  • USS Hera
  • USS Hera
  • USS Hera
  • USS Hera
  • USS Hera
  • USS Hera
  • En la mitología griega, reina de los dioses, hija de los titanes Cronos y Rea, hermana y mujer del dios Zeus. Hera era la diosa del matrimonio y la protectora de las mujeres casadas. Mujer celosa, Hera perseguía a menudo a las amantes y a los hijos de Zeus. Nunca olvidó una injuria y se la conocía por su naturaleza vengativa. Irritada con el príncipe troyano Paris por haber preferido a Afrodita, diosa del amor, antes que a ella, Hera ayudó a los griegos en la guerra de Troya y no se apaciguó hasta que Troya quedó destruida. Se suele identificar a Hera con la diosa romana Juno.
  • L' USS Hera était un vaisseau de la Fédération, affilié à Starfleet durant la 2ème moitié du 24ème siècle.
  • The USS Hera (NCC-62006) was a Nebula Class Heavy Cruiser in service in the 24th century. In 2370, the Hera, under the command of Captain Silva La Forge, with a crew comprised mainly of Vulcan, mysteriously disappeared. Although a massive search was mounted, no trace of the vessel or its crew was ever found. The ship was believed to have been destroyed and a memorial service was held for the crew.
  • Die USS Hera ist ein Raumschiff der Föderation aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Dieses Schiff wird von Captain Silva La Forge, der Mutter von Geordi La Forge, kommandiert. Die Besatzung besteht zum größten Teil aus Vulkaniern, insgesamt sind 300 Personen an Bord. Im Jahr 2370 verschwindet sie spurlos. Nachdem eine sechstägige Suche der USS Excelsior und USS Noble erfolglos bleibt, geht man davon aus, dass die Hera vernichtet worden ist. Auf Vulkan wird daraufhin eine offizielle Gedenkfeier abgehalten. (TNG: )
  • {{La USS Hera era un'astronave federale in servizio nella Flotta Stellare durante il 24° secolo. Al momento della sua scomparsa, nel 2370, la Hera era sotto il comando del capitano Silva La Forge la madre di Geordi. Questa nave aveva un equipaggio di oltre trecento persone, consistente principalmente in Vulcaniani. Le bobine di curvatura erano dotate di Iniziatori Trionici. Alla fine del 2369, sette mesi prima della sparizione, Silva La Forge assume il comando della nave stellare. Per festeggiare il capitano La Forge organizza una festa per il suo nuovo equipaggio.
  • De USS Hera was een Federatie sterrenschip in dienst tijdens de 24e eeuw. In 2370 stond het schip onder leiding van kapitein Silva La Forge. Er waren ongeveer 400 bemanningsleden aan boord, waarvan het grootste gedeelte uit Vulcans bestond. Tijdens een routine vlucht vanaf ruimtestation Deep Space 3 verdween de Hera op mysterieuze wijze. Er werd een grote zoekactie op touw gezet door de USS Excelsior en de USS Noble, maar deze konden het schip niet traceren. Het schip werd als verloren beschouwd en er werd een herdenkingsdienst op Vulcan gehouden. (TNG: "Interface")
  • The USS Hera was a Federation starship operated by Starfleet during the late 24th century. Prior to the ship's disappearance in 2370, the Hera was under the command of Captain Silva La Forge. This starship had a crew of over three hundred that consisted mainly of Vulcans. The Hera's warp coils used trionic initiators. In late 2369, seven months before the ship's disappearance, Silva La Forge assumed command of the starship. To celebrate, Captain La Forge hosted a party for her crew. Her son Geordi La Forge attended the party; however, he did not come over and speak with his mother.
  • 2370
  • Missing
  • USS Hera
  • porté disparu
  • USS Hera
  • Hera
  • USS
  • En la mitología griega, reina de los dioses, hija de los titanes Cronos y Rea, hermana y mujer del dios Zeus. Hera era la diosa del matrimonio y la protectora de las mujeres casadas. Mujer celosa, Hera perseguía a menudo a las amantes y a los hijos de Zeus. Nunca olvidó una injuria y se la conocía por su naturaleza vengativa. Irritada con el príncipe troyano Paris por haber preferido a Afrodita, diosa del amor, antes que a ella, Hera ayudó a los griegos en la guerra de Troya y no se apaciguó hasta que Troya quedó destruida. Se suele identificar a Hera con la diosa romana Juno.
  • L' USS Hera était un vaisseau de la Fédération, affilié à Starfleet durant la 2ème moitié du 24ème siècle.
  • {{La USS Hera era un'astronave federale in servizio nella Flotta Stellare durante il 24° secolo. Al momento della sua scomparsa, nel 2370, la Hera era sotto il comando del capitano Silva La Forge la madre di Geordi. Questa nave aveva un equipaggio di oltre trecento persone, consistente principalmente in Vulcaniani. Le bobine di curvatura erano dotate di Iniziatori Trionici. Alla fine del 2369, sette mesi prima della sparizione, Silva La Forge assume il comando della nave stellare. Per festeggiare il capitano La Forge organizza una festa per il suo nuovo equipaggio. L'anno seguente, tre settimane prima della sua scomparsa, la Hera ricevette diversi nuovi trasferimenti, tra cui un ingegnere capo che amava "spremere" i suoi motori. Una settimana dopo la [[nave era nello stesso settore della USS Enterprise-D. Dieci giorni prima della sua scomparsa la Hera viaggiò nei pressi del pianeta Marijne VII prima di giungere a Deep Space 3. Il giorno dopo, dopo aver ricevuto i suoi ordini di missione, la nave ripartì e rimase in comunicazione con la stazione spaziale per i successivi cinque giorni. Al sesto giorno la stazione non fu in grado di mettersi in collegamento con la nave, la quale venne dichiarata dispersa tre giorni dopo. Si diede inizio a una ricerca massiccia gestita dalla USS Excelsior e dalla USS Noble, ma non si riuscì a scoprire alcuna traccia della nave. A questo punto la nave venne dichiarata perdute e si tenne un servizio funebre per l'equipaggio su Vulcano. (TNG: "L'interfaccia")
  • The USS Hera (NCC-62006) was a Nebula Class Heavy Cruiser in service in the 24th century. In 2370, the Hera, under the command of Captain Silva La Forge, with a crew comprised mainly of Vulcan, mysteriously disappeared. Although a massive search was mounted, no trace of the vessel or its crew was ever found. The ship was believed to have been destroyed and a memorial service was held for the crew.
  • Die USS Hera ist ein Raumschiff der Föderation aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Dieses Schiff wird von Captain Silva La Forge, der Mutter von Geordi La Forge, kommandiert. Die Besatzung besteht zum größten Teil aus Vulkaniern, insgesamt sind 300 Personen an Bord. Im Jahr 2370 verschwindet sie spurlos. Nachdem eine sechstägige Suche der USS Excelsior und USS Noble erfolglos bleibt, geht man davon aus, dass die Hera vernichtet worden ist. Auf Vulkan wird daraufhin eine offizielle Gedenkfeier abgehalten. (TNG: )
  • De USS Hera was een Federatie sterrenschip in dienst tijdens de 24e eeuw. In 2370 stond het schip onder leiding van kapitein Silva La Forge. Er waren ongeveer 400 bemanningsleden aan boord, waarvan het grootste gedeelte uit Vulcans bestond. Tijdens een routine vlucht vanaf ruimtestation Deep Space 3 verdween de Hera op mysterieuze wijze. Er werd een grote zoekactie op touw gezet door de USS Excelsior en de USS Noble, maar deze konden het schip niet traceren. Het schip werd als verloren beschouwd en er werd een herdenkingsdienst op Vulcan gehouden. (TNG: "Interface") Ook de USS Intrepid en de USS T'Kumbra bestaan voor een groot deel uit Vulcans.
  • The USS Hera was a Federation starship operated by Starfleet during the late 24th century. Prior to the ship's disappearance in 2370, the Hera was under the command of Captain Silva La Forge. This starship had a crew of over three hundred that consisted mainly of Vulcans. The Hera's warp coils used trionic initiators. In late 2369, seven months before the ship's disappearance, Silva La Forge assumed command of the starship. To celebrate, Captain La Forge hosted a party for her crew. Her son Geordi La Forge attended the party; however, he did not come over and speak with his mother. The following year, three weeks before her disappearance, the Hera received several new transfers including a chief engineer who liked to "juice" the engines. She was considered by her captain as one of the best technicians in the fleet. A week later, the Hera was in the same sector as the USS Enterprise-D. At this point, the chief engineer was experimenting with the warp drive. Ten days before the ship's disappearance, the Hera traveled close to the planet Marijne VII before arriving at Deep Space 3. A day later, after receiving her orders, the ship departed DS3 on a routine courier mission, and was in communication with the space station for five days. Shortly afterwards, the station failed to establish a connection with the ship, and three days later, the Hera was declared missing. The ship's last reported position was over 300 light years from Marijne VII. A massive search mounted by the USS Excelsior and the USS Noble failed to discover any trace of the ship. The ship was believed lost and a memorial service was later held for the crew on Vulcan. (TNG: "Interface" ) Like the Hera, the USS Intrepid and USS T'Kumbra also had predominantly Vulcan crews. According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 334) , the Hera was a Nebula-class starship with the registry number NCC-62006. The reference work further noted that the Hera was "named for the Greek goddess Hera, wife of Zeus and queen of the gods." The fate of the Hera was revealed in the novel Indistinguishable from Magic.
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