  • Exposition of Immortality/Playing With
  • Basic Trope: He's an immortal / extremely long-lived supernatural. Look at his immortality. * Straight: The immortal character remembers, dreams of or otherwise shows things that demonstrate his longevity. * Exaggerated: The immortal has a huge collection of things collected through the ages and remembers a similar thing he did 500 years ago every time he possibly can. * Downplayed: The immortal makes choices that seem old fashioned, but can be otherwise attributed to eccentricity. * Justified: ??? * Inverted: The immortal goes to great lengths to keep up with current trends and fashions. * Subverted: The immortal doesn't have any of the things that might demonstrate his unusual age. * Double Subverted: ...except for that one thing. * Parodied: * The immor
  • Basic Trope: He's an immortal / extremely long-lived supernatural. Look at his immortality. * Straight: The immortal character remembers, dreams of or otherwise shows things that demonstrate his longevity. * Exaggerated: The immortal has a huge collection of things collected through the ages and remembers a similar thing he did 500 years ago every time he possibly can. * Downplayed: The immortal makes choices that seem old fashioned, but can be otherwise attributed to eccentricity. * Justified: ??? * Inverted: The immortal goes to great lengths to keep up with current trends and fashions. * Subverted: The immortal doesn't have any of the things that might demonstrate his unusual age. * Double Subverted: ...except for that one thing. * Parodied: * The immortal maintains a huge and obvious collection of artifacts that actually aren't proof of his long life. * The trope in the form of a Visual Pun. * Deconstructed: The trope is played in such a way to show various logical and moral problems with the trope as normally played. * Reconstructed: The trope is played straight, but with the problems brought up by the Deconstruction dealt with or addressed. * Zig Zagged: The trope is Played With several times over until it becomes a Mind Screw. * Averted: Neither the trope nor the situation in which it would occur is ever brought up. * Enforced: Something in Real Life that causes Executive Meddling and/or the authors to use the trope. * Lampshaded: The immortal may say something like "What, did you think I'd keep something proving I'm a thousand years old lying around where anyone can find it?" * Invoked: A Genre Savvy Character sets up a situation where the trope can occur. * Exploited: A Genre Savvy Character takes advantage of the fact that the trope will occur, possibly-- but not necessarily-- Invoking it in the process. * Defied: A Genre Savvy Character tries to prevent a trope from happening. * Discussed: Genre Savvy Characters talk about the trope in a situation where it is likely to happen. * Conversed: Genre Savvy Characters talk about the trope in a Show Within a Show. * Played For Laughs: Declarations of immortality are met with flat disbelief or a character who is depicted as very old, but never directly referred to as immortal, does something that suggests they are. Like claiming your place of birth is a prehistoric continent. * Played For Drama: The trope is played in the most melodramatic way possible. * Plotted A Good Waste: The (normally unintentional) trope is used quite intentionally. Back to Exposition of Immortality