  • Zennan
  • The Zennans were a humanoid species native to the planet Zenna IV. They were a friendly species that embrace all strangers as friends, and encourage outsiders to emigrate to their world. Their outgoing personalities also extend to their architecture and fashion, living in bright colorful high-gabled houses, and wearing togas and other outlandish clothing.
  • The Zennans were a humanoid species native to the planet Zenna IV. They were a friendly species that embrace all strangers as friends, and encourage outsiders to emigrate to their world. Their outgoing personalities also extend to their architecture and fashion, living in bright colorful high-gabled houses, and wearing togas and other outlandish clothing. (TOS novel: The Covenant of the Crown)
  • The Zennans were a humanoid species native to the planet Zenna IV. They were a friendly species that embrace all strangers as friends, and encourage outsiders to emigrate to their world. Their outgoing personalities also extend to their architecture and fashion, living in bright colorful high-gabled houses, and wearing togas and other outlandish clothing.
  • The Zennans were a humanoid species native to the planet Zenna IV. They were a friendly species that embrace all strangers as friends, and encourage outsiders to emigrate to their world. Their outgoing personalities also extend to their architecture and fashion, living in bright colorful high-gabled houses, and wearing togas and other outlandish clothing. (TOS novel: The Covenant of the Crown)