  • Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian
  • The Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian was a sort of religious caretaker who took care of the Temple of V'ei'ka and Tomb of the V'ei'ka, a temple found on Ingza Prime which was dedicated to the goddess V'ei'ka, primary goddess of the Ingzan religion. Temple of V'ei'ka Guardians wore a special Ts'shúkí called the Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian Ts'shúkí. Due to their extremely beautiful design and rarity Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian Ts'shúkís were highly sought after by collectors. Because hardly any have ever been sold a price is hard to estimate, one was sold for 300,000 Imperial Yauka.
  • The Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian was a sort of religious caretaker who took care of the Temple of V'ei'ka and Tomb of the V'ei'ka, a temple found on Ingza Prime which was dedicated to the goddess V'ei'ka, primary goddess of the Ingzan religion. They also acted as high priestesses/priests for the V'ei'ka. They sometimes also blessed members of the public on behalf of the V'ei'ka, if she was unable to do so herself. They were the chief servants of V'ei'ka, they served as the right hand of V'ei'ka and her mortal incarnations. They held a high position in Ingzan religion and society, and were revered and worshipped by the public, though not as much as the V'ei'ka. Temple of V'ei'ka Guardians wore a special Ts'shúkí called the Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian Ts'shúkí. Due to their extremely beautiful design and rarity Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian Ts'shúkís were highly sought after by collectors. Because hardly any have ever been sold a price is hard to estimate, one was sold for 300,000 Imperial Yauka.