택한 몬스터의 컨트롤을 상대에게 옮긴다. 다음 상대의 엔드 페이즈시, 선택한 몬스터를 파괴하고, 상대 필드 위에 존재하는 카드를 전부 게임에서 제외한다.
de lore
  • Wähle 1 „Asen‟-Monster, das du kontrollierst; übergib die Kontrolle über das Monster an deinen Gegner. Während der nächsten End Phase deines Gegners, zerstöre das Monster und falls du dies tust, verbanne alle Karten, die dein Gegner kontrolliert.
ko name
  • 신들의 황혼
  • Götterdämmerung
es name
  • El Ocaso de los Dioses
fr lore
  • Ciblez 1 monstre "Ases" que vous contrôlez ; donnez le contrôle du monstre à votre adversaire. Durant la prochaine End Phase de votre adversaire, détruisez le monstre, et si vous le faites, bannissez toutes les cartes contrôlées par votre adversaire.
card type
  • Spell
effect types
  • Effect, Lingering
database id
  • 9337
  • Normal
Ja Name
  • Changes control
  • The Gotterdammerung Helm from Diablo I is a popular item with some builds and exceptionally useful for melee fighters on levels without Witches or Mages. It is often used unidentified, since the 60 Armor Class is by far the highest on any helm at the same time as it is the only Helm and Armor giving 20 to all Attributes when identified. An identified Gotterdammerung will reduce All Resistances to 0% regardless of what other items are equipped; even counteracting the Constricting Ring. This is what makes this helm ultimately useless in levels facing Succubi or Mages, unless the player decides to use a stealth strategy consisting of equipping enough items with minus Light Radius to put it at -80%, and a great number of Scrolls of Infravision. The name is German, and means "Twilight of the Gods." One of Wagner's best known operas used this title, which is a translation of "Ragnarok," the Norse religious version of Armageddon. The helm is often referred to by Diablo I players as "Goddamnitsdark", in humorous reference to the extreme light reduction it mandates.
  • It did, however, come in handy at Halloween. He and Sunshine had come gender-swapped, so he was a princess, but when the attack began, he wasn't affected by the sonic device. Getting Sunshine to safety he took out two Chessmen, then went back and took out more, so others could escape, like his roommate, Anvil. Given the circumstances, he had a more positive reaction from others when they realized he was crossdressing than he had expected; being saved can do that for someone. By early March, we learn he has been often attending classes cross-dressed.
  • Götterdämmerung - German for "Twilight of the Gods" The term was popularized by Richard Wagner in his Der Ring Des Nibelungen opera cycle. This is a German translation of the Old Norse "Ragnarökkr" ("twilight of the gods"), which was itself a poetic alternate name for the Norse term Ragnarök: The "ragna" part (nominative: regin) means "gods" while "rök" means "fate" or "doom". Ragnarok was the story of how most of the Aesir and the greatest Jotuns died in a battle against each other. Similarly, this trope refers to when the gods or sufficiently advanced Precursors of a story (and possibly their enemies) either die (if they are mortal) or are Sealed In A Can (if they are immortal), usually in a large battle or some other sudden event. Contrast Death of the Old Gods, where the gods are either slowly disappearing or losing popularity / being replaced over a period of time, essentially going out with a whisper instead of a bang. See also End of an Age / Dawn of an Era, which this trope may end up leading to. Examples of Gotterdammerung include: